Monday, February 10, 2025

Truest statement of the week

But back to science in general: Because it’s a method rather than a set of declarations from on high, you can’t consume it a la carte, rejecting scientific results you dislike for political, cultural or religious reasons. Reject evolution, and you undermine the basis for much of biology, and hence medical science. Reject the case for climate change, and you undermine the physics and chemistry that underly that case.

And Republican politicians have been rejecting science they don’t like for a long time.

-- Paul Krugman, "RFK Jr. and the MAGA Death Trip" (SUBSTACK).

A note to our readers

Hey --


Let's thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen, 
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.


And what did we come up with? 

Paul Krugman gets a truest. 
The level of denial here about a basic reality is only matched by MAGA and their belief that Chump is a god.  Rashida's a Socialist.  Deal with it.  Stop lying for her and stop attacking the people who tell the truth.
Ava and C.I. take on a bad book with this major report.  Don't call it a book review -- it's way more than that. 
How long is Susan Benjamin going to be allowed to disgrace and embarrass CODEPINK?
We look at one of our favorite TV shows of all time.
Ongoing list of books reviewed in the commnity. 
Mike wasn't going to be part of that.  Cedric called and offered and Mike took a pass.  "Are you sure?  C.I.'s just coined 'Alien Musk' for Elon Musk?"  Mike was on all board.  :D
An important document from last week, Marcia was right.
What we listened to while working on this edition.

Mike and the gan wrote this and we thank them for it.



-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.

Breaking News! Rashida Tlaib is a Socialist!

US House Rep. Rashida Tlaib helped put Donald Chump back in the White House.  It's something to watch the lying whores online pretend otherwise.  Last week, her sister Layla Elabed had a 'message' for America.

The utter shamelessness of Rashida Tlaib’s sister. See…it’s both sides fault that Trump lies to them but hey…at least he came and kissed their asses. Fuck her.

[image or embed]

— Fred Wellman ( February 4, 2025 at 10:41 PM

Rashida and her sister put Chump in the White House.  That was their goal.  They got their way.  But their defenders (whores) rush to pretend otherwise.  That's why they missed Layla's confession.

Read her message closely.  Democrats did this.  "Democrats."  As opposed to her.

Because Layla, like her trashy sister, is not a Democrat.

They are Socialists.  Point that out online, as Trina notes in "A pig boy named Colin King," and be prepared to be attacked as a lair.  Bring the receipts, and still be prepared to be attacked.

Need a receipt?  DSAer and Socialist Maurice Isserman, IN THESE TIMES, Jan. 11, 2021:

In the 2018 midterm elections, two members of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) were elected to the House of Representatives: Rashi­da Tlaib in Michigan’s 13th dis­trict, and Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez, in New York’s 14th dis­trict. To mark the occasion of the most socialists entering the House for the first time in a single year, I wrote in these pages, the 116th Con­gress will con­sist of two social­ists and four hun­dred and thir­ty-three rep­re­sen­ta­tives of oth­er per­sua­sions. It’s a start.” 

And indeed it was. In November 2020, both Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez handily won re-election, and have been joined in the 117th Congress by two more DSA members: Cori Bush from Missouri’s 1st district and Jamaal Bowman from New York’s 16th district. That raises the democratic socialist numbers from two to four out of four hundred and thirty-five. (At this rate, doubling the socialist delegation every two years, it’d only take six more elections before socialists in 2032 would become a majority in the House — exponential growth is a wonderful thing.) 

 Rashida is not a Democrat.  She is a Socialist.  Uncommitted was nothing but Socialists.  And they hid in their political closets to attack Kamala Harris.  Ava and C.I. documented that here weekly. 

This can never happen again.  Certainly not in 2028.  So Socialists need to stop hiding or go away.  It's also to their benefit to stop hiding.  They want AOC to be the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party.  She can't be if she's hiding in a political closet.  FOX "NEWS" and others will rightly and daily expose her.  They will brand her as a liar and destroy any chance she might have of winning.  So come out of the closet now and start explaining to the American people what you stand for and why they shouldn't be afraid of you (and you end goal which is the destruction of the American system).

Media: OWNED finds Eoin Higgins owned by bad journalism

 [On July 19th, Eoin Higgins contacted one of us, C.I., via e-mail.  He sent five e-mails over three days.  He received a dictated reply or a summary via Martha to each of his e-mails.  That's the only contact we've had with Eoin.]

