Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Truest statement of the week

Republican nominee Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that he has nothing to do with the controversial Project 2025. At the presidential debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, he said he didn’t know who was involved in creating it, and wasn’t going to read it.

It's something he has repeated over and over and over.

So why is he prepared to bring one of its writers into his potential presidential administration?

Trump called into The John Kobylt Show on KFI AM radio station in California last Tuesday ahead of his Saturday rally in Coachella. During their 50-minute conversation, Kobylt asked the former president about immigration proposals he was ready to implement on day one.

Trump, in his response, name-dropped someone from his previous administration.

"You've seen Tom Homan," Trump said. "He's coming on board."

Homan, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from 2017 to 2018, is one of the writers of Project 2025. He's previously alluded to being part of Trump’s administration if he beats Harris this November.

Truest statement of the week II

It’s twisted reasoning: Trump and his allies lie, and many believe him. Asked about the lies, Vance points to the concerns of those who put their faith in a man who deceived them, as if their fears necessarily have merit, reality be damned.

It’s the precise logic we saw in the wake of the 2020 election, when Republicans pointed to polls showing a significant number of Americans believed conspiracy theories related to the race’s outcome. When Democrats pointed to reality, GOP officials effectively replied, “But look at all of these people who believe otherwise!”

Pointing to the beliefs of those who’ve been lied to does not make the beliefs true.

A note to our readers

Hey --


Let's thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen, 
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.


And what did we come up with? 



No editorial hopefully Ava and C.I.'s media piece can cover it.



-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.



Media: Abusers Donald and JD fit the pattern

It didn't take Convicted Felon Donald Trump urging violence on an unidentified female at his Coachella rally for us to know he and his mini-me JD Vance are all about violence and blaming women.  

So, don't tell me I
Haven't been good to you
Don't tell me I
Have never been there for you
Just tell me why
Nothing is good enough
-- "Good Enough," written by Sarah McLachlan, first appears on FUMBLING TOWARDS ECSTASY

Nothing is ever good enough for abusers and, at the end of the day, that's all Donald and JD are.

Alex Galbraith (SALON) notes, "JD Vance really doesn't like being fact-checked."   

Abusers always resist fact checking.  "You had it coming" and "You made me do it," for example, never will hold up to a fact check.  Abusers don't just physically harm people, they also justify their abuse and that requires lying.  

Sunday, the eye liner addicted Tele-Tubby lost it on ABC's THIS WEEK when moderator Martha Raddatz called out his lies that cities were being overtaken by Venezuelan gangs.  Days before, he couldn't conceal his anger and disdain when, for a NEW YORK TIMES podcast, Lulu Garcia-Navarro refused to let him off and instead made it very clear he was refusing to answer the question she was asking: Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election?

He refused to answer.  She asked it five times.  And he refused to answer.

Neither man likes the truth.  Steve Benen (MSNBC) notes that Donald is having a fit over the film THE APPRENTICE:

It’s unlikely that Donald Trump has seen “The Apprentice,” a movie that chronicles his early rise, but he evidently doesn’t care for it. The Hill reported:

Former President Trump is slamming “The Apprentice,” calling the film about his early rise in New York “fake and classless.” “It’s a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job, put out right before the 2024 Presidential Election, to try and hurt the Greatest Political Movement in the History of our Country,” Trump wrote in an early morning Truth Social post on Monday.

The 150-word missive, published shortly before 1 a.m. eastern, covered some predictable ground, including the Republican expressing hope that the film will “bomb.”

But there was one sentence in the online piece that stood out for me: “So sad that HUMAN SCUM, like the people involved in this hopefully unsuccessful enterprise, are allowed to say and do whatever they want.”

Does the film show him raping Ivana?  Court documents back that claim -- court documents Ivana's attorneys filed -- so if that's got him upset?  What do they say?  "Truth hurts."

And it really does hurt for Donald and JD.  The two itch and scratch and whine.  Over and over.

