Hillary Clinton’s statement
on the mass murder in Orlando is mostly a confection of the empty,
saccharine pieties for which the entire American political class is
known – but it concluded with a revealing statement.
There she said: “This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets.” (Emphasis, jw)
But those “weapons of war” have been used on the streets of Iraq and
in midnight raids on the civilian population in the war there that
Hillary so ardently backed.
Does she even grasp what she is saying? She is saying that it is an
atrocity to use such weapons on Americans – but not on the brown people,
civilians in their homes, in Iraq and throughout the greater Middle
East and North Africa in U.S. wars of aggression and the occupation.
To be horrified by the use of those weapons on Americans but not on
Arabs qualifies as racism of the basest sort.
-- John V. Walsh, "Hillary’s Obscene Reaction to the Orlando Shootings" (DISSIDENT VOICE).
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Truest statement of the week II
If Sanders folds before Philadelphia – as early as this week, if the
White House has its way – then history will treat him as a saboteur of
the “movement” that he claimed to lead. But, the disintegration of the
duopoly has already begun. A leftish electoral force, closely connected
with mass social movements, will messily emerge from the tumult of 2016.
The new party (or parties) will contend for the huge political space to
the left of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the past,
present and likely future presidents spawned by the Democratic
Leadership Council (DLC), the corporate faction created in the 1980s to
move the Party rightward. With victory complete, the DLC shut down after
Obama’s election. It now IS the Democratic Party – a lesson that Sanders supporters have been learning all these months.
-- Glen Ford, "Sanders' Moment of Truth" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).
-- Glen Ford, "Sanders' Moment of Truth" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).
A note to our readers
Hey --
A Tuesday.
Yeah, we're getting used to it too.
First, we thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:
The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen,
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.
And what did we come up with:
-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.
A Tuesday.
Yeah, we're getting used to it too.
First, we thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:
The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen,
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.
And what did we come up with:
John V. Walsh gets his first truest of 2016.
Glen Ford gets another truest.
When will the so-called left find the courage to call out Barack's War Crimes?
Ava and C.I. take on Amazon's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.
It says it all.
I wrote this. Orlando. We almost didn't have an edition. Ava and C.I. wrote their piece on Sunday. But other attempts by the rest of us failed repeatedly. We would talk about Orlando and get nothing written. Finally, I decided to write this. I tried to deal with solely what was known.
And Ty pulled together a mailbag.
We all came up with this.
And this was something to note.
Then we reposted this by C.I.
And we reposted this by Kat.
For those missing regular features like "Highlights" and "This edition's playlist," sorry. We're lucky to even have an edition.
-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.
Editorial: Barack's embrace of War Crimes
War Crimes are taking place in Iraq.
That's not news to readers of this site.
We've covered the topic repeatedly here -- most recently in "Falluja realities."
THE DAILY BEAST has reported on it.
Human Rights Watch has repeatedly called attention to the war crimes such as here:
Ahead of the offensive in Fallujah against forces of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that his government had taken measures to protect civilians. Human Rights Watch, however, has received credible allegations of summary executions, beatings of unarmed men, enforced disappearances, and mutilation of corpses by government forces over the two weeks of fighting, mostly on the outskirts of the city, since May 23. On June 4, 2016, in response to allegations of abuse, al-Abadi launched an investigation into abuses in Fallujah and issued orders to arrest those responsible for “transgressions” against civilians. On June 7, al-Abadi announced the “detention and transfer of those accused of committing violations to the judiciary to receive their punishment according to the law.”
“The Iraqi government needs to control and hold accountable its own forces if it hopes to claim the moral upper hand in its fight against ISIS,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director. “It’s high time for Iraqi authorities to unravel the web of culpability underlying the government forces’ repeated outrages against civilians.”
Yet day after day, the US government remains silent.
When the US State Department holds a press briefing, usually moderated by spokesperson Mark C. Toner, the claim is that they haven't seen a specific report but the government of Iraq is addressing it. There has never been a single condemnation of any of the War Crimes.
The US government, under Barack Obama, is supporting War Crimes -- ongoing War Crimes.