OWNED: HOW TECH BILLIONAIRES ON THE RIGHT BOUGHT THE LOUDEST VOICES O THE LEFT is Eoin Higgins new book. The digital version that we read runs 250 pages.  That's not counting footnotes that are really just works cited -- there are no true foot notes or end notes.  

The author's stated intent is to illuminate how columnist Glenn Greenwald and Twitter artiste Matt Taibbi ended up on the right -- wing, that is, right wing. 

A better question for a book might be: Why did people ever think either of the legmen were left?  

To read this book is to forever be thinking of something better.  

And we wanted to like the book.  We really did.  

But we read it . . . and often wondered if we were reading a first draft?

This is a very poorly written book in so many ways that's it hard to know where to start.

How about the simplistic nature of it all?

Eoin writes as though it's early Friday morning and he's emerging from a go-go club he landed in on a throwback Thursday bellowing, "The best things in life are free!  But you can give them to the birds and bees! I want money! That's what I want!"

Was it that simple?  An old 45 helped him figure out the whole world and the complex landscape of humanity?

Because money, we are told time and time again, is what motivated Greenwald.  And Taibbi.  And Elon Musk.  And Peter Thiel.  

Even the pop music landscape of the 60s allowed for more concerns than just money -- love,  good times, loneliness, R-E-S-P-E-C-T., why even -- true for the kids and even that Pasadena granny -- cars.

But for Eoin, it's just money.  

Maybe we're mistaken about his source.  Maybe it wasn't a trip to a go-go?  Maybe he found his inspiration in some fire-and-brimstone-sermon about money being the root of all evil?

Maslow might have come up with five needs but Eoin only discovered one.

And that's so sad because it really does the book in.  

Call us Freudian, but we'd say that sex was a huge motivator for the boys as well -- none of whom are  attractive today or was attractive in school. 

Sex is probably a very big motivator.  We laughed, for example, when he quoted Elon Musk telling his first wife -- while dancing -- that he's the alpha in the relationship.  We laughed because of all those rumors about Elon and S&M and how he likes to be beaten.  Now granted, we only heard first hand from one woman who had a relationship with him -- no, not a mother of his child, think, true readers, and you'll know who we're talking about and why we're not naming her because we are thrilled with her journey into obscurity.  But those rumors have always been out there -- even before Elon thought he was hopping in the sack with the next Blake Lively (he wasn't, he had hopped into the sack with this century's Lani O'Grady). And the one time, at a party, when we were introduced to him -- and quickly walked away -- we noted the signs of a weak little subbie in dire need of a woman who could wield a harsh riding crop. 

Elsewhere, Eoin writes about how Elon Musk wants the money for the "control and power."  Is he writing in code?  You know, like in the fifties when you couldn't say lesbian in print so you'd instead type, "Judy Holliday is Katharine Hepburn's new gal pal."  A little clue for those in the know might work in a gossip column but should a supposed serious investigation be coded?

Sadly, the "alpha" line -- like "control and power" -- goes unexplored in this book and even sadder is the story of Little Glenn which unfortunately makes it into the book.  Combative.  That's what gay Glenn was like in school up through high school.  Combative.  Combatively gay?  It's poor writing in the sense that the badly worded passage really doesn't make it clear.  (For the record, Glenn was in the closet until college.  And still in there for his early hook ups which were anonymous ones.)  But it's also poorly written in the sense that Eion is not talking to any of Glenn's friends or boyfriends.  We've spoken to two of Glenn's college hook ups.  

"You mean boyfriends?"  

We said what we said.

Here's reality for Eoin: Reporting isn't writing down what someone says and proclaiming, "Done!"  

No, that's just stenography.

If the premise of your book is how the right wing nouveau riche -- specifically apparent plastic surgery victim Peter Thiel and President of The Hair Club For Men Elon Musk --  bought writers who lie for them, why would you then take a liar like Glenn at his word?

Glenn lies throughout the book and Eion, like the bustiest airhead in the steno pool, just jots it all down and never checks it out.

Let's move away from Glenn's sex life to offer an example where Eion's stenography is probably 100% accurate -- we are sure this is what Glenn told him -- but the facts are 100% wrong. 

After he left THE INTERCEPT, Eoin tells you, Glenn ended up on SUBSTACK and then, in 2023, he started his podcast-program SYSTEM UPDATE on RUMBLE.  And Eoin doesn't just tell you that in his own writing, he also (repetition?) then quotes Glenn declaring, "Prior to moving to RUMBLE, I didn't have a video program."

Kids, can anyone figure out the problem with that?