Bob Woodward's WAR comes out Tuesday.  Advance publicity and reporting on the book notes that Donald sent his reach-around-buddy Vladimir Putin a Covid testing machine.  If you're late on that story, Nadine Yousif (BBC NEWS) reported last week, "A new book by veteran Watergate reporter Bob Woodward says Donald Trump secretly sent coveted Covid-19 testing machines to Vladimir Putin for personal use when they were in short supply, a claim angrily dismissed by the Trump campaign."  And, yes, Donald did deny it but the Kremlin confirmed it. Last Friday, three governors joined together to issue the following statement:

Today, Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Tony Evers, and JB Pritzker issued a joint statement following new reporting that former President Trump sent COVID-19 supplies to Russian President Vladimir Putin while rebuffing American pleas for assistance.


“Four years ago, during the very worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as Governors of our states, we were engaged in a 24/7 effort to obtain critical medical supplies for our people.  It was a terrifying time, and the federal government abandoned us to fend for ourselves. No one knew how deadly the pandemic would turn out to be, and our hospitals were struggling to treat patients and protect their staff. 


“The federal government, under the leadership of then-President Donald Trump, had completely abdicated responsibility. They ignored our requests for help to get testing kits, ventilators, and N-95 masks. As we grappled with worldwide shortages, the former President flat out refused to deploy the Defense Production Act to manufacture these critical supplies here at home, putting our people at the mercy of price gouging foreign suppliers.  


“Putting pride and partisanship aside, individually and as a group, we repeatedly requested that President Trump step up and come to our constituents’ aid in the way only the federal government could.  We were repeatedly rebuffed, mocked, and told there were no supplies to be had. In desperation, we turned to private companies, using money from our state treasuries to purchase what our people needed.


“Now we are reading reports that during this unprecedented and historic public health crisis, while Americans were dying and desperate for life saving supplies, former President Trump was personally sending testing kits to Russian President Vladimir Putin. For that, we demand answers. President Trump’s cozy relationship with Putin has been well documented, and this recent report demonstrates how, yet again, Trump is putting a foreign dictator before Americans, threatening our national security in the process. 


“Putin’s wish is Trump’s command.


“Former President Trump betrayed us. Americans suffered during the pandemic. 1.2 million Americans died, many because they did not have access to adequate supplies at a critical time. Donald Trump must explain why he put his personal friendship with Putin, a ruthless dictator and war criminal, over the American people.”

He did betray the American people.  And Putin realized that.  Putin told him not to make it public.  Trump wasn't smart enough to do it on the down-low until Putin explained that people would be outraged over this action.  So Trump agreed to be silent about it.  But he also agreed to do it because the American people were not his priority -- the health of Vladimir Putin was. 

Typical abuser behavior, by the way.  Worrying what outsiders think of him and not what the people he's abusing think of him.

When an abuser is 'fact checked' (confronted), they respond with rage.  And don't we see that over and over when it comes to Donald and JD?

The coverage of Bob Woodward's book?  Asked about it, JD erupted.  The author of a laughable tome that slams the people he grew up with was asked about Donald sending COVID tests to Vlad and Miss Sassy immediately went into attack mode.  Showing off the most outrageous male bitchy since the death of Paul Lynde, the tubby little cross dresser raged, "I honestly didn't know that Bob Woodward was still alive until you just asked me that question.  And that's -- what little I know about Bob Woodward is that he is -- I'm going to use -- I'm going to use a word here.  He is a hack.  The guy is a hack."

That's an answer?  

That's an abuser raging.

And, for the record, Bob Woodward is not a hack.  He's written over 20 best sellers.  He and Carl Bernstein broke the Watergate scandal.

More to the point, JD was doing 'journalism' in Iraq, remember?  While others carried guns and patrolled and fought, baby Vance hunkered over the keyboard and wrote an article or two.  That's all he could manage.  The brave little toaster -- er, warrior.  And he wants to call out Bob Woodward as a hack?

It's laughable.  And we should all laugh in JD's face because Miss Sassy can't handle that anymore than Donald can.

Back to Steve Benen:

In recent days, of course, the former president hasn’t just lashed out at those responsible for “The Apprentice” movie. He’s also launched a bizarre campaign against CBS and “60 Minutes,” accusing the outlet and the news program of a “scandal” that does not exist.