And so is The Cult of St. Barack.
The blood is on their hands too.
A lot of people have died recently including Michael Ratner.
Why, oh why, some readers wrote in, didn't we note his passing.
Why would we?
A coward who ran interference for Barack until he was briefly taking a small stand?
Michael Ratner's passing was no loss to the movement.
He failed repeatedly on Iraq.
Hell, he failed on Lynne Stewart as well.
And he and all the rest who refused and refuse to call out the ongoing War Crimes in Iraq?
Well they're not contributing anything.
We'll mourn the people who make a difference, thank you.
Again, the War Crimes are ongoing.
That's not news to readers of this site.
We've covered the topic repeatedly here -- most recently in "Falluja realities."
THE DAILY BEAST has reported on it.
Human Rights Watch has repeatedly called attention to the war crimes such as here:
Ahead of the offensive in Fallujah against forces of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that his government had taken measures to protect civilians. Human Rights Watch, however, has received credible allegations of summary executions, beatings of unarmed men, enforced disappearances, and mutilation of corpses by government forces over the two weeks of fighting, mostly on the outskirts of the city, since May 23. On June 4, 2016, in response to allegations of abuse, al-Abadi launched an investigation into abuses in Fallujah and issued orders to arrest those responsible for “transgressions” against civilians. On June 7, al-Abadi announced the “detention and transfer of those accused of committing violations to the judiciary to receive their punishment according to the law.”
“The Iraqi government needs to control and hold accountable its own forces if it hopes to claim the moral upper hand in its fight against ISIS,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director. “It’s high time for Iraqi authorities to unravel the web of culpability underlying the government forces’ repeated outrages against civilians.”
Yet day after day, the US government remains silent.
When the US State Department holds a press briefing, usually moderated by spokesperson Mark C. Toner, the claim is that they haven't seen a specific report but the government of Iraq is addressing it. There has never been a single condemnation of any of the War Crimes.
The US government, under Barack Obama, is supporting War Crimes -- ongoing War Crimes.
And so is The Cult of St. Barack.
The blood is on their hands too.
A lot of people have died recently including Michael Ratner.
Why, oh why, some readers wrote in, didn't we note his passing.
Why would we?
A coward who ran interference for Barack until he was briefly taking a small stand?
Michael Ratner's passing was no loss to the movement.
He failed repeatedly on Iraq.
Hell, he failed on Lynne Stewart as well.
And he and all the rest who refused and refuse to call out the ongoing War Crimes in Iraq?
Well they're not contributing anything.
We'll mourn the people who make a difference, thank you.
Again, the War Crimes are ongoing.
- Shia Militias crimes #IRAQ فديو مسرب يظهر الحشد الشيعي الارهابي يعذب المدنيين العراقيين السنه بوحشية وحقد صفوي دفين257 retweets59 likes
- Iraqi Sunnis civilians arrested & tortured by Shia militias without guilt or charge #warcrimes in #IRAQ120 retweets22 likes
TV: Hitler won?
Ridley Scott is one of the most visual directors around today -- THELMA & LOUISE, ALIEN, BLADE RUNNER, ROBIN HOOD, EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS, G.I. JANE, etc.
Yet that's the first thing you can forget whenever you watch a Ridley Scott TV show.

There was nothing visually striking about THE GOOD WIFE other than the wig on the head of the lead actress.
It's even worse with THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.
This Amazon Prime series is based on Philip K. Dick's novel of the same name and produced by Ridley Scott, Frank Spotnitz, Christian Baute, Isa Dick Hackett, Stewart Mackinnon, Christopher Tricarico, Michael Cedar, Jean Higgins, Jordan Sheehan and David W. Zucker.
The series takes place in 1962, only in a world where the US lost WWII and the country has been divided into three sections, the Japanese controled Pacific States of America, the neutral Rocky Mountain States and the Nazi controlled rest of the US.
Japan fears Germany wants to go to war with it and wants to develop a nuclear weapon in order to be prepared. Adolf Hitler is alive but the object of death threats and rumors of health issues.
A resistance exists.
It should all add up to something but it doesn't.