It's not true.  Not only was Glenn doing video spots for THE INTERCEPT many, many years ago, those video spots morphed into a show he hosted -- and pay attention, Eoin -- called -- you know it's coming, right? -- SYSTEM UPDATE. 

He did those on THE INTERCEPT -- SYSTEM UPDATE started not on RUMBLE, but on THE INTERCEPT.  You can find them on YOUTUBE to this day.

But maybe skip them because if you really want to laugh -- if you really need a gut busting laugh -- instead stream Jimmy Dore's October 2020 segment on Glenn leaving THE INTERCEPT.  There, you'll find Jimmy pointing out how "he started his  own podcast on THE INTERCEPT network -- why you'd would do that -- That's also a bad business move.  You don't need anybody to help you do a podcast."

"Ava, C.I., that's not funny!"

We didn't say that was.  So little that comes out of Jimmy's mouth ever qualifies as funny.  No, what we're saying is that  even Jimmy Dore knew Glenn was doing SYSTEM UPDATED well before 2023  and, unlike Eion Higgins, Jimmy Dore didn't try to write a book about this topic.

The funny part?

The funny part comes from Jimmy's guest co-host.  That would be the desperate Aaron Mate -- who hadn't yet taken over for Taibbi at USEFUL IDIOTS.  Howl with laughter as you watch Aaron suck up to Jimmy by sporting the saddest attempts at laughter to Jimmy's every utterance. (Aaron's particularly delighted with the one about the "interwebs" and Joe Biden.)  There are times when Aaron laughs so hard and so early that Jimmy doesn't even bother to deliver the punchline. Ed McMahon at his most intoxicated on THE TONIGHT SHOW never embarrassed himself as much Aaron does.  

At one point in the book, the author gets to Taylor Lorenz (who's just joined Medhi Hassan's ZETEO, by the way).  And the discussion covers how cruel and vicious Glenn was to her.


Use your words, Higgins.

Catty and bitchy.

Glenn is catty and btichy and he was that way in school as well which is why Higgins using the term "combative" to describe those early years -- and him just jotting it down and then publishing it -- is so damn funny.

Glenn attacks Taylor.  A little later, Eoin will note that AOC is attacked by Glenn.

During her discussion with the author, Taylor's shared -- rightly -- that Glenn's attacks on her were very gendered and very sexist.  

But Eoin can't see a pattern?

Glenn hates all women.  

He'll get a token hag to be his roll dog for a year or two.  And she better hate women to be at his side.  That awful FIREDOGPOOPHEAD Jane, for example.

Higgins doesn't mention her.  But mentioning her would require telling people why Glenneth was involved in Democratic Party politics oh-so-very-briefly.

Jane and Glenn bonded over their hatred for Hillary Clinton.  And in 2008, they roll dogged around like an elderly couple that had stopped having sex while showing up on any program that would have the gruesome two-some and let them trash Hillary.

Hillary was the reason Glenn finally found a Democrat he could vote for -- as he and Jane went around attacking Hillary and building up Barack Obama. 

How do you miss that?

So many public details are missed, overlooked and ignored.  Again, it reads like a first draft.

He notes Peter Thiel and misses a great deal there as well.

Peter Thiel co-writes a book -- THE DIRVERSITY MYTH which is bad book that tries to be like another really bad book from four years earlier, THE BEAUTY MYTH.  Nut job Naomi Wolf is pleased to buddy up to Peter these days.  Years ago, she wasn't quite grabbing onto the notion that imitation was the sincerest form of flattery.  (Her earlier anger over the copying always made us laugh since Naomi's book ripped off the lectures of Judith N. Shklar -- a point we've made here repeatedly for two decades now.) 

We bring that up not to just get another dig in at nut job Naomi, but also to point out that the co-writer is David Sacks. 

Eion explains Sacks is "an old Stanford friend" of Peter Theil.

That's one way to describe him.  

But the detail that we'd zoom in on and that Eion misses?  Sacks is from South Africa.  Grew up there.  Came to America as an adult.  Goodness.  The book notes how Thiel spent elementary years in South Africa back when he was a German citizen.  And, of course, we know Elon Musk learned to embrace, love and dry hump racism from his  South African father.

But Eion makes no connection.

Three of Donald Chump's biggest donors are Whites from South Africa and it's not worth noting?  That silence from a few months ago to when the book was published last month has not aged well.  Sacks, for example, is more than the single-sentence former friend of Thiel's from Stanford scattered on a few pages.  December 5th, Gabrielle Canon (GUARDIAN) reported:

Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he was nominating the podcaster and former PayPal chief operating officer David Sacks to be his White House artificial intelligence and crypto czar, continuing a pattern of rewarding big donors with political power.