Trump has nevertheless repeatedly called for CBS to lose its broadcast license — an appeal that doesn’t actually make sense — a point he seemed especially excited about over the weekend. On Friday night, for example, the Republican said “60 Minutes” should be “taken off the air,” and a day later, he suggested during a Newsmax interview that the government should somehow pull CBS from the airwaves.

 And did I mention that Trump said in reference to The New York Times: "Wait until you see what I’m going to do with them"? Because that happened last week, too.

And before insisting CBS should lose its license, Donald was demanding ABC's broadcast license be "revoked."

It's a war on journalism which is a war on the people.  And, please note, self-billed 'defenders' of free speech -- Glory Hole Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Swirley Turley and Matt I Am One Sick F**k Taibbi -- don't say one word.  Because they've never really defended free speech.  They've only defended right-wingers' hateful attacks.

Well that's not true.  Matt Taibbi has also defended lying.  He did that when confronted with the damage and threats the Donald's lying keeps prompting.  He said to oppose that lying was to be anti-free speech.  He also likes to pretend he's studied the law -- he hasn't -- and to jump on those who bring up that you can't "yell fire in a crowded theater."

Long before Matt Taibbi returned to the US and to dragging his knuckles here, we had explained that 'law.'  It's a standard with regards to free speech.  During WWI, there were people opposed to the draft who were telling others to resist the draft.  We happen to agree with that sentiment, by the way.  It stems from SCHENCK V UNITED STATES, heard by the Supreme Court in 1919.  The unanimous ruling, written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, was later (1969) slivered down to limiting speech if it was thought it might incite a riot or a similar action.

And, for the record, that is what Donald and JD are doing.

Donald's been doing it over and over since January 6th when he incited the DC riot -- planned to incite and did.  The two grifters are doing it with regards to FEMA. Christopher Cann and Josh Meyer (USA TODAY) report:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency temporarily halted some aid operations over the weekend in parts of western North Carolina impacted by Hurricane Helene because of threats targeting government workers, local officials said.

The threats caused FEMA employees to temporarily stop accepting in-person applications for federal assistance in some of North Carolina's mountain communities, according to a statement posted Sunday on social media by the Ashe County Emergency Management Department, which said FEMA employees would not be staffed in the towns of Lansing or Riverview.

"It is our understanding that all FEMA reps in NC were stood down due to threats occurring in some counties (not Ashe) but we have not received any official correspondence on this issue from FEMA," the post said. Later Sunday, the Ashe County Emergency Management Department said FEMA would begin accepting in-person applications for assistance on Monday.

Ashe County Sheriff B. Phil Howell said in a statement FEMA had "paused their process" because of "threats made against them." He urged residents to "stay calm and steady," adding, "Help folks and please don't stir the pot."

In Rutherford County, about 90 miles south of Ashe County, federal emergency response personnel paused operations Saturday and moved to a different area because of reported threats from a" so-called "armed militia," The Washington Post reported, citing an email sent to multiple federal agencies.

This is what grifters Donald and JD have spawned and, no, that doesn't pass for free speech.  They're endangering lives -- the lives of FEMA workers and the lives of people in need of assistance. 

For weeks, misinformation about the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Hurricane Helene response has spread far and wide on social media platforms — with more than a helpful nudge from Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the relaxed moderation policies of Musk’s platform, X.

[. . .]

It’s now the second time in a month that a Trump-fueled conspiracy theory has preceded apparent threats made in the relevant area — with the last one being Trump’s false claims about Haitian migrants stealing and eating pets in Springfield, Ohio. Each time, local Republican officials have sought to combat the conspiracy theories and warned of the harm they could do.

Both instances reinforce the potential danger of Trump’s conspiratorial bent and willingness to deploy such misinformation and political tactics even in tense and tragic situations. Trump unleashed a torrent of similar misinformation early in the coronavirus pandemic and after the 2020 election as he sought to overturn the results — the latter of which culminated in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Most prominent among the Helene conspiracy theories has been that FEMA has blocked materials and seized property from affected areas. Rutherford County is a focal point of such theories, with users falsely claiming that the government aimed to seize lithium deposits in Chimney Rock in Rutherford County.