Not to a damn thing.
When FRINGE took us to the alternate world, it felt like an alternate world.
This show deserves praise for set designers who tack up posters and other things but that's about it.
The world doesn't feel any different.
And when you're in nature, you realize how horrible the series is because they have nothing to splatter with paint or to tack a poster on.
And you grasp that this is a flat and nonvisual show.
FRINGE managed to visually convey isolation, paranoia and much more -- a veritable Alan J. Pakula of a TV series. More recently, HULU's 11.22.63 managed to create suspense with visuals.
But THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE is just sort of there.
The acting's nothing to praise either.
Luke Kleintank plays the role of Joe (secret Nazi pretending to be a revolutionary) with all the limited reactions of any number of men cast in lead roles of failed shows on THE WB as they tried to ape their own success with DAWSON'S CREEK. So it's fitting that Alexa Davalos' performance as Juliana is all hair (the legacy of Keri Russell lives on).
Mainly, what the cast does is endorse Hitler's Aryan race.
The main characters are all Anglo White.
Two new additions have been announced to the cast for season two and they're both Anglo White as well.
THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE remains deeply disappointing on every level.
Yet that's the first thing you can forget whenever you watch a Ridley Scott TV show.

There was nothing visually striking about THE GOOD WIFE other than the wig on the head of the lead actress.
It's even worse with THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.
This Amazon Prime series is based on Philip K. Dick's novel of the same name and produced by Ridley Scott, Frank Spotnitz, Christian Baute, Isa Dick Hackett, Stewart Mackinnon, Christopher Tricarico, Michael Cedar, Jean Higgins, Jordan Sheehan and David W. Zucker.
The series takes place in 1962, only in a world where the US lost WWII and the country has been divided into three sections, the Japanese controled Pacific States of America, the neutral Rocky Mountain States and the Nazi controlled rest of the US.
Japan fears Germany wants to go to war with it and wants to develop a nuclear weapon in order to be prepared. Adolf Hitler is alive but the object of death threats and rumors of health issues.
A resistance exists.
It should all add up to something but it doesn't.
Not to a damn thing.
When FRINGE took us to the alternate world, it felt like an alternate world.
This show deserves praise for set designers who tack up posters and other things but that's about it.
The world doesn't feel any different.
And when you're in nature, you realize how horrible the series is because they have nothing to splatter with paint or to tack a poster on.
And you grasp that this is a flat and nonvisual show.
FRINGE managed to visually convey isolation, paranoia and much more -- a veritable Alan J. Pakula of a TV series. More recently, HULU's 11.22.63 managed to create suspense with visuals.
But THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE is just sort of there.
The acting's nothing to praise either.
Luke Kleintank plays the role of Joe (secret Nazi pretending to be a revolutionary) with all the limited reactions of any number of men cast in lead roles of failed shows on THE WB as they tried to ape their own success with DAWSON'S CREEK. So it's fitting that Alexa Davalos' performance as Juliana is all hair (the legacy of Keri Russell lives on).
Mainly, what the cast does is endorse Hitler's Aryan race.
The main characters are all Anglo White.
Two new additions have been announced to the cast for season two and they're both Anglo White as well.
THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE remains deeply disappointing on every level.
Tweet of the Week: Terrorism has no religion
Terrorism has no religion
Terrorism does not represent Islam
I am Muslim stand with #Orlando
Praying for peace

194 retweets162 likes
Jim's World
The weekend saw an act of terrorism at a nightclub in Orlando.
The LGBT community and their friends were targeted.
The shooter called 911 and announced/dedicated the act to the Islamic State.
Omar Matten's act of terrorism resulted in the worst mass shooting in US history -- 49 shot dead and over fifty left injured.
And the FBI interviewed him.
We live in a surveillance state.
It kicked into high gear under Bully Boy Bush and continues -- with more spying -- by Barack Obama.
And the FBI interviewed Matten twice.
For links to terrorism.
But did nothing.
And more than that, CNN reports, "FBI Director James Comey said Mateen was the subject of a failed FBI sting operation."
Where's the Congressional investigation?