 And, of course, last week found Chump announcing -- in the midst of his attacks on immigrants -- that Whites from South Africa are now to become priorities.    Camilo Montoya-Galvez (CBS NEWS) explains:

President Trump on Friday directed government officials to prioritize the resettlement of South Africans of European descent through the U.S. refugee program, which he suspended during his first day in office.

In an executive order, Mr. Trump accused the South African government of discriminating against Afrikaners, an ethnic group in South Africa made up of descendants of European colonists, mostly from the Netherlands, who first arrived there in the 1600s.

Until the 1990s, White South Africans of European descent ruled South Africa, enforcing the brutal system of apartheid against the country's Black majority.

This week, President Trump, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and Trump appointee and billionaire businessman Elon Musk all attacked South Africa in a flurry of social media posts.

The South African government, which is made up of a coalition of diverse political parties, responded firmly but diplomatically. President Cyril Ramaphosa said the country would "not be bullied."

By Friday the White House had issued an executive order to cut financial assistance to South Africa, citing disapproval of the country's recent change to land policy and for bringing a genocide case against Israel to the International Court of Justice. 

At CNN, Eve Brennan and Alejandra Jaramillo added:


South Africa’s foreign ministry called the order a “great concern” and said it “(lacked) factual accuracy and fails to recognize South Africa’s profound and painful history of colonialism and apartheid,” adding that the move seemed “to be a campaign of misinformation and propaganda aimed at misrepresenting our great nation.”

“It is ironic that the executive order makes provision for refugee status in the US for a group in South Africa that remains amongst the most economically privileged, while vulnerable people in the US from other parts of the world are being deported and denied asylum despite real hardship,” the foreign ministry added in a statement Saturday.     

If anyone feels noting the above three stories on South Africa  is 'a little much,' maybe they went to school with Eoin Higgins?

Because the above is not minor.  His whole attitude reeks of White privilege. Such as when he's failing to grasp that Thiel's support of Ron Paul was not despite of Paul's well known racism but actually because of the politician's well known racism.  Equally true, he never notes the racist connection of rich supporters of Donald Chump to South Africa.  Or that,  for example, Elon leaves South Africa because apartheid is falling.  Instead, he -- and Thiel -- just happen o leave South Africa, the country that has allowed them to benefit their entire life from their White skin while discriminating against Black people.  The attacks on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is briefly noted in terms of when Musk took over Twitter and was appalled by the diversity he sees in the company's work force. Higgins treats it as a quirk when, in fact, it's a built-in factory feature of three White men (Musk, Thiel and Sacks) spending their formative years in an apartheid state that fed and deepened their bigotry and hate. 

Higgins limited vision can't even see that the end of apartheid was relevant in terms of history and activism.


That's obvious when he goes to attack Generation X and says they didn't have to fight with their parent growing up and they didn't have to fight for anything, "Yes, there were movements against US imperialism and support of dictators in Central and South America.  The WTO protests in Seattle were huge. However, unlike the boomers or the millennials, Gen X did not experience formative moments like the earthshaking battles of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Iraq War, or the Great Recession." 

That may be the part of the book where he comes off the most uneducated and unaware.  College students across the US were huge leaders and participants in the global anti-apartheid movement.  They worked years and years on that.  Did no one ever educate him on the shanty towns built up on campuses all around this country? 

In addition to the movement to end apartheid, they were the generation coming of age when AIDS showed up.  And they were part of the LGBT movement (at that time it was billed as LGBT) because some of them were LGBT and most of them -- including the straight allies -- rebuked homophobia.  The AIDS crisis -- and the federal government's refusal to address it in a responsible manner -- made their generation the most aware of sexuality and the need for equality and recognition -- as opposed to the silence that Ronald Reagan greeted it with back when it was initially (and wrongly) noted as "the gay plague." They marched for the environment -- did that not matter?  The pollution resulting from EXXON VALDEZ was a major issue for them.  Some of them also marched and protested the first Gulf War.

We could go on and on about the issues Gen X stood up for.  But let's deal with the other part about them not having the big fights with the parents.  You don't have to have read Stephanie J. Coontz's THE WAY WE NEVER WERE: AMERICAN FAMILIES AND THE NOSTALGA TRAP to grasp that Gen X kids had less time with parents.  That is, in fact, why they were dubbed The Latchkey Generation.

