Monday, October 28, 2024

Media: The double standard

Love is all around.  For seven seasons, from fall 1970 to spring 1977, that's how THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW opened each week, with the theme "Love Is All Around."  Not all theme songs have lyrics -- then or now. 





And we can understand that.  For example, what do you write for BREAKNG POINTS?  "She's got a brain and he's got the herps, Krystal pairs up with the king of the twerps"? You can hum it and it's accurate -- as accurate as anything Saagar serves up on BREAKING POINTS -- but it wouldn't help pull in an audience. 


 Last week, the little twerp was offended by that his sexual master Donald Trump was being exposed for a Nazi fetish.  


 Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, who served first under Trump as his secretary of homeland security, then as his chief of staff, delivered interviews this week in which he described his former boss as a fascist as well, offering up alternate descriptors of “authoritarian” and “dictator,” for the thesaurus-minded among readers. He also recalled that Trump “commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too,’” a replay of a 2021 sound bite, and in another interview recalled Trump speaking wistfully of “Hitler’s generals,” resurfacing another old chestnut that made headlines in 2022 and subsequently appears to have vacated the population’s minds.


Kelly recalled asking for clarification that Trump meant Hitler’s generals, and upon receiving it, Kelly reminded Trump, “You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?” There have been two apparent assassination attempts on Trump in the past three months alone.

Trump's admiration of Hitler is so old-hat that his late ex-wife Ivana Trump revealed in a 1990 Vanity Fair article that Trump kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches, My New Order, in a cabinet beside his bed.


At DEFENSE ONE, James Kitfield noted:

As a coda to two decades covering the post-9/11 conflicts as a correspondent, I wrote a book in 2021 profiling the 25 Medal of Honor recipients from the nation’s longest wars. Theirs are stories of never surrendering despite harrowing odds, of facing death and finding the courage and faith not to be cowed, of wearing their profound scars -- both physical as well as mental -- like badges of honor. There is wisdom and warrior fierceness in those narratives, but also acts of profound tenderness and love. The common theme running throughout is troops united in a cause greater than themselves, caught in a brush with eternity and choosing to risk and even forfeit their own lives to save their brothers in arms. Their heroism and self-sacrifice is awe-inspiring, and explains why those privileged to lead them in combat consider these uniformed volunteers and their teammates America’s “New Greatest Generation.”

Donald Trump cannot fathom any of that.

As if we needed reminding, the former and possibly future commander-in-chief continues to prove in the crudest terms imaginable that he views the U.S. military from a deep well of incomprehension, not as a sacred trust to be honored by any leader, but rather as an instrument of self-aggrandizement and brute force. That was the message behind Trump’s recent description of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which he has bestowed on supporters and major campaign donors, as “much better” than the Medal of Honor, because service members who receive the nation’s highest military honor have either “been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.”

Militaries always have an irresistible allure to “wannabe dictators,” to borrow a phrase from Gen. Mark Milley, whom Trump appointed Joint Chiefs chairman. Trump has made no secret of his yearning to deploy the active force onto the streets of America to strike fear into his domestic political opponents, who he chillingly called “the enemy from within” in a recent Fox interview. He has also repeatedly telegraphed his intention to use the military to quell a supposed crime wave in Democratic-led cities, and to conduct the largest deportation in our nation’s history of immigrants and “radical left thugs” that “live like vermin” inside the United States and are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

Given Trump's Nazi-esque rhetoric, it’s not surprising -- yet still extraordinary -- that his former chief of staff, retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, recently confirmed that Trump repeatedly praised Adolf Hitler’s generals for their perceived blind loyalty, and wanted U.S. military leaders more in the mold of the German Wehrmacht under the Nazis. Nor is it surprising that Milley, now retired, has called his former boss the “most dangerous person to this country” and a “fascist to the core.”

Decades of covering the U.S. military as a reporter taught me that even retired generals and admirals are instinctively resistant to engaging in partisan politics. They have been inculcated from their first days as cadets or newly minted lieutenants with the principle that the military must stay above the partisan fray in a democracy and submit to civilian authority. Their leaders know that the nonpartisan nature of the U.S. military helps explain why it has long remained the nation’s most respected institution.

I also know from talking with many of Milley’s contemporaries, both on-the-record and privately, that they share his dire assessment, and genuinely fear for their country should Trump return to the Oval Office. That’s why so many of the most notable military and national security leaders of the past two decades of war have recently broken with long tradition to publicly warn that he is manifestly unfit to serve again as commander-in-chief. No fewer than 741 former high-ranking national security and military leaders -- including 233 general and flag officers, 15 four-star generals, and 10 former service secretaries -- recently signed a letter endorsing Kamala Harris for president. They warn that Trump is “too impulsive and ill-informed” to entrust with the world’s most powerful fighting force.

That's disturbing.  And when the craven can't deny the disturbing charges, they work to distract.  

So Donald's fan boy Saagar last week launched an attack on Gen Kelly and Saagar launched a defense of the Nazis. Trump likes Nazis?  Well so what, Saagar insists, "I mean, by the way, I've tried to avoid this discussion but, you know, what's his name -- Kelly brought up like 'Oh, did you mean Bismarck's generals, did you mean the Kaiser's generals, did you mean Hitler's generals?'  There is a discussion to be had about who the best generals were between Bismarck, Kaiser and Hitler or whatever.  Don't forget Heinz Guderian was never prosecuted by the Nuremberg trials.  He was the chief of staff of the  Wehrmacht under Hitler."

Saagar's defending a War Criminal.  No, he wasn't tried at Nuremberg.  That's because the Americans captured him and he ratted out his fellow Nazis so the American government protected him and refused to turn him over to the governments of Poland or Russia -- both of which wanted to try him for War Crimes. There's no excuse for Saagar defending and justifying Guderian.  There's no excuse for defending Nazis.  That's not open to debate.

Is that what Saagar really wants BREAKING POINTS to be known as?  An apologist for Hitler?

There's no excuse for the nonsense.  Real stakes are at play in this election.

The economy?  Julia Conley (COMMON DREAMS) points out, "Recipients of the prestigious Nobel Prize for economics said in a letter Thursday that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has outlined an economic agenda that would be 'more sustainable and more equitable' than the policies proposed by Republican contender Donald Trump." Jake Johnson (COMMON DREAMS) adds, "As Republican nominee Donald Trump advances proposals that would further enrich the wealthiest Americans and profitable corporations, an analysis published Wednesday found that Vice President Kamala Harris' tax policy agenda would on average hike taxes on the nation's top 1% while cutting them for every other income group."


It's a real issue.  But the media's not interested in real issues.  And besides, as Van Jones rightly pointed out last week on CNN, the media is administering an exam and "He gets to be lawless but she has to be flawless."  Trump can and does say any nutty thing he wants, any racist thing he wants, but Kamala's the one they critique and come down on.  Donald Trump states he wants to suspend the Constitution?  And we get stuck with CNN's Dana Bash pooh-pahhing Kamala's plan for housing -- a plan that Dana never addresses or even summarizes.  As Natasha S. Alford (GRIO) explained, "Van Jones' comments about the double standard between what is expected of Harris and what Trump can get away with connects to a phenomenon known as 'tightrope bias.'  Tightrope bias is defined as 'a narrow range of acceptable workplace behavior for women, people of color and other marginalized groups,' which isn't applied to certain men in power."


Even without that very real bias, real issues are hard for the media because real issues require work and there's no one lazier than TV hosts passing themselves off as journalists.  


Real issues?  Healthcare?  


In Clarkston, Georgia, last week, Kamala Harris spoke about healthcare:


THE VICE PRESIDENT: Ours is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom — for freedom, like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do.  (Applause.)

And we — we remember how we got here.  Donald Trump hand-selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade, and they did as he intended.  And now, in America, one in three women lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban. 

I don’t need to tell the folks here: Except for Virginia, in every state in the South, including Georgia, there is a Trump abortion ban, many with no exceptions even for rape and incest. 

And let me tell you, the idea that someone who survives a crime of a violation to their body would be told they don’t have the authority to make a decision about what happens to their body next — that is immoral.  It is immoral.  It is immoral.  (Applause.) 

And everybody here knows, one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do.  (Applause.)  Not the government.  If she chooses, she will talk with her pastor, her priest, her rabbi, her imam, but not the government, not some folks up in a state capitol telling her what to do with her own body. 

And notice, Donald Trump still refuses to even acknowledge the pain and the suffering he has caused. 

He insists that, quote, “everybody” wanted for Roe v. Wade to be overturned —

     AUDIENCE:  Booo —

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  — which is just a further example of how out of touch the man is.  Everybody wanted this?  Women are being denied care during miscarriages, some only being treated once they develop sepsis.  They didn’t want this. 