Hillary Clinton, predictably, started yammering away about gun control.
What good is gun control when the feds can't do their job?
And were they too inept to do their job or were they ordered off for some unknown reason?
Again, where's the Congressional investigation?
It's amazing that Hillary can call for gun control during this tragedy but not for government accountability.
Amazing until you grasp that Hillary Clinton doesn't do accountability.
Again into the mailbag. Our e-mail address is thethirdestatesundayreview@yahoo.com.
Jana e-mailed to note that she misses our magazine roundups.
We used to do those about once a month.
We don't keep every feature for all time. Sometimes we move on. If we didn't, we'd be NPR.
J Vlaming wonders about our playlists: "Is this a ranking or something?"
No, it's just a list of what we listened to while working on the edition.
Burk wonders why Ava and C.I. don't "cover the shows on Amazon"?
They've covered Amazon's pilot season regularly -- when Amazon shows up a series of pilots and, based on feedback (supposedly), decides what to greenlight.
In addition, this week finds Ava and C.I. writing about Amazon's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE.
Leon writes, "I miss the original artwork from the old days. Especially the colorful paintings."
We do too. But honestly who has that kind of time? Also, we stopped painting as a group largely when we ran out of paint -- or the paint we loved. When we were doing our war resisters series, we were using the paint from a spin art game. We loved that paint and haven't been able to find those colors since.
Jill writes, "As a student at Columbia University, I especially appreciate your Columbia Journalism Review parodies and wonder if you have any more parodies planned?"
We love parodies too. But, first, we can't do them angry. If we're angry, the humor flies out the window. Second, some of the better ones came via riffing off one another and these days we aren't always able to make that kind of time.
Micki e-mails, "I don't understand why every edition has to feature something on Iraq. It's boring."
This site started because we were opposed to the Iraq War. As long as the Iraq War continues and this site continues, you will find Iraq content here.
Diana writes, "I've been reading since 2006 and I only have one complaint. I wish you would decide whether you were publishing Sundays or Mondays."
We do too, Diana. In this week's case, events in Orlando were too depressing. Ava and C.I. managed to write their TV piece Sunday but the rest of us mainly talked and talked (about Orlando) and were unable to write anything.
Really Google?
For weeks now, the search engine GOOGLE has been accused by supporters of Donald Trump of manipulating search results to make Hillary Clinton come off better.
Last week, supporters of Bernie Sanders began noticing something similar:
But Bernie supporters also proposed a solution: Use BING.
Last week, supporters of Bernie Sanders began noticing something similar:
Here's an ex of how search results are manipulated by google. I typed Bernie Sanders rally and here's what came up:

421 retweets424 likes
But Bernie supporters also proposed a solution: Use BING.
- It's been brought to my attention that BING will give you better search results for Bernie Sanders (unlike GOOGLE
330 retweets402 likes
Food for thought
"It seems that, out of 26 states that had exit-polling, 24 showed Bernie Sanders with more votes than the final results showed "
72 retweets79 likes
War resisters
As an update to the ongoing war resistance, we repost C.I.'s piece.
And the resistance goes on
War resisters of the never ending Iraq War should be applauded. Their
efforts made it a little more difficult to continue the Iraq War -- if
only by raising doubts among the public and within the ranks.
In the US, during Vietnam, the public was able to force concessions from Republicans and Democrats. Both President Gerald Ford (a Republican) and President Jimmy Carter (a Democrat) were forced to offer some level of clemency to war resisters.
The bogus president of peace, Barack Obama, who was elected on his promise to end the Iraq War (which still hasn't ended) wasn't pressured to do a damn thing.
Many war resisters went underground. Some went to other countries. The most public place to seek asylum has been in Canada where, during Vietnam, the Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau supported asylum for war resisters.
Dan Fumano (VANCOUVER SUN) reports:
Like much of the rest of the world, Rodney Watson has spent a lot of the last week thinking about the world’s most famous war resister. But Muhammad Ali’s televised memorial service Friday had particular resonance for Watson, who watched it from the room above the First United Church in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where he has made his home for almost seven years now.