Again, the book reads like a first draft.  

Money, money, money is always the motive in this book.

Glenneth Greenwald, as we call the loser, absolutely bends over backwards to kiss FOX "NEWS," for example, but when he's praising the awful Laura Ingraham in Tweet after Tweet, might it also be due to the fact that the two are friends?

You know, the way Eoin works his friends into his book even when they really don't have anything to offer -- and the closer he is too them, the less he feels to need to explain of them -- for example, there's a professor whose university will escape most American readers.  

There are all these characters in the book which is another problem.  

You encounter Republicans and Libertarians and MAGA and even the Tea Party.  

And then?  

And then you have the left.  Such as, on page 134, when he writes of being part of "a group of lefty writers."  Socialists.  That's what he's talking about on that page.  He notes a left "environmentalist" in the book -- a Socialist.  He writes of the genocide in Gaza insisting that the "left" was all basically on the same side ("The left was more or less opposed to the war, but the conflict quickly exposed a split on the right.") 

Is that what he heard in the echo chamber bubble he lives in?  For the record, we are opposed to the ongoing genocide and have been throughout.  But we're not so stupid that we think that is the uniform opinion on our side.  For example, October 30th -- days before the US presidential election -- Linley Sanders (AP) reported on the latest AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll:

But there’s a big partisan split on whether the Israeli government bears “a lot” of responsibility for the war’s escalation. About 6 in 10 Democrats say they do — similar to the share of Democrats who say Hamas bears “a lot” of responsibility — while only about one-quarter of Republicans say the Israeli government bears “a lot” of responsibility.

Six in ten is not 100%, it's barely over half.  

But damned if the media ecosystem that Eoin hails from -- FAIR, THE NATION, COMMON DREAMS, etc, etc -- hasn't misled everyone on that reality.  

In a really poorly written section about leftists brought on FOX "NEWS" (made even worse by his desperation to name check another friend), he notes that the network brings on two types -- the ineffectual (think Alan Colmes) who is seen as ridiculous and then the Glenn Greenwald types who are there to insult the left.

We wish it would have been better written book  but we also wish he had the nerve to go beyond finger pointing at the other side.  What he's describing -- the fake assery of FOX "NEWS" when it comes to the left --  is what the media eco-system he hails from does over and over.  In fact, that's what DEMOCRACY NOW! did every day from the start of August through October 30th when covering Kamala Harris.

They brought on Socialists to lie and attack.  And the biggest lie there was that they were Democrats.  Even Democrats don't like Kamala, they insisted with their coverage thereby achieving Amy Goodman's intent to suppress turnout for Kamala.

That lie also helped them attack Kamala constantly regarding Gaza.  Again, the lie was -- and continues to be in Higgins' book -- that the left was of one mind on Gaza.  But, as polling demonstrated, that was never the case for the Democratic Party's members.  Kamala had to navigate a tight rope but that reality was ignored as Amy Goodman repeatedly brought on Uncommitted to tell their lies -- frequently, the biggest one being that they were Democrats.  They were, in fact, Socialists (and one Communist).  Long before Eoin finished his book, we were pointing out here that DN! was using the FOX "NEWS" model. 

It takes a lot of nerve and a lot of hypocrisy to rightly attack Glenn Greenwald for his lies, distortions and FOX-ification while you not only refuse to do the same with your own peers but, in fact, also applaud them in the book -- Naomi Klein (a Socialist whose pro-Kamala message on DN! was hold your nose and vote for her -- again, the messaging from DN! was that even Democrats did not support Kamala), Adam H. Johnson, Branko Marcetic and so many more Socialists. 

We don't like Glenn, we have called him out here for years.  But when the left does what we call out in Glenn, we call out the left.  And when we say that we call out the left, we mean we call out Democrats, we call out Socialists, we call out Communists and we call out Greens.

Not only does Eoin refuse to do that, he can't even type the word "Socialist."  Political closets run deep.  And political closet cases worked overtime to defeat Kamala so we're in no mood to play and pretend this is some deep and important book.

It's trite and superficial.  The scope is beyond the page length.  It's 'finding' are generic and self-fulfilling.  Doesn't make them necessarily wrong but does reduce this allegedly important book to nothing more than a basic primer good only for someone brand new to the topic.