Couples just trying to grow their family have been cut off in the middle of IVF treatments.  They didn’t want this. 

Women have died because of these bans, including a young mother of a six-year-old son right here in Georgia.  Her family is here with us tonight, and we speak her name: Amber Nicole Thurman.  (Applause.)

And you all have heard me say, look, I do believe Donald Trump to be an unserious man, and the consequences of him ever being president again are brutally serious. 

These are just some of the consequences of the Trump abortion bans and what he does and what he’s likely to do. 

And I pledge to you, when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as president of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.  (Applause.)  Proudly.


If you've missed it, the Gaza Freaks (people who don't really care about the Palestinians) dismiss this issue as "White woman wanting abortions."  It's so much more than that and, as is always the case with US healthcare, it's women of color who bear the brunt of ROE V WADE being overturned.  And they're the ones being arrested for miscarrying.  Those are points the media refuses to recognize -- All Things Media Big and Small -- but they are points that Michelle Obama recognizes.


That's not the only aspect of Kamala's healthcare plan.   Nancy J. Altman (COMMON DREAMS) explains another aspect:

Kamala Harris has a plan to expand Medicare to include home care. If Harris is elected president and signs her plan into law, it will be life-changing for millions of seniors and people with disabilities. Importantly, it builds upon President Franklin Roosevelt’s vision for a New Deal for the American people.

Vice President Harris should get enormous praise for her groundbreaking proposal. Long-term care is a looming challenge that’s barely getting discussed. Harris recognizes this challenge and is offering an important solution: Medicare At Home.

Harris’s Medicare At Home plan would expand economic security by creating a new universal benefit, in the grand tradition of President Franklin Roosevelt and his visionary Secretary of Labor, Frances Perkins.

In 1934, President Roosevelt considered adopting a comprehensive cradle-to-grave program of economic security. Ultimately, he decided to start more slowly and incrementally with what became the Social Security Act of 1935, which, among many other achievements, created Social Security and unemployment insurance. He recognized that Social Security was too important to risk failure by beginning too ambitiously.

A decade later, in 1944, having just been elected for the fourth time, FDR built on this legacy by calling for an economic bill of rights in his State of the Union address. This so-called Second Bill of Rights would give every American the right to comprehensive economic security, including a first–rate education; guaranteed employment at a living wage – “enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation”; a decent home; “adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health”; as well as “adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.”

He understood, as Vice President Harris does, that people want the right, the ability, and the assistance necessary to age in place, with dignity and independence. In a capitalist system like ours, where working families are dependent on wages, economic security requires insurance against the loss of those wages, which Social Security and Unemployment Insurance provide. That is necessary, but it is not sufficient. Economic security and a decent and dignified life also require getting the care you need, including home care.


Another serious issue is climate.  Olivia Rosane (COMMON DREAMS) reports, "Saying that the upcoming U.S. presidential election could be the most important ever for the future of science, a group of 82 Nobel Prize winners in medicine, physics, chemistry, and economics signed an open letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and warning against allowing former President Donald Trump to return to the Oval Office." Also on climate, Jake Johnson (COMMON DREAMS) notes:

A coalition of leading U.S. environmental groups warned Thursday that a third-party vote in next month's election could help usher in climate disaster by improving Republican nominee Donald Trump's chances of victory, a risk they said the planet can't afford as time runs out to avert catastrophic warming.

Voting for Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, in the November 5 election is imperative because they represent "our best chance at making more progress over the next four years," 350 Action, the Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund, Climate Emergency Action, Earthjustice Action, Food and Water Action, Friends of the Earth Action, and other climate groups wrote in an open letter addressed to "potential supporters of Jill Stein or Cornel West."

As we've noted repeatedly in the last weeks, if the Democratic Party thought 'independent' media would help them -- THE NATION, THE PROGRESSIVE, DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES, etc, etc -- they were sadly mistaken.  The racists and Gaza Freaks (and they can be -- and often are -- one and the same) have spent weeks and weeks trashing Kamala.  At THE PROGRESSIVE, Joel A. Bowman Sr has an article written for another publication whose subheadline is "The GOP exploits Black Republicans to cover for its own racism."


Indeed.  And so does THE PROGRESSIVE.  They exploit a Black preacher to cover for their own racism.  They trash Kamala constantly.  She's on the cover of their latest print magazine.  Right now, though?  They're hoping it sales as little as every other issue of their rag.  Because people picking it up are going to find articles praising her White male running mate Tim Walz but no praise for her.  So, yeah, THE PROGRESSIVE is exploiting Black voices to cover for its own racism. 

Eman Abdelhadi is a Gaza Freak and a professor.  Mainly, she's a stupid person.  Deeply, deeply stupid.

IN THESE TIMES elected to publish her stupidity:

Now they want our votes.

They say they have earned them by showing a little more empathy towards those poor Palestinians they happened to kill.

Vice President Harris, we hear your shift in tone.

But …

Your tone will not resurrect the dead.

Your tone will not shelter the living.

Your tone will not pull bombs out of the sky.

Your tone is not enough.

Genocide Joe would still be on the ticket if it were not for this movement, for all of us. Our movement is one of the main reasons that you are now the Democratic candidate for President in the most powerful country on the planet.

You, Vice President Harris, get to run for office because we ousted your predecessor right here in these streets. But it was never just about him. It was about the 40,000 Palestinians he helped kill.


So much of the above is garbage.  First, professor, you killed them.  If you believe the US government killed 40,000 Palestinians -- she gave the speech in August -- then that is on you because you are a US citizen.  So grasp that your hands -- by your own argument -- have blood on them.  And, unlike Rachel Corrie, you haven't gone to Palestine and put any skin in the game.  You're just another mouthy do-nothing.


But we appreciate your speech in that it made clear that there was nothing Kamala could do or say that would ever reach you.  Gaza Freaks don't want to help the Palestinian people, they just want to feel morally superior.  The deaths are worth it for the Gaza Freaks as long as they get to strike a pose.


Third, you didn't do s**t.  What a liar you are. 


Abandon Biden and Uncommitted?  They did nothing.


That's not why Joe stepped aside.  You're a damn liar, a cheap ass liar.  And if people believed your lies, that's on them.  


You didn't oust Joe Biden -- certainly not in the streets.  You didn't do a damn thing.  Big money donors did.  We denied support for the campaign, we made clear that there would be no more money forthcoming.  And we did that because of Joe's debate performance (for most, we did not join the push until Joe sat down for the ABC interview shortly after).  It had nothing to do with Gaza.

You're a liar.  You pretend to have power that you don't have and use that pretense to mislead others.

Gaza Freaks, .leaders like Eman Abdelhadi are liars.  And if you doubt that at this late date, we probably can't persuade you otherwise but let's give it one try.  At the end of her lousy speech, she insisted she would be out in the streets every day.  

Well, it's weeks and weeks later, and not only has she not protested daily, she hasn't done anything.  Truth be told, she never will.  And maybe your idiots for listening to a woman who Tweeted on October 7th, "It's a morning of freedom."

You fell for a fake ass.

And that's easy to do these days with so many liars and whores out there.

Call the fluffer -- could that be worked into a theme song for Joe Rogan's podcast show? We wonder  because, as a NEWSRADIO co-star pointed out to us recently, if it weren't for Viagra, his wind sock never would have gotten hard for a woman. Watching Joe is sad because he's so fat, ugly and bald.  He's like Matt Taibbi but, unlike Matt, Joe did have a cute period -- back in the 90s.  

He wasn't any smarter back then but he was happier.  Bitter didn't set in until the pounds piled on and the hair fell off.  He spent last week making nice with the Convicted Felon. 

There wasn't a lie that Donald uttered that Joe didn't fall for.  In fact, we're glad the interview didn't take place on COMEDIANS IN CARS GETTING COFFEE because we could just picture it ending in the back seat with Joe getting assaulted by Trump like so many women have.

Instead, Joe just sat there with puppy dogs eyes for Trump and open mouthed, saliva spilling out, as Trump lied and lied again.  CNN's Daniel Dale counts 32 lies in the broadcast.

Our favorite lie?  It's so difficult to choose.  But Trump's lie about visiting Iraq especially stood out because Joe just nodded -- and groped himself? -- along.

Reality, Donald Trump visited Iraq only once during his four years as president.  He snuck in the country for a three hour visit.  While the visit suffered from time limitations, there was no cap on lies.  As BBC NEWS reported in real time:

The president told the [US] soldiers he had secured a 10% wage increase for them, after learning their pay had been stagnant for "more than 10 years".