“When I was watching the memorial and people were praising his decision to take a stand against the Vietnam War, I got tears in my eyes, because I felt like I’m a part of something bigger than myself,” said Watson, an American veteran and a resister of the Iraq War.
A new Insights West poll released this week shows a majority of Canadians support the idea of making Iraq War resisters like Watson permanent residents of their adopted country.
Who is war resister Rodney Watson? From the June 17, 2008 snapshot:
I have been here in Vancouver since early 2007. I have been self-sufficient. I have fathered a beautiful son whose mother is Canadian. I plan to marry her and to provide our son with a loving and caring family unit.
I have made many friends and I have built a peaceful life here.
My son and my wife-to-be are my heart and soul and it would be a great tragedy for my family and for me personally if I were deported and torn away from them.
I think being punished as a prisoner of conscience for doing what I felt morally obligated to do is a great injustice.
This Christmas I hope and pray that people will open their hearts and minds to give peace and love a chance.
A number of resisters have sought sanctuary in Canada -- some have done so publicly.
Robin Long and Kimberly Rivera are among those punished for speaking publicly.
At the end of last month, Paul Copeland (OTTAWA CITIZEN) advocated for Canada to grant asylum to those war resisters in the country:
The resisters have been seeking resolution to their precarious immigration status in Canada for many years – some for more than a decade. All have applications currently pending before Canadian immigration officials. The Liberal government could easily resolve their precarious status by granting their spousal sponsorships and applications for permanent residence based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Jeremy Hinzman was the first war resister to publicly seek asylum in Canada (2004). Many others followed in his footsteps.
When Stephen Harper was prime minister, the Canadian government worked with the US government to target war resisters (most obvious in the harassment of Kyle Snyder). The reason some have hope that things can change is because Justin Trudeau is now prime minister.
Andy Barrie (OURWINDSOR.CA) explains:
Colin Perkelt (CANADIAN PRESS) was more specific last month, citing Trudeau's own words:
“I am supportive of the principle of allowing conscientious objectors to stay,” Trudeau said at the time.
He called it “problematic” and “disappointing” and unworthy of Canada that Conservative MPs had cheered in the House of Commons in 2012 amid word that one of the Americans, a mother of four, had been arrested after deportation to the U.S., where she was later court-martialled and gave birth in prison.
“I am committed…to restoring our sense of compassion and openness and a place that is a safe haven for people to come here.”
When does that commitment kick in?
His father's commitment is one of the reasons Pierre Trudeau was a leader on the world stage and why he's remembered fondly around the globe.
In the US, during Vietnam, the public was able to force concessions from Republicans and Democrats. Both President Gerald Ford (a Republican) and President Jimmy Carter (a Democrat) were forced to offer some level of clemency to war resisters.
The bogus president of peace, Barack Obama, who was elected on his promise to end the Iraq War (which still hasn't ended) wasn't pressured to do a damn thing.
Many war resisters went underground. Some went to other countries. The most public place to seek asylum has been in Canada where, during Vietnam, the Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau supported asylum for war resisters.
Dan Fumano (VANCOUVER SUN) reports:
Like much of the rest of the world, Rodney Watson has spent a lot of the last week thinking about the world’s most famous war resister. But Muhammad Ali’s televised memorial service Friday had particular resonance for Watson, who watched it from the room above the First United Church in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where he has made his home for almost seven years now.
“When I was watching the memorial and people were praising his decision to take a stand against the Vietnam War, I got tears in my eyes, because I felt like I’m a part of something bigger than myself,” said Watson, an American veteran and a resister of the Iraq War.
A new Insights West poll released this week shows a majority of Canadians support the idea of making Iraq War resisters like Watson permanent residents of their adopted country.
Who is war resister Rodney Watson? From the June 17, 2008 snapshot:
On Saturday, rallies took place. Mario Cootauco (Canwest News Service) reported
on one in British Columbia that US war resister Rodney Watson attended.
Watson explained that he didn't want to return to Iraq, "There's no
need for us to be over there and I saw that first-hand. I decided I
needed to get out of there. I wanted to go just to be a support. I
didn't want to go kicking down doors, killing children or innocent
people or getting my hands dirty or anything. I support my country, but I
don't support the way we're going about it."