This could have been an important book, this century's BACKLASH: THE UNDECLARED WAR AGAINST WOMEN, for example, but Eion's research is sloppy and superficial.  And whereas Susan Faludi not only mastered the research part of journalism, she also wrote with real flair.  There are moments where it's so obvious that Eion Higgines is mentally doing a rim shot thinking he's left the reader laughing (one such example would be when he noted Greenwald doesn't grasp that the US Constitution is not the law of the land for the United Kingdom) but he buries the wit with too many words in the sentence and the words poorly arranged.

Again, the book reads like a first draft.  Maybe the problem is the echo chamber bubble he lives in?  Too eager to holler that someone's calling out Glenn to actually note how bad a job is being done at calling out Glenn and holding him accountable. In fact, we think we can give him the ultimate insult here -- this book is as superficial as any 'book' Eric Alterman ever produced.  That's right, Socialist Higgins has produced a book so bland, boring and bad that it could have been written by centrist Eric Alterman.

In closing, we should note that Higgings might falsely believe he did one end note in the book's footnotes.  That would be regarding an entertainment program.  If so, he screwed that up as well.  Aired?  If a program was on CBS ALL ACCESS (now PARAMOUNT+) on October 8, 2017, it did not air that day.  CBS ALL ACCESS was an on-demand streaming platform for the program.  The note should read something along the lines of "began streaming."



Some end notes.

There are no numbers above or "*" or "**" for these end notes and that's because the piece is long enough as it is and because "*" and other notes would get in the way of the sentence we were writing and the point we were making.  Here are some comments and clarifications that we couldn't fit into the above.

Naomi Wolf's THE BEAUTY MYTH?  We say is came out four years prior -- that's because the 1990 book didn't come out in the US until 1991.  Don't e-mail to tell us what we already know.

Defining events in Gen X's formative and early adult years go beyond the end or apartheid, the AIDS crisis, the fight for LGBTQ rights and the environment -- those re just the four we are noting.  There's the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, there's Tiananmen Square and much more with actions.  

"Catty" and "bitchy."  Yes, Glenn is those things.  If you're new here, you may wonder if we're trying to be homophobic.  No, men can be catty and bitchy without having to be gay or bi or straight.  "Strident."  You'll find, looking at the archives, that we've called a huge number of men "strident" just because the term is so often applied to women and so rarely applied to men -- even though men can be strident. 

We're not discussing the section on the January 6th insurrection.  We had planned to write about that if Kamala Harris was elected as president.  If the Dems take back even one house of Congress -- we're hoping for both houses -- in the 2026 mid-terms, we'll write about it then.  Our thoughts have nothing to do with what's in Eoin Higgins' book -- well, we do interpret a Congress member differently that he does in the book.  It has to do with impeachment and why we think Congress failed at it. 

If you think we're being overly cruel, we could have gone into the typos (page 150 is missing a colon before launching into a very long excerpt, for example).  We didn't know, until we read it, that we'd be negative about the book.  As it stands now, it's like a review we did of a friend's book -- an actress -- where we panned her book and knew she'd be bothered but even so we laughed writing the review and we're laughing right now thinking again of that book review.  

Ty asked us to note "Trapped in an AA meeting with Judy Collins (Ava and C.I.)" because Rhonda wrote last month asking if we'd be covering a book this year as part of the community wide effort to increase book coverage.  We didn't cover a book last year.  This might be the only one we cover this year.  Rhonda says the Judy Collins book review is her "favorite book review of all time ever."  You're too kind.  It does have a few strong passages though.

Matt Taibbi is not noted to  any real degree above.  That's because we were asked not to write about him by someone close to him . . . years ago.  Until 2020, as a result, his name never appeared with one exception -- when we interviewed the reporter covering the case of Iraq War Criminal Steven D. Green.  In that interview published here, the reporter noted his admiration for Taibbi.  We have never had admiration for him and never worshiped him.  We know his drug problems and his education issues.  Eoin Higgins tells a tale of how Taibbi agreed to an interview with a journalist approximately ten years ago and threw a cup of coffee at the reporter and then tried to intimidate him out on the street.  That's the reality of Matt Taibbi and it's more common than Higgins apparently knows -- or is willing to tell.  It's not sane behavior.  It is typical Matt Taibbi behavior.  

The damage Amy Goodman and other political cases did to Kamala's campaign is something we addressed in real time and have continued to do.  You can refer to the following if you're late to the party:

Media: Accountability -- a term beggar media needs translated

Buy a clue (Ava and C.I.)

Media: How Amy Goodman harmed immigrants and helped elect Chump

"2024: The Year of Betrayal From Inside The Left."