In fact armed forces personnel have received a pay rise in each of the past 10 years. The increase for 2019, approved by the president in August, will be 2.6%.

Joe Rogan is an uneducated idiot.  And that's why we weren't surprised he just nodded along as Donald invented one 'historical' tale after another.  But it didn't take an education -- higher or otherwise -- to know Donald was lying when he declared (yet again) that parents were dropping children off at school with one gender and then being shocked at after school pick up to discover the school had performed genital surgery on them.  That has never once happened in this country and common sense is all that you needed to possess to grasp Trump was again lying.  But Joe Rogan has no common sense.


While Rogan was letting one lie after another pass by, Black women have been noting how the so-called left publications and programs continue to dismiss, attack and degrade Kamala Harris, noting it all along.  And last week, it finally surfaced in the corporate media.  Van Jones, as noted earlier.  And then there was another CNN moment when Charlamagne tha God and Angela Rye spoke with Anderson Cooper,  see the TABITHA SPEAKS video below.

What's been talked about for weeks finally hit the corporate media and it did so without the help of DEMOCRACY NOW! or THE NATION -- two outlets owned and run by White women who grew up wealthy and who prefer to see Black women as mammies or maids -- but no one's supposed to notice that about Amy Goodman and Katrina vanden Heuvel.  

Love is all around?  In better times.  In times when the country -- regardless of political party -- could be outraged by Richard Nixon's abuses.  These days, it's not just Republicans who struggle to confront a criminal like Donald Trump -- it's also a lot of our left media, even more of our corporate media and Gaza Freaks and Greens.  

Truest statement of the week

A note to our readers


Hey --


Let's thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen, 
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.


And what did we come up with? 




-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.





If you care, you're voting Kamala (C.I.)

If you care, you're voting Kamala

An e-mail asked what I think of the Gaza coverage?  I cry over it.  I also laugh. 

Let's deal with the laughter first. I laugh at what the Gaza Freaks do.  Gaza Freaks are the idiots who are backing Donald Trump or Jill Stein.  Backing either will put Donald Trump into the White House and that will harm the Palestinians.

I laugh at it because they erode support for the Palestinian people.

The Gaza Freaks made a decision and the sane people had to make a decision.  The sane people -- and I'm in that group -- have to focus on the United States where there will be a presidential election in a matter of days.

Without the sane people, the Palestinians are being destroyed in the world of public opinion.  Because Gaza Freaks are freaks.  They don't know to persuade anyone.  They don't know how to communicate.  Without the voices of sanity, you're left with scary Medea Benjamin and her kind -- the same embarrassing con artists that pick up causes and drop them repeatedly.  Medea didn't help Palestinians in the summer of 2006 and she's not helping them today.  

The sane voices?  We know how to structure an argument.  We know how to emphasize and how to choose what to emphasize to make an effective argument.  Our attention is elsewhere currently -- as it should be.  And without us, there's no movement on this issue.  More people are not coming to support the cause and, in fact, a fatigue has set in.

That's because Gaza Freaks don't know how to talk to others.  

CBS does a bad report on the Palestinians?  I can get on the phone with a producer there and make an argument about what was wrong and misguided and unfair.  Gaza Freaks can't.  

So they write their poorly thought out columns and make their asinine statements and the American people tune them out.  Over and over.

Two idiots at COMMON DREAMS prove their stupidity yet again.  I'll be kind and not name one of them because he clearly thinks he's helping.  He's not.  I have no problem naming Ralph Nader.

I'm not anti-Ralph.  

We noted every press release his campaign sent to the public e-mail account in 2008, for example.  I've noted him at other times as well.  And he has his strengths.  He's not a bad person.

But electoral politics?  That's not a strength for Ralph.  Yes, he remains the most successful presidential nominee the Green Party has ever had but, again, we're talking about the Green Party.

Ralph's fired off another missive and COMMON DREAMS has posted it.


If we're going to hear from Ralph, in 2024, ahead of a presidential election, the only thing we need to hear from him is: I was wrong to run in 2000.

Because he was.  

He had no plans.  He had nothing to offer.  In a ROLLING STONE interview, he attacked feminists for not joining him in his war on high-heels.

I'm not joking.  He dismissed the issue of reproductive rights but wanted women to get behind him because he was opposed to high heels.

First off, Ralph, Cybill Shepherd beat you to that cause by many, many years.  Second of all, some women want to wear high heels.  But then you don't respect women's choices which is why, third of all, you would dismiss concerns about abortion rights.

Ralph is one of the reasons we got the Iraq War.  He is not the only reason.  And Al Gore could have run a better campaign.  Equally true, left media -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, et al -- could've stopped whoring for Ralph Nader and trashing Al Gore.

Ralph was not prepared to be president and had nothing to offer.

He still doesn't.

He's an activist.  So am I.  I'm not stupid enough -- or vain enough -- to think I could be president.  I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses.

Ralph still won't admit to his.  Over a million Iraqis are dead as result of Ralph Nader's nonsense.

And COMMON DREAMS thinks we need to hear from him right now ahead of an election?

Again, the only thing we need to hear from him is an apology to the American people and especially to the Iraqi people.

Now there is another column he could write.  The one that he believes in which is that he should have run and that he has no regrets.

That's a column people need to read and should be reading ahead of an election.

Because over one million Iraqis are dead.

And Ralph won't take responsibility.

Over one million Iraqis are dead because Ralph didn't know what the f**k he was doing and still doesn't.

By him announcing his continued pride in his vanity campaign of 2000, he'd be making clear just what an idiot Jill Stein is right now with her vanity campaign.

Ralph's a great activist.  And in 1996 people started telling him he should be president.  In 2000, he agreed with them and officially ran a campaign for president.

He won votes.  I'm not attacking the people who voted for him.  But it's 24 years later and he still can't get honest about the effect his failed run had.  It's 24 years later and he still can't grasp that he lacks the skills to be a president.  Or, for that matter, Congressional support to rule.

Were the hideous JD Vance or Ron DeSantis or whomever the GOP's presidential candidate, I don't know that this election would be as important as it is.  I'm being honest.  But I knew last year that whomever the Democratic Party nominee was, I would have to vote for that person.  Because this isn't 2016.  Or even 2020.  We saw what Donald did after he lost.  We saw what he would stoop to.  We know what he has done via testimony.  We know now how bad it was when he was in the White House.  We know he is a danger and a threat to democracy.

This isn't, "Oh, he's a bad candiate, I'm gong to vote for John Kerry instead."

This is: He's a despot who was barely kept in check when he was in the White House before and now, thanks to a corrupt Supreme Court, if he goes back into the White House, he does so with no limits.  

This is not minor.

Unless you're a Gaza Freak.

I'm just not in the mood for you idiots and crazies who are willing to tank the United States.

You Gaza Freaks don't care enough to go over there,  Rachel Corrie cared about the Palestinians.  She gave her life for them.  All you Gaza Freaks do is whine and gripe and fail to realize the world around you.

You loathe the Israeli government.  It's an apartheid government, so it is loathsome.

But you don't realize the environment you are in.  

The Israeli government and the US government have been allies for years. Should they be?

I don't think so.  I don't think a democracy supports a government that enforces apartheid.  But, again, I was actively calling out the US government for recognizing and partnering with apartheid South Africa.  And that took years and years.  Now it could move quicker here, things do move quicker these days.  But we still aren't at a place in this country where enough people can press Congress on this.  We're not at the tipping point on this issue.  We could be.  If it weren't Gaza Freaks and  their trashing Kamala, we could all be working on this.  But instead, you've made those of us trying to save the country have to focus even more on that because of your uneducated, foolish and stupid actions and statements.

We're not a place, in this country, with the elections days away, where someone can be elected president by saying all the things you demand Kamala say.  

You haven't done the work, you haven't put in the time.  But you're like the idiots on the left (I'm on the left) who are forever looking for some rich sugar daddy to save them.

Remember those idiots?

One of them is Ralph Nader. 

In 2009, what book did he release?  ONLY THE SUPER-RICH CAN SAVE US!

You want short cuts, you don't want to do the work required.

To change US policy with regards to Israel takes a lot more work than the Gaza Freaks are willing to do.

They just know they can rally behind one person who can do all the work for them. Yes, they are that stupid.  Con artist Jill Stein pretends to be that person.

Not only can she not deliver on that, if her votes cost Kamala the election, you can be sure there will be a backlash to the Palestinian issue.  When Ralph's nonsense campaign helped put Bully Boy Bush in the White House, his various causes were no longer concerns of the American people and various organizations he had been part of -- and even organizations he himself had started -- had to distance themselves from Ralph publicly in order to survive.