From October of 2009, Krystalline Kraus (Rabble) reporting on US War Resister Rodney Watson:
The latest flashpoint in the battle to keep war resisters in Canada has been
the case of Rodney Watson who on Monday October 19, 2009, decided to seek
sanctuary in a B.C. [British Columbia] church rather than face deporation to the United States to face desertion charges. Watson, who is originally from Kansas City, Kansas,
enlisted in the US Army in 2004 for a three-year contract with the
intentions of becoming a cook since he wanted to serve the troops in a
non-combat capactiy.
In 2005, he was deployed to Iraq just north of Mosul, where he was put in
charge of searching vehicles and Iraqi civilians for explosives, contraband and
weapons before they entered the base. He was also expected to "keep the
peace" by monitoring Iraqi civilians who worked on the base and fire his weapon
at Iraqi children who approached the perimeter.
sought sanctuary at Vancouver's First United Church on Hastings Street
in Vancouver where he had the support of the church board and the
congregation. In December of 2009, Rodney, still at the church, had a column in the Toronto Star:
I have been here in Vancouver since early 2007. I have been self-sufficient. I have fathered a beautiful son whose mother is Canadian. I plan to marry her and to provide our son with a loving and caring family unit.
I have made many friends and I have built a peaceful life here.
My son and my wife-to-be are my heart and soul and it would be a great tragedy for my family and for me personally if I were deported and torn away from them.
I think being punished as a prisoner of conscience for doing what I felt morally obligated to do is a great injustice.
This Christmas I hope and pray that people will open their hearts and minds to give peace and love a chance.
A number of resisters have sought sanctuary in Canada -- some have done so publicly.
Robin Long and Kimberly Rivera are among those punished for speaking publicly.
At the end of last month, Paul Copeland (OTTAWA CITIZEN) advocated for Canada to grant asylum to those war resisters in the country:
The resisters have been seeking resolution to their precarious immigration status in Canada for many years – some for more than a decade. All have applications currently pending before Canadian immigration officials. The Liberal government could easily resolve their precarious status by granting their spousal sponsorships and applications for permanent residence based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Jeremy Hinzman was the first war resister to publicly seek asylum in Canada (2004). Many others followed in his footsteps.
When Stephen Harper was prime minister, the Canadian government worked with the US government to target war resisters (most obvious in the harassment of Kyle Snyder). The reason some have hope that things can change is because Justin Trudeau is now prime minister.
Andy Barrie (OURWINDSOR.CA) explains:
Harper deported six deserters to the U.S. to
face courts-martial. One of them, Kimberly Rivera, gave birth while
doing time in a stockade. The day she was deported, the Conservative
caucus cheered in the House of Commons.
Sad, nasty business, just one among many
pieces of nastiness Justin Trudeau promised to undo if he was elected.
Well, he was, and with a majority. But he’s yet to tell government
lawyers to call it quits to Harper’s deportations.
Why? Only Trudeau and his immigration
minister, John McCallum know. Talk about majorities: Nearly 70 per cent
of Canadians support allowing these war resisters to stay; 39 per cent
elected the Liberals. The issue would appear to be a no-brainer, worse,
for a politician who has allowed himself to cry in public, his silence
betrays a seeming lack of compassion, the very quality he promised to
bring to this issue.
Colin Perkelt (CANADIAN PRESS) was more specific last month, citing Trudeau's own words:
“I am supportive of the principle of allowing conscientious objectors to stay,” Trudeau said at the time.
He called it “problematic” and “disappointing” and unworthy of Canada that Conservative MPs had cheered in the House of Commons in 2012 amid word that one of the Americans, a mother of four, had been arrested after deportation to the U.S., where she was later court-martialled and gave birth in prison.
“I am committed…to restoring our sense of compassion and openness and a place that is a safe haven for people to come here.”
When does that commitment kick in?
His father's commitment is one of the reasons Pierre Trudeau was a leader on the world stage and why he's remembered fondly around the globe.
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