Raison d'être (Ava and C.I.)

Media Lessons (Ava and C.I.)

Media: An idiot says he'll sue over art evaluation, two other idiots defend Trump's nominees

Media: Journalistic Malpractice

Media: You apparently can't teach common sense to journalists (Ava and C.I.)

I-I-I-I-I-I Ain't Gonna Tweet on TWITTER (Ava and C.I.) 

Media: White supremacy won the 2024 election (Ava and C.I.) 

Don't give a dime to the racist NATION magazine

Media: The election winds down

Media: The double standard

Media: Are they trying to elect Donald Trump?

Media: Abusers Donald and JD fit the pattern

Media: The damage done by Dave Zirin and The Gaza Freaks

The death of corporate media has been widely misreported 

Media: Broadcast TV and Jill Stein -- two things that always fail to deliver

Media: Hard Truths and Soft Media

Media: A great sitcom, a lousy debate

Media: The stupid on the right and the stupid on the left will doom us all

Media: They don't know any better

Media: The embarrassments of the 2024 presidential campaigns

Media: We usually get our twists and turns from TV

Susan Benjamin needs to find her way off the stage

Susan Benjamin -- stage name "Medea" -- long ago exhausted the patience of the bulk of the left.  Where there are cameras, there is Susan.  Not to accomplish anything, just to get press coverage.  Her stage name may be Medea Benajamin but her true name (noted years ago by Ava and C.I.) is I-Need-Attention Benjamin.  

We thought her flirtation with neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys would be the end of her; however, she continues attempting to be 'relevant' -- or at least talked about.

In 2024, as US democracy hung in the balance, Susan could be found trashing Kamala Harris and praising Donald Chump. 

I’m thinking of famous longtime progressive anti war activists like Medea Benjamin who took a hard right turn off the deep end this election saying despite his bad domestic policies at least Trump would end the wars. Will any of these people ever admit they were dead wrong?

— Hello Andrew ( February 4, 2025 at 11:09 PM

She's followed the past of many other Socialists in the US who only believe in destruction so they march on over to the right.  That's why she's so cozy with fellow fake asses.

The DC "cultural hub" restaurant Busboys & Poets held what looks like a propagandist prom. Convicted pedophile Scott Ritter, Medea Benjamin, Aaron Maté, Max Blumenthal, and Anya Parampil were there.

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— Post-Left Watch ( January 19, 2025 at 2:19 AM

CODESTINK wants people to see it as a feminist organization.  So they just think it's cool for Susan Benjamin to hang with a convicted pedophile?

Susan's an eternal embarrassment and the original Karen.  It's time for her to retire from the stage.

How can someone be this gullible?

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— Post-Left Watch ( February 8, 2025 at 1:54 AM

The 20 best episodes of WILL & GRACE


WILL & GRACE is one of the all time classic sitcoms.  It ran for eleven seasons on NBC and we wish it had even more seasons.  It won multiple Emmys and features amazing guest stars including: Demi Moore, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Gregory Hines, Gene Wilder, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Wanda Sykes, Parker Posey, Sharon Stone, Ellen DeGeneres, Matt Damon, Elton John, Ben Platt, Andy Garcia, Roseanna Arquette, Neil Patrick Harris, Taye Diggs, Joan Collins and many more.

IMDB offered their top 20 episodes.  All great choices.  But not necessarily our choices.  That said, it's hard to pick and our top 20 was strongly fought over (for example, the Gillian episode didn't make the cut and some of us are still mad about that).  But at this point in time, here are the top 20 episodes we could agree on.

20) "Sweatshop Annie & the Annoying Baby Shower"-- season 9, episode 13 -- Ellen and friends throw a baby shower for Rose Mary as Grace stuffs her feelings on notes that later get discovered.  As the shower implodes, Ellen gets the best line with "You know, Rob's always like, 'We don't see Will and Grace enough.[  And I'm always like, 'We see them the right amount'."

19) "Homojo" -- season 5, episode 15 -- Minnie Driver's shows up for the first time as Karen's nemesis Lorraine while the propsect of losing game night to Rob & Ellen or Larry & Joe forces Will and Grace to admit that they've lost their homojo.

18) "There's Something About Larry" -- season 9, episode 9 -- Larry's not feeling appreciated by Joe and develops a crush on Will.

17) "Bathroom Humor" -- season 8, episode 11 -- Rosario mistakenly invited Jack, Grace and Will to Karen's birthday party where they have to not only endured Leslie Jordan's Beverly Leslie but also Matt Lauer's Matt Lauer.