So grifter Jill is playing a very dangerous game -- one she cannot win but wants to play for her own vanity even though it could serious destroy the Palestinian people. 
And that's why I cry.  Because lives are at stake.

And the Palestinian people matter.  

The current slaughter is only the latest slaughter.  Kamala in the White House and all of us doing the work required?  That could result in actual freedom for the Palestinians, not just a cease-fire.  

Donald in the White House?

If you think those of us trying to save democracy right now aren't helping the Gaza Freaks, grasp how Trump back in the White House means we're going to have to work that much harder protecting the American people.  We're not going to be able to help the Gaza freaks.  We'll be too busy trying to protect journalists and Donald's political rivals, and people of color, and people of color who are immigrants, and women who need real healthcare, and the LGBTQ+ community, and our schools, and our doctors, and . . .

And while we're doing all of that work?  Donald's going to be destroying the Palestinian people.

Gaza Freaks are destroying the future for Palestinians.

That's reality.  And that's why I cry.

And if you think about, if you really think about it, and you look around and think how there's no rallying right now around the Palestinian cause, you'll grasp what happens when those of us who are sane are forced to put the issue aside because we have to deal with a local pressing issue.

Gaza Freaks aren't helping build support for the Palestinians.  And they can't even be honest about that.  I read a story about another attack in Gaza or hear about one and I want to cry.  But even though things have gotten even worse since we've had to focus on this election, the Gaza Freaks just toss this stuff out there, throw it on the wall, have no idea how to shape the content or build an argument.

Because they don't know how to do anything.  You want their bodies at a protest but you never want to put them in charge of a protest because they're not smart enough, they lack the skills.

That's the same reality when it comes to Jill Stein.

If you care about the Palestinians, you're voting for Kamala.  

You can lie and pretend otherwise but if Donald gets back in the White House, you better expect all the hate scorn you're going to get.  Because there is no chance for the Palestinian people with a Trump presidency.

You're having a hissy fit that there's no cease-fire.  But you're not adult enough or smart enough to grasp that Donald and War Criminal Netanyahu are speaking regularly on the phone.

That's just how stupid the Gaza Freaks are.

On COMMON DREAMS, I actually was going to praise them and note some of their recent articles on Kamala.  I don't have time now.  I'll pull what I can over to THIRD.  But I'm tired.  I'm damn tired.  I'm tired of having to make the argument for Kamala every day here -- seven days a week -- because idiots want to pretend that they can waste their vote on Jill Stein as they pretend that it will make no difference whether Donald Trump is in the White House again or not.

I'm tired because I'm on the road speaking to a minimum of seven groups each day about the need to vote for Kamala.

I'm tired because I'm doing the work that we all should be doing to save our country.  

I'm tired because I can't believe that the left -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES, et al -- can't get over their racism and get behind Kamala.  

I guess, for example, Katrina vanden Heuvel of THE NATION is comfortable seeing a Black woman as her mammy or a maid but not as a president.  Oops, did I go there?  Read Rebecca's "how we're going to win this election" because I might really go there here.  Rebecca's right it will probably go up in a community newsletter instead.  The reason being, I am calmer since Friday when I wrote the unpublished post -- and left the comments for Katrina -- and I realize that punishing THE NATION for what they've done means I should use those e-mails privately.  Wait until the days after the election where we big donors discuss what worked and what didn't, and, as I advocate for us to cut off all funding to the Katrina owned NATION magazine, work those e-mails into my presentation to really seal the deal.

Everybody's updated -- most of us not only wrote but we also posted the videos of Michelle Obama and Beyonce and Kelly Rowland speaking with Kamala on Friday and Saturday.  And Tina!  Tina Knowles did a great job as well.  

Michelle was so amazing and so from the heart, let me include this.

My point being I'm tired and I'm just noting this from the community sites -- it may not be the post that they wrote, you might have to go to the previous post.  Again, I'm tired.  I'm doing everything I can to see that our democracy is saved by electing Kamala Harris.  

These are the most recent posts by community sites:

  • Jill Stein will destroy us all (Jess)



    That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS  "Jill FrankenStein." And she is a monster.  She is a monster who will destroy us all.

    In 2012, I voted for Jill.  I voted for her in 2016 as well.  I'm a Green.  I will not be voting for her this year.

    And that's for a number of reasons including my party needed to pick a better nominee but instead wanted to run a two-time failure for the third time.  

    She had nothing to offer in 2016.  And I blindly put party ahead of country and voted for her so that we could have ballot access.  Ballot access is supposedly so important to us in the Green Party.  But look at the races for Congress and count the handful of actual Green Party candidates that we are running.  

    Jill's not helping the party and she's not helping the country.

    Gaza?  I care about Palestinians.  I want a cease-fire and I want so much more.  But Jill's not helping with that either.

    Donald Trump?  He's on the phone with Netanyahu all the time.  THE WASHINGTON POST reported last week that he told Netanyahu -- of the killing of Palestinians, "Do what you have to do."  

    Jill's not calling that out because Jill Stein isn't interested in helping the Palestinians.  She's interested in tanking Kamala Harris's campaign.

    And that means handing the White House over to Netanyahu's buddy Donald Trump.


     I applaud Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for putting country above party.  But when I hear whiners on the left attack Liz and Adam and others?  I just remember that we're out there too.  Green Party voters are out here.  And we're putting country above party as well and saying no to Jill Stein's vanity campaign.

    We're all pulling together to try to save the country. And only by saving the country will we really be able to help the Palestinian people.



    C.I. lied (Doma)

     In Saturday's "If you care, you're voting Kamala," C.I. wrote:

    On COMMON DREAMS, I actually was going to praise them and note some of their recent articles on Kamala.  I don't have time now.  I'll pull what I can over to THIRD.  But I'm tired.  I'm damn tired.  I'm tired of having to make the argument for Kamala every day here -- seven days a week -- because idiots want to pretend that they can waste their vote on Jill Stein as they pretend that it will make no difference whether Donald Trump is in the White House again or not.

    I'm tired because I'm on the road speaking to a minimum of seven groups each day about the need to vote for Kamala.

    I'm tired because I'm doing the work that we all should be doing to save our country.  

    I'm tired because I can't believe that the left -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, IN THESE TIMES, et al -- can't get over their racism and get behind Kamala. 


    She and Ava are scheduled with a minimum of seven groups each day.  She does not speak to a minimum of seven groups a day.  Looking over her schedule, the minimum last Sunday was twelve.  Monday through Thursday she spoke to a minimum of nine a day.  Friday, she spoke to eleven groups and, yesterday, she spoke to twelve.  

    She is scheduled with seven for each day before it starts.  I know because I do the schedule.  But people will hear she and Ava are in the area and a dean or a professor, who is a friend of Ava and/or C.I. --  or with some group will call or e-mail and I'll add them to her schedule.  She has never had only seven groups, by the end of the day.  Most days she starts out scheduled to speak to seven.  But groups are added constantly each day.

    I titled this "C.I. lied" because I knew it would get more attention that way.  She's aware of the seven because that's what she agreed was manageable.  She knew it would be tough -- because most of these groups require travel -- but she thought she could handle seven groups a day.  She knew she'd be tired and exhausted.  Ava had said six so we got together and tried to figure out six or seven.  Ava said if C.I. was up for seven groups, so we she.

    But while that was the agreement and that is what is scheduled at the start of the day, it never ends up being just seven. 

    I can't do what Ava and C.I. do.  But I can call friends and make sure they vote.  I can give rides to the polls for friends who need rides.  I can make the case for Kamala to people I know are undecided.  We can all do much more than just vote.  And we've got to -- this election, we have got to.

    Some videos of the week

     These are some of the videos of last week that we hope you already caught.













































    Tweet of the week


    2024 passings




    1) "bad news (settlers shot a child in the back and adan canto has died)" -- Rebecca covers the passing of THE CLEANING LADY and DESIGNATED SURVIVOR star.


     2 and 3) "David Soul and Glynis Johns have passed" -- two passings -- one you knew from STARSKY & HUTCH, the other you knew from MARY POPPINS.

    4) "Mary Weiss, The Leader of the Genre?" -- Elaine notes the passing of the leader of The Shangri-Las. 

    5) "The death of Norman Jewison and the death of Taraji P. Henson's career" -- Stan notes the passing of film director Norman Jewison.


     6) "Melanie: Queen of the Music festivals ," "Thank you to Melanie (Jess)," "Jon Stewart to return to the desk," "Melanie, REACHER, young voters," "When are they going to arrest Kari Lake?," "We lose Melanie and Dexter King but are still stuck with Jonathan Turley?," "my top five melanie albums," "Ugly Chaya Chachi Ratchik," "Where's Florida's "Don't Say Southern Baptist" law?," and "Melanie, Mary Weiss, Green Day" -- remembering singer-songwriter Melanie.

    7) "Norman Jewison and Melanie" -- Ruth notes Melanie and director Norman Jewison's passing. 

    8) "Chita Rivera" -- a trailblazer's life is noted by Elaine.  

    9) "Carl Weathers" -- Stan covers the actor and the athlete's passing.


    10) "Richard Lewis" --  Ruth notes the passing of a stand up comic and actor.


    11)  "Eric Carmen" -- Kat notes the passing of a singer-songwriter.


    12)  "Louis Gossett Jr." -- Stan notes a passing of a breakthrough and Academy Award winning actor.


    13) "I do Barbara Rush" -- Betty notes a passing of a golden age actress.


    14) "Joe Flaherty" -- Stan notes a passing of a comic actor. 

    15) "Robert MacNeil" -- Ruth notes a passing of a news anchor.


     16)  "meg bennett" -- Rebecca notes that passing of an actress and writer.


    17) "David Sanborn" -- Kat notes the passing of a saxophone legend.


    18) "Dabney Coleman" -- Stan notes a character actor who became a star.


    19) "Charlie Colin" -- Kat notes the passing of an alternative rocker.


    20)  "morgan spurlock, demi moore" -- Rebecca notes the passing of a filmmaker.


     21) "Rev. James Lawson" -- Ann notes the passing of a pioneer.


    22) "Donald Sutherland" -- Stan notes the passing of a true original. 

    23) "The media is full of liars" -- Ann notes the passing of Martin Mull and how the media had to fudge the truth.

    24) "Robert Towne" -- Stan notes a passing.


    25) "Media: Reality versus the lies the media loves to spread" -- Ava and C.I. note Dr Ruth's passing -- and the reality of her so-called 'ally' status.


    26)   "shannen doherty" -- Rebecca notes the passing of the TV actress.


    27) "Bob Newhart" -- Marcia notes the passing of the TV sitcom star.


    28) "Richard Simmons" -- Ruth notes the passing of the fitness guru.


    29)  "Obituaries -- thoughts on Sheila Jackson Lee and others" -- Elaine notes the passing of Sheila Jackson Lee -- exposed as a crook in Greg Palast's THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY -- and why we cover the deaths we cover.


    30) ''Gena Rowlands" -- Stan notes the passing of a legendary actress.


    31)  "Taco Spaghetti in the Kitchen" -- Trina notes the passing of game show host Peter Marshall. 


    32) "Donahue" -- Kat notes a passing of a daytime TV pioneer.


    33) "James Darren" -- Kat notes the passing of an actor and singer. 

    34) "Weekend Box Office and James Earl Jones has passed" -- Stan notes James Earl Jones' passing.


    35)  "Martha Stewart, Taylor Swift, Tito Jackson" -- Kat notes Tito Jackson's passing.


    36) "Maggie Smith" -- Stan notes the passing of the British actress.

    37)  "John Amos" -- Stan notes the passing of the American actor.

    38)  "Kris Kristofferson" -- Kat notes the passing of an actor, songwriter and singer.

    39) "Ethel Kennedy" -- Ruth notes the passing of an activist. 

    40) "Libby Titus" -- Kat notes the passing of a songwriter.

    41) "Liam Payne" and "Liam Payne" -- Betty and Kat note the passing of boy band singer Liam Payne.


    42) "Ron Ely" -- Ruth covers the passing of an actor and early beefcake celebrity.







    We're safe and sound (Marcia)


    We're safe and sound

    Stupidity.  Nine days away from the election and all the idiots won't shut the hell up.  I'm voting for Kamala.  I'm a grown up.  I want to save the nation.  And I was thinking of a Carly Simon song yesterday afternoon when C.I. called me.  There was a senior citizens home 90 minutes from me and she'd heard from a local Democratic Party leader that they were really wanting someone to speak there but they were spread thin.  So I said, absolutely and my wife and I went spoke there last night.  But while we were on the phone, I said, "I'm tired of all the people pressuring Kamala to do this and to do that and it's like a Carly Simon song I can't think of the name of . . ."  C.I. responded, "New York women wanting me sounding off like a suffragette?"  Yes!  "Safe And Sound."  So let me note the video and the lyrics for that song from Carly's HOT CAKES album.

    Marahaj wants you to lead a pilgrimage to Tibet
    New York women want me sounding off like a Suffragette
    I know that each of us is alone in the end
    But the trip still feels less dangerous when you've got a friend
    If we stick together
    You and me forever
    We're safe and sound
    The world's just turned inside out and upside down
    The world's just turned inside out and upside down

    We just need to stick together.  Kamala's got this and we just have to do our part.  And there is heavy reachout to the seniors.  We needed that.  And I see that for all the reasons C.I. outlined to me back in August.  I see it face to face when I'm speaking with them. And the first thing I ask is, "Have any of you been called for a poll about who you're voting for."  Not a single hand.  And I'm speaking some Friday nights, multiple times on Saturdays and Sundays.  And been doing that for weeks.  So it does make a difference when you're seeing people face to face as opposed to hearing from this small polling service that tends to ignore entire groups of people -- especially those in assisted living.  

    So while those of us who support Kamala are working to get out the vote, Michael Moore's going on TV saying Kamala's got to "break with Biden."  The election is nine days away.  If she does that, it really won't help her because so many people have voted.  It could greatly hurt her.  It would feed in to the what the right wing's been trying to do: Paint her as an ingrate who stepped over Joe to get the nomination.  I'm finding it hard to believe that Michael Moore couldn't see that.  But he is a moron.  Then there's this fool:

    While some Democrats in close races have cozied up to Khan to churn out the base, Harris has, so far, avoided appearing publicly with Khan.

    That, warned economist Hal Singer of the University of Utah, is a mistake.

    “When she won’t defend Biden’s record on antitrust, or defend Khan against the attacks by the billionaire donors — guys like Reid Hoffman, who’ve basically been calling for Khan’s head — it kind of zaps the life out of the progressive base,” Singer told Politico.

    Let me tell you something about voters, I don't care if the voter is 65 or 92, every one of them brings up their vote sites Lina Khan.  Every one.  Every.  One.

    Are you laughing yet?

    Good because not one damn person has mentioned her or her position.

    You're so far in the weeks, Hal Singer, that they're up your ass.  Voters aren't sitting around obsessing over the FTC.  But, notice, it's always men -- and women who identify with male norms -- who think, "I know the election is only days away but it's a woman so let me tell her how she should be running her campaign because I'm a man and have a lot of time to reflect on politics while standing as I pee."

    It's amazing how they refuse to read the room.  Griffin Eckstein (Salon) reports:

    The list of Republican elected officials pulling the lever for Kamala Harris in November keeps growing.

    Wisconsin lawmaker Rob Cowles, the longest-serving member of the state’s Senate, told local radio station Civic Media that he plans to cast a ballot for Harris following reports that Trump previously praised Hitler and his generals.

    “I probably should have done this sooner, but there was concern about blowback, you know, and public safety,” Cowles admitted. “This is one of the most important things I’ve done.”

    For Cowles, the decision to endorse ultimately came down to Trump’s reported support of the Nazi leader and what Cowles sees as his disdain for the Constitution.

    Now the Nazi wasn't an issue until last night.  That's the first time I've spoken to a group since Sunday.  And the news broke mid-week.  But on Friday I heard it and all day today I heard about it when I spoke to voters.  I'm really tired of these losers who aren't out there speaking to voters telling the rest of us -- the people who actually are going out and talking to voters -- what's on the mind of voters.

    We got this.  We're going to turn out.  We're going vote.  Kamala's going to be our next president.

    Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

    how we're going to win this election (Rebecca)

    how we're going to win this election


    let me start with that.  

    i think we're all at our wits ends these days.

    i wanted to blog last night but i also just didn't want to get into it.

    again, i'm always amazed by c.i.  she's always had that ability to just keep going.  no matter how upsetting something is, she focuses on what needs to be done and keeps going.  we're being betrayed by 'the progressive,' 'the nation,' 'in these times' and 'democracy now' who are working overtime to elect donald trump by trashing kamala non-stop.  

    donald trump is a danger to this country and to our democracy.  

    and yet these outlets that claim to be left attack kamala endlessly.  

    it's enraging.

    racist like katrina vanden heuvel - owner of 'the nation' magazine.  they're the 1s leading the attack on kamala.

    and katrina's so damn lucky that c.i. only left 2 comments on her thread because ava told me about the post c.i. wrote but didn't post where c.i. talked about katrina's racism and how she should personally be paying reparations.  it may go up yet.  they had sat down to lunch and c.i. was returning calls and learned of the editorial against kamala for president that 'the nation' had just published.

    c.i. was so mad, ava said, that her hands were shaking.  and she typed it up and was almost done with it but lunch was over because it was time to go speak to another group about why it was important to vote for kamala so she said it was probably a sign to leave it in draft and calm down before posting.

    she went into every thing.  katrina's racism.  how katrina and her sister pilfered her mother's apartment after her mother jumped off the balcony to her death.  how katrina and her sister never found ______ but that c.i., to this day, knows where it's at and will never katrina because her mother kept it from her for a reason.  my favorite was about did she sleep with katrina's late husband.

    i won't quote it but when ava was telling me about it, it reminded me of donna mills' abby on 'knots landing' when joan van ark's val is asking if she's sleeping with val's husband gary.

    abby said: i'm not saying we are sleeping together and i'm not saying we're not.  i am saying that i can have him any time i want.  

    it was the most brutal take down.  

    i know we'll get it in a community newsletter if c.i. doesn't post it at 'the common ills.'

    it is telling and sad that racism exists at all but even more telling and sadder when we're looking at our left outlets like 'the nation' and 'democracy now' and seeing just how much racism still exists to this day.

    and i know it's depressing.  it depresses me.  it makes me want to climb into bed and just pull the covers over my head.

    but that doesn't make it go away.

    so i do that for a moment or 2 and recharge and then get back out of bed and get ready to fight again.  and that's what we have to do.


    vote like your life depends upon it because it does. all we have to do is vote.  if we vote, if all of us vote, we're done with trump.  we have the numbers on our side.

    donald's cult has decreased since 2020.  

    we have brave americans who are swing-voters, who are independents, who are democrats, who are greens, who are libertarians and who are republicans who get just how important this election is.  

    we have the numbers on our side as long as we actually vote.  

    we need to vote and we need to ask the people we know to vote for kamala as well. 

    there's no secret math required.  there's no in depth strategy needed.  we have the numbers, we just have to turn out.

    now i can't write constantly, i can' spend all day talking to 1 group after another.  i can't do that.  c.i. can and we're lucky to have people like that.  but just because i can't put hours and hours of time in on this doesn't mean i can't do anything.  

    i can vote.  i can make sure my friends who are supporting kamala know how important this vote is and, say 1 of them needs me to watch their kids so that they can vote, or they need a ride to the polls so they can vote.  those are things i can do.  

    and when it starts feeling overwhelming, just focus on what you can do and do that.  that's how we're going to win this election because we need president kamala harris.

    let's close with c.i.'s 'Iraq snapshot:'

    Friday, October 25, 2024.  Don't just get mad, get even.  

    Early voting is taking place, mail-in voting is taking place and the last day of voting will be November 5th, ten days from now.

    And it can be discouraging.  In a normal election, it can be discouraging.  In this one, it especially is.  I hear comments as we go around speaking where people feel the biggest opponent Kamala Harris has is not Convicted Felon Donald Trump but the media.   And it's true.  The media's done an awful job -- All Things Media Big and Small.  Others cover the corporate media.  Here's OCCUPY DEMOCRATS doing that.

     And people have rightly called out THE NEW YORK TIMES and others.  To me, those are the rivers.  I prefer to focus on the tributaries.  Our so-called independent media. The beggar media.  You can't watch or listen or go to their page without them constantly begging you for money.  Money that then waste -- PACIFICA RADIO has accomplished nothing in over a decade -- let's be honest. Or is mere survival -- on some of the worst snake oil programming -- supposed to count as something worth praising?

    Amy Goodman constantly says -- forever sticking her hands into your pockets -- 'We couldn't do this without you.'  And she's right.  She'd have to get a real job and, considering what she's done to Kamala, we should stop enabling her by giving her money.  

    'Al Gore is the world's worst liar.'

    I don't believe that.  I don't think he lied any more than anyone else and he might have lied less.  But that's something that stuck and it didn't come from the right wing.  It didn't come from the corporate media.  It came from a distant relative of Al's (Gore Vidal) writing in THE NATION.  

    Can someone ask THE NATION if they think that witty column was really worth the over one million dead Iraqis that resulted from their amplification of Ralph Nader as a savior and their trashing of Al Gore.

    I don't blame Ralph Nader voters.  Some were going to vote for him regardless.  But I do blame our left  'independent' media and their ho-hum coverage of Al Gore.  I think you should as well.  We have the Iraq War because of the beggar media.  Certainly, if Al were running today, they would take him a little more seriously and cover him better because of climate change.  But back in 2000, they just wanted to have their fun.

    And they're pulling the same crap again.

    Reality: PACIFICA would have gone under.  THE NATION would have struggled but would have survived on a very limited circulation.  THE PROGRESSIVE would have gone under.  Amy Goodman might not have been able to hijack ownership of DEMOCRACY NOW! (thanks, Leslie Cagen, you always were repulsive) from PACIFICA.  So many would not be standing today had they not trashed Al Gore.

    Because trashing Al Gore and putting Bully Boy Bush in the White House led to the Iraq War.  And that's the only thing that saved our beggar media.  They used it to fund raise off.  They pretended they cared.

    Ivan Brobeck.  If you were watching and listening and reading in 2008, you might remember him.

    You might not.

    He was a US service member who checked out and went to Canada where he tried to get recognition of some form of status that would allow him to stay in Canada.  It didn't come to be.  So he returned to the US as the 2008 presidential election was taking place.

    And everyone . . . looked the other way.  We called it "The Full Brobeck."  The beggar media had used the Iraq War to make money.  Pretended to care.  But they didn't care.  And Ivan's story didn't matter to them which was telling those of us on the left that we didn't matter either.

    We matter.  If we didn't, they wouldn't always be begging us for money in pledge drive after pledge drive, pop up after pop up.  

    Kamala Harris matters.

    She could be a great president.  We know that.  We know damn sure she'd be a better one than Donald Trump.  But she could be a great president.  

    So it's very frustrating to watch DEMOCRACY NOW! and THE PROGRESSIVE and IN THESE TIMES do everything that they can to derail her campaign.  An e-mail to the public account came in last night about Donald Trump's worship of Hitler and how offensive that is (agreed) and the e-mailer was glad that Kamala had spoken and so had her running mate Tim Walz.  The e-mailer said he was glad I had noted Tim's reaction as well because I don't usually note Tim.

    Tim's the running mate.

    For that reason, he'll always be noted less.  Kamala wasn't noted much when she was Joe's running mate.

    But the other reason he's been noted less and reason why I've actively made decisions not to note him sometimes is because he's already got a fan club.  COMMON DREAMS -- even when attacking Kamala -- was happy to publish praise Tim articles.  THE PROGRESSIVE, as we noted yesterday, has Kamala on the cover of their latest little read magazine -- it was once a monthly, let's see if we can't ensure it stops publication completely -- but they've never published an article praising Kamala or applauding her.  They attack her.  They did publish two rah-rahs for Tim this week.  But they've done that before.

    They like him.  Beggar media likes him.  He's a he.  He's White.  

    They like Tim.

    They identify with Tim because they're all White or people of color who've learned what to do to fit into the office mindset. 

    And that's not meant as an insult to Tim.

    It is meant to make you think about the content beggar media has produced.  

    And to think about how they've treated a Black woman.  Day after day after day.

    2016 had some sexism in the media.  It was nothing compared to 2008.   That's when Matthew Rothschild, then in charge of THE PROGRESSIVE, wrote things like the column where he was tickled by right wingers calling Hillary the c-word.  It wasn't just FOX "NEWS."  It was the media.  Non-stop sexism.  

    FAIR?  Every week they seemed to find, during the Democratic Party primaries, evidence of racism to weigh in on in their radio program COUNTERSPIN.  And Ava and I noted at THIRD, in real time, how they repeatedly avoided noting any sexism.  As we noted, it took until May for them to finally note an example of sexism.  Hillary being called a bitch on CNN.  