16) "Performance Anxiety" -- season 11, episode 6 -- Jack and Grace go to an ANNIE convention. 

15)  "To Serve and Disinfect" -- season two, episode 6 -- Will serves a catered affair while one of Karen's previous jobs (a fetish films actress) comes to light. 

14) "Grace Replaced" -- season one, episode 18, -- Molly Shannon's first appearance as Val who quickly becomes the new Grace --even handling game night with Rob and Ellen.

13) "Rosario's Quinceañera" -- season 9, episode 6 -- Karen comes to grip with Rosario's passing. 

12) "Fanilow" -- season 6, episode 10 -- Debbie Reynolds is back as Grace's mom Bobbie, but she's celebrating Hanukkah with Jack while Grace holds Will's place in a line for Barry Manilow concert tickets.  Priceless moments -- Grace turning the song "Mandy" into "Mommy" and the look Karen shoots her.

11) "With Enemies Like These" -- season 11, episode 3 -- Grace encounters problems "in the golden age of take-out" but Mrs. Timer bans food deliveries in the building.  Karen gets the best line, "Oh, Grace, you're a couch toilet away from all your dreams coming true."

10) "Das Boob" -- season 2, episode 2 -- Karen convinces Grace her breasts are too small for an old high school crush

9) "Polk Defeats Truman" -- season 2, episode 5 -- Grace is wiped out when Karen actually cashes her pay checks and Will get fired by Harlan.

8) "Alley Cats," season 1, episode 21 -- Rob and Ellen can't take Grace's competitiveness and it does not end well for them at a bowling alley when Will lets Jeannie out of the bottle. 

7) "Gypsies, Tramps and Weed" -- season 3, episode 7 -- Cher has already been mentioned on the show -- and would continue to be -- but this was the first of her two actual appearance onscreen.  Jack's obsessed with his new Cher doll while Will has one of his very many bad birthdays. 

6) "Lows in the Mid-Eighties" -- season 3, episodes 9 and 10 -- waiting for a table leads Will, Grace, Jack and Karen to reflect on their earlier years -- including back in college when Will told Grace he was gay and ended up sleeping with Diane -- the only woman he ever slept with.    

5) "Three Wise Men" -- season 9, episode 12 -- Jack says "respect" to Grace at the end of the episode upon learning that she slept with her boyfriend James' adult son . . . and James' grandfather and James himself.  Grace's declaration that she's the prettiest girl (that grandfather, father and son are talking about) may be Debra Messing's finest comedic moment).

4) "Queens For A Day" -- season 7, episodes 10 and 11 -- Thanksgiving finds Will working overtime to impress boyfriend Vince's mother while Jack urges Vince's sister to come out as a lesbian and Grace and Karen make out with Vince's nephew. 

3) "Me and Mr. Jones" -- season 6, episode 4 -- feeling lost, James Earl Jones joins Jack's acting class where he performs a scene from SEX IN THE CITY.  

2) "Homo For The Holidays" -- season two, episode 7 -- Jack's mother makes her only on camera appearance as she shows up to learn that Jack is gay -- after watching Karen and Grace pretend to be his ex lovers. 

1) "Last Ex To Brooklyn," season six, episode two -- Mira Sorvino shows up as Leo's ex and the only woman Will ever slept with -- Diane -- leading Grace to simmer into rage. [Mira Sorvino plays Diane in this episode and her moment comes when she quotes the lyrics of Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)" and detailing her hair burning on the hot plate."]

BLUESKU of the week

Trump and his family made $100 million off his new memecoin while 800,000 gullible investors he fleeced lost $2 billion when the coin price plunged from $75 to $17. The Great Stunt Queen strikes again! #ETTD

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— Keith Boykin ( February 9, 2025 at 10:19 PM


Book List

 Book coverage continues in this community.  For earlier lists of books covered see 2021's  "Books," 2023's "Books" and 2024 "Book List"

Books reviewed in the community this year.

1) "bob hope should be a lesson" -- Rebecca reviews Richard Zoglin.  

2) "Shattered Love: A Memoir" -- Marcia reviews Richard Chamberlain's insipid autobiography. 

3) "Help! My Apartment Has A Dining Room Cookbook: How to Have People Over Without Stressing Out" -- Trina reviews a cookbook.

4)  "Media: OWNED finds Eoin Higgins owned by bad journalism" -- Ava and C.I. take on Eoin Higgins bad book.


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