    Peter Hart: One of the most disturbing features of the media coverage of the Democratic presidential race is the way racism and sexism have been expressed. CNN viewers were treated to one pundit explanation that people might call Hillary Clinton a bitch because well isn't that just what some women are. Not everyone's so out in the open. MSNBC host Chris Matthews opened his May 18th show wondering how Barack Obama would connect with regular Democrats? Obviously code for working class Whites. This would seem to make the millions of Obama voters so far irregular. But then consider the May 14th op-ed by Washington Post Writers Group Kathleen Parker. She wrote about 'full bloodness' and the patriot divide between Obama and John McCain offering that there is "different sense of America among those who trace their bloodlines through generations of sacrifice." This makes Obama less American than his likely Republican rival and his success part of a larger threat "There is a very real sense that once upon a time America is getting lost in the dash to diversity." Well thanks to The Washington Post, Parker's rant appeared in newspapers around the country including the Baltimore Sun and Chicago Tribune. We're not sure what those papers used for a headline but one blogger suggest [nonsense] would do. Parker's attack wasn't even new. Before in the pages of The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan wondered if Obama had ever gotten misty thinking about his country's rich heritage. John McCain by contrast "carries it in his bones." There's an appetite in corporate media for such repellent ideas as Editor & Publisher's Greg Mitchell recalled, Noonan's column was praised by NBC's anchor Brian Williams as Pulitzer worthy.

    Now they didn't tell us who said it.  And they didn't think it was worth more than a single sentence -- after detailing multiple examples of racism.  It's not either you call out racism or your call out sexism.  You call out both and you call out other examples of discrimination.  Unless you're beggar media.

    Kamala is at the intersection of race and gender.  And apparently defending a Black woman is much more difficult for the largely White beggar media than defending a Black man.  

    David Corn, at MOTHER JONES, kind of explored this topic this month but only as it applies to right wing media.

    But reading it, you should wonder, "What kind of difference would we see in the coverage if, for example, Patricia J. Williamson was still writing for THE NATION?"  And, if she was writing for the magazine still, this Black woman would have been -- as she was in 2008 -- on DEMOCRACY NOW! and every PACFICA RADIO program explaining not just the issues of racism targeting the candidate (Barack) but racism and sexism with regards to the coverage of Kamala.

    A woman, a Black woman, in Pennsylvania this week, shared her outrage in one of the groups we spoke with and asked, "How many drone strikes has Kamala carried out?  Oh, right, NONE!"  And she's exactly right.  Kamala's covered as though she's a criminal -- covered that way by our beggar media.

    Tabitha had a video yesterday that so captured what Ava and I are hearing in group after group that we speak to as we try to get out the vote.

    She concludes with, "From this point forward, those people will be treated just as I treat the MAGA nuts in this society."  And she recommends a TIKTOK video by a woman who is sharing her disappointment with all the attacks not just on Kamala but on herself for supporting Kamala.

    These attacks and insults that both women speak of?  They're not coming from the right-wing, they're coming from supposed leftists.

    And it's very frustrating when you grasp how many elections have been won due to the votes of Black women and yet here we have a Black woman running for president and we're not supposed to feel joy, we're not supposed to be excited -- this is coming from the left.

    And Amy Goodman and all her other creepy inbred freaks can hope we're not seeing it.  But we are seeing it and it's opened our eyes to just how hard and difficult equality still is -- on the left -- in 2024.

    Tabitha made me cry in her video because I don't think you can watch the coverage of Kamala and not see what Tabitha's talking about unless you're just lying to yourself.

    And these reactions are real and widespread but beggar media thinks they can trick us.  

    Reality: Beggar media does not control the votes.  

    All they do, in the best of times, is shine a light on something that causes corporate media to follow.  That's it.

    And if all the people we're speaking to -- again, we've spoken in all the states except for Hawaii and Alaska -- show up and vote, Kamala's got it.  So I understand if you're sad or angry, but we vote.

    And then we forgive these losers in beggar media because . . .

    Oh, honey, no.  You got the wrong one.  I'm a bitch and I've never pretended otherwise.  We make them pay.  After the election, we work on taking our pound of flesh.  We make sure everyone we know grasps what beggar media did and how they worked overtime to dampen enthusiasm for Kamala, how they belittled her and attacked her, how they ran puff pieces on Tim Walz but not the head of the ticket.  We make sure that their reputations are destroyed.

    So when you're feeling dejected right now because yet another idiot has attacked Kamala as the election looms, stand up a little straighter and go about your business knowing we're going to vote and we're going to do everything we can to get her elected.  And when the elections over, we're going to work on accountability for every piece of beggar media that worked overtime to elect Convicted Felon Donald Trump back into the White House.  And we're not going to go to say, "Oh, Kamala won so we'll just let it go."  Oh, hell no.  There's going to be another Kamala, that's the thing.  Win or lose, there will be another Kamala.  And we need to make such noise that they never again think they can treat the next Kamala the way they did the woman who is I hope our next president.

    One of the reasons 2016 was less sexist in its coverage was because these same fools attacking Kamala had attacked Hillary in 2008 and they finally got called out for it.  We can go into Amy Goodman's history there because it's a long one.  But the pushback and the call out after Hillary dropped out of the primaries resulted in sending a message to all media.  We need to be sure the same message is sent again because that is the only way change will happen.

    We've already dealt this week with the idiots and whiners -- the Gaza Freaks (purity pests who don't care about the Palestinians or they wouldn't be working so hard to re-elect Donald) -- that Kamala's 'ignoring' the base -- maybe Ralph Nader's base.  As I already stated, nothing she does is ever good enough for them so if I were running her campaign, I would've told her to avoid them as well.


    The goal is people who might vote for you, people you might be able to reach.  And it is working -- I don't know to what degree -- but saving our nation appeals to people of all political stripes.  REASON is a Libertarian magazine.  Here's the opening of Ilya Somin's piece:

    In this post I am going to explain why Kamala Harris is a far lesser evil than Donald Trump, and therefore, I plan to vote for her. Both candidates have serious flaws. But Trump's record of trying to overthrow constitutional democracy after he lost the 2020 election creates a strong presumption against him. In addition, he is worse on key policy issues, most notably, trade, immigration, federal spending, and maintaining the Western alliance in the face of threats from authoritarian powers.

    This outweighs Kamala Harris's significant weaknesses on some other issues, especially because Trump is more likely to be able to implement his worst policies through unilateral executive action, while Harris's worst ideas require hard-to-secure new legislation. Arguments that Trump is superior on deregulation and issues related to the judiciary are greatly overblown, and nowhere near enough to offset his awfulness elsewhere.

    It would be foolish to expect this piece to have any meaningful impact on the outcome of the election. I am no Taylor Swift, and my endorsement has little, if any, political value. But I hope readers might find it of value as an exercise in how to assess issues and weigh them against each other.

    First, the Harris campaign is actually just the Biden campaign infrastructure with a different (and better) candidate. But that infrastructure was not built to scale a mass mobilization campaign. Prior to Biden’s dropping out, his field operation was handling a trickle of volunteers. Now it has struggled to manage the flood unleashed by Harris. Many pop-up entities flowered after Biden bowed out, starting with Win With Black Women and spreading to dozens of similar “Xers for Harris” groups who attracted hundreds of thousands of participants to mass Zoom meetings in early August. But leaders of those groups tell me they have had little success figuring out how to best funnel the people they’ve attracted into the Harris campaign machinery.

    Of course, no one has ever built a full-blown presidential campaign in such a short time. By necessity, the Harris campaign is partially relying on the Democratic National Committee’s organizing infrastructure. But that means it has also inherited the DNC approach, which is very top-down and media-centric. Sri Kulkarni is a former Texas congressional candidate who was an early developer of the concept of relational organizing, where voters are encouraged to match their contact lists against the Democratic voter file and then try to personally engage with voters they actually know. This is called “friendbanking.” He is now working triple time to help scale up the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s relational effort to help candidates across the country, including in Pennsylvania.

    Kulkarni tells me that more than 50,000 people have signed up for the DNC’s relational campaign, which, like the DCCC, uses the Reach app to help people activate their personal networks. Among those are at least 7,000 in Pennsylvania, he says. But so far the Harris campaign is primarily using the DNC’s Reach tool to prompt its users to share social media content, rather than to actually friendbank. This seems unwise. In theory, when Democrats hit the final weekend before Election Day and everyone is scrambling to move voters who still haven’t cast their ballots, a robust friendbanking operation could give campaigners access to a list of activists who actually know these missing potential voters. Each of those 7,000 Pennsylvanians on Reach could also potentially activate another voter or two on their own. Such a strategy worked for Jon Ossoff in the special runoff election in Georgia in 2020—helping his Senate campaign identify 40,000 people who had actually skipped the general election. While many independent groups are trying relational organizing this year, including the WFP in Pennsylvania, where it has roughly 20,000 supporters on Reach, it appears it has yet to be adopted by the top of the Democratic hierarchy.

    "The flood unleashed by Harris."  At last, someone at THE NATION besides Joan Walsh can note that, yes, there is enthusiasm for Kamala.  I guess the lesson in 2024 is that Black women are invisible.  As candidates and as voters because you don't find these left outlets crediting Kamala with one damn thing.  They slam her.  They go on and on about the supposed base being outraged by her -- even though there's no stronger base for the Democratic Party than Black women and Black women are backing her all the way.  

    I'm glad the reality got in there.  It's a shame it took so long and it's a shame that others aren't following suit.

    A crackpot in every home?  Is that what DEMOCRACY NOW! is going for.

    There was some Chicago crackpot what was his name? Let's not name him.  He was trash and let's not help him be remembered.  He was a blogger for a few years before he died.  Jesse Jackson was a bad guy.  Everyone in Chicago was a bad guy.  He'd write posts like that over and over, day after day.  That's what DEMOCRACY NOW! has turned into.  I don't know what it is that makes the show go ape s**t crazy at presidential election time but it does.  Amy brings on her friends and lets them lie and lets them attack people. And this isn't a right or left thing.  Ava and I have documented it for years at THIRD.  She decides who she likes and then recruits those who also like her candidate.  They might, in fact, be working for the campaign of her candidate or be a pledged delegate for the campaign she favors but she won't tell her audience that.  She'll lie to them, while lecturing everyone else about journalistic ethics.  She brought Lie Face on in 2008 because Lie Face was working for Barack's campaign.  Amy knew that because a little bit before she'd been on Rev Jesse Jackson's radio show with Lie Face and Jesse doesn't play.  He has ethics.  And he identified Lie Face for what she was.  A little bit later Amy brings her on DEMOCRACY NOW! and Lie Face is just a college professor who took some students to New Hampshire and she's just sharing neutral observations as a college professor and . . .  No, she was for Barack which was why she trashed John Edwards and why she ignored Hillary.  Amy thought people wouldn't notice or ever catch on.  But they did notice.  Now that wasn't the end of Lie Face for Amy.  She continued to bring her on.

    We have PBS friends.  Lie Face pulled that stung once on PBS -- and attacked the wife of a Congress member -- and we let PBS friends know that Lie Face was not just a political observer and college professor, she was campaigning for Barack.  That made PBS look like fools.  They refused to ever let her back on.  

    But again, Amy wants to play you for a fool every presidential election.  

    I really wished she'd learn to grow.  I was hoping she would.  But she didn't.  So she'll probably die Goody Whore as well.  And probably pretty soon.  What's up with that right eye? She needs to have it looked at.

    So Goody brought on the crackpot that the Secret Service wouldn't let into Kamala's rally. 

    Another anti-Kamala segment.  Well, again, the Iraq War saved them.  It's good business for these beggars when a Republican is in the White House.  People are outraged and the Goody Whores can show up and pretend to care and steal your money.

    CNN host Anderson Cooper faced backlash on social media Wednesday night following his sharp questioning of Democratic nominee Kamala Harris during a town hall with undecided voters in Pennsylvania, with his confrontational approach leaving some viewers scratching their heads. 

    During the event in Delaware County, Cooper repeatedly pressed Harris on the Biden administration’s weak handling of illegal immigration and her shifting stance on fracking, questioning why she hadn’t accomplished in four years what she was now pledging to do as president.

    The hardline questions drew swift criticism from viewers who accused Cooper of applying a double standard that worked in Donald Trump’s favor.

    Numerous online voices blasted Cooper for repeatedly interrupting Vice President Harris and holding her to a higher standard than Trump, whose vague “concepts of a plan” on health care and other key issues have faced little to no scrutiny from the network.

    Critics argued that while Harris faced overwhelming dissection by the media, Trump was getting a free pass by choosing to skip the event altogether.

    “CNN brought every GOP candidate on for a #CNNTownHall and let them lie up and down. Fact-checked nothing and stood by while they made things up the whole time,” wrote one X user. “Tonight @andersoncooper is picking apart every single tiny little thing Kamala says. CNN is trash and so is Anderson.”

    Another user echoed the sentiment, stating, “I wish @andersoncooper would concentrate on questions that need to be answered and not on gotcha questions. The audience has much better questions than Anderson.”

    At times, it seemed as if Cooper was trying to put Harris on the spot, especially when it came to her fluctuating positions on key issues such as the border. Harris even had to cut Anderson off as he talked over her response to a question from the audience about immigration.

    We see them.  We see all of them.  Let's wind down with this from Philadelphia yesterday:

    Warwick Hotel Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    1:27 P.M. EDT

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Oh, hi, guys. 

         Q    Hello.

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Okay.  Good morning — or af- —

         Q    Good afternoon.

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  — afternoon.  Good afternoon.  Good afternoon.

    Well, let me start by saying I’m really very proud to announce that we’ve had some endorsements this morning, as we’ve been rolling out endorsements, by two leaders in the Republican Party: the mayor of Waukesha and then, of course, former Representative Fred Upton.

    And this continues to be, I think, evidence of the fact that people who have been leaders in our country, regardless of their political party, understand what’s at stake.  And they are weighing in — courageously, in many cases — in support of what we need to have, which is a president of the United States who understands the obligation to uphold the Constitution of the United States and our democracy.

    As for last night, yet again, Trump not showing up, refused to be a part of a CNN debate.  And clearly, his staff has been saying he’s exhausted.  And the sad part about that is he’s trying to be president of the United States, probably the toughest job in the world, and he’s exhausted.

    I said last night what I mean, which is the American people are being presented with a very serious decision, and it includes what we must understand will happen, starting on January 20th, in this choice. 

    Either you have the choice of a Donald Trump, who will sit in the Oval Office stewing, plotting revenge, retribution, writing out his enemies list, or what I will be doing, which is responding to folks like the folks last night with a to-do list, understanding the need to work on lifting up the American people, whether it be through the issue of grocery prices and bringing them down or investing in our economy, investing in our small businesses, investing in our families.

    Happy to take any questions.

         Q    Madam Vice President, you will be back in Philadelphia with members of your team on Monday, former President Barack Obama, as well as Bruce Springsteen.


         Q    Do you — can you tell us where you — that may be? 

    And secondly, any other, as we would say, heavy hitters in your campaign planning to come to Philadelphia in the lead-up to Election Day?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Well, I’m very honored to have the support of former President Obama.  As you know, he’s been on the campaign trail and has been really wonderful and extraordinary in terms of the time and effort that he’s putting into our campaign.  And people like Bruce Springsteen, to have their support — and, of course, he is an American icon — I think it just shows the breadth and depth of the support that we have and also the enthusiasm that a lot of people are bringing to the campaign and feel about our campaign.

    Q    Any other big names we can share?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  I have nothing to report at this moment.  (Laughs.)

    Q    (Inaudible.)

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Stay tuned, however.

    Q    Vice President, what do you make of the gender gap in this election?  Why do you think you have stronger support among women than the former president?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Well, I have to be honest with you, it’s not what I see in terms of my rallies, in terms of the interactions I’m having with people in communities and — and on the ground.  What I am seeing is e- — in equal measure, men and women talking about their concerns about the future of our democracy; talking about the fact that they want a president who leads with optimism and takes on the challenges that we face, whether it be grocery prices or investing in small businesses or homeownership. 

    So, I’m not actually seeing that kind of disparity, and I intend to be a president for all Americans.  And that includes paying attention, yes, to a fundamental freedom that has been taken away because of Donald Trump — the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body — and, in equal measure, to prioritize the economic needs of individuals and families in America and what we also must do in terms of upholding our strength and standing on the global stage.

    Q    Madam Vice President —

    Q    Madam Vice President —

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:   You all sort that out, okay?  (Laughter.)

    Q    How are you going to vote on Prop 36 in California? You are a California voter.  Do California and other states need to punish drug and theft crimes more harshly?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  So, I have not yet voted, and I have not yet had the chance to read through the ballot.  I will keep you posted on that.

    AIDE:  We have time for one more question.

    Q    Madam Vice President, this topic was brought up last night, but will construction of a southern border wall continue in your administration?

    THE VICE PRESIDENT:  I will tell you that my highest priority is to put the resources into ensuring that our border is secure, which is why I’ve been very clear: I’m going to bring back up, as president, that bipartisan border security bill and make sure that it is brought to my desk so I can sign it into law. 

    The biggest issue that we have right now is that Donald Trump has stood in the way of what would have been a proven part of the solution to the bigger problem, which is that we have a broken immigration system in America, and we need to fix it.  And we have the tools at hand, but we have on the other side of this election, Donald Trump, who would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. 

    I intend to fix the problem in a way that is just about practical solutions that are within our arms reach if we have the commitment to do it. 

    Okay?  Thank you.

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