This is the destruction that JD and Donald bring on because they're controlling, manipulative and vicious and cruel.  Women will be most likely to recognize what they're doing because those are text book moves carried about by domestic abusers.  And women know that nothing Vance and Trump do is good enough because their behavior is abusive -- always abusive.

Books (Trina, Ava and C.I.)



As we did in 2021 and 2023, we're attempting to again increase book coverage in the community. This go round, we're talking to Trina about her "Help! My Apartment Has A Kitchen" and this was a very popular review.  People loved it.


Trina: I was surprised.  I didn't know about the title -- what to title the post --  but went with the title of the book.  And it's become my most popular post of the last five years.  I have no idea where all the readers came from.  Thank you to those who read it.  It really is a great book and I give it out to people all the time -- both as planned gifts and as go-ahead-take-it if someone's looking at it in my kitchen and really likes it.  I'm forever buying copies of this book on AMAZON and I really wish that Kevin Mills and his mother Nancy Mills would do an update or another one.  They wrote a great book that made cooking very simple and that seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world to do but it's actually something that requires real skill.

It came out in 2006?

Trina: Was it that long ago?  A blink of the eye.  But that means that two years from now is the 20th anniversary so they could do an update.  

That same year, they published another book.

Trina: I did not know that.


Trina: Is it available on KINDLE?

It is.  It's $6.99 on KINDLE.  It's higher in paperback and softcover.  

Trina: Well then covering this book was a gift to me because I'm going to get that book in my KINDLE CLOUD tonight.  

You've noted a lot of recipes over the years from HELP! MY APARTMENT HAS A KITCHEN.  What's your favorite?

Trina:  This one -- I'm sending it to you right now in an e-mail.
Mexican Corn Chowder
1 medium onion
2 medium celery stalks
2 tablespoons corn oil
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon flour
1 15-ounce can creamed corn
1/2 4-ounce can diced green chilies, (drained
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup shredded Monterrey Jack cheese
Handful tortilla chips, whole or broken

Peel and finely chop the onion. Wash the celery stalks, trim and discard the ends and cut the stalks into 1/4-inch slices.
Heat the oil in a medium-size pot over medium heat. Add the onion and celery and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables begin to soften.
Add the cumin and flour and stir carefully until both are fully absorbed into the onion/celery mixture. Add the corn, chilies, milk, salt and black pepper and stir thoroughly.
Cook, uncovered, over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes. Stir in the cheese and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes, or until the cheese melts and the soup is hot but not boiling. Ladle into bowls, sprinkle on a few tortilla chips, if you like, to provide crunch, and serve.

Mexican Chowder?  That's a good one.  You've made it for us and we've made it on the road when we were speaking.  Why is it your favorite?

Trina: Because, first of all, it tastes so good.  Second of all, it's easy to make.  Even on the road.  Milk's about the only ingredient that's going to go bad.  And most people have milk on hand.  The other ingredients are pretty much staples.  So it's a tasty meal that's quick and easy.  






Jim's World


If you missed it, candy-ass old man Norman Solomon is back at it again.  He's rooting for Jill Stein.  It'll be interesting to watch IPA lose funding.  Interesting and fitting.  

Remember when Norman attacked Lt. Ehren Watada.  
I won't be nice like C.I.  No, I'll name the garbage involved in that attack.  It would be IN THESE TIMES' Sarah Lazare.  

For those who've forgotten, Ehren was ordered to go to Iraq.  He had to refuse.  He would be commanding people under him.  Responsible for them.  And the Iraq War was an illegal war so he would be giving them orders that were illegal.  Ehren took a brave stand.

At one point, bimbo Sarah -- presenting as a journalist -- interviews Ehren.

And then the military court hearing his Article 32 demands she testifies.

Now grasp that Ehren's fighting for his life.  And Sarah apparently didn't understand that a journalist doesn't reveal her sources.

She and Norman Solomon played crybaby and insisted Ehren needed to save Sarah.  He needed to testify to what she didn't want to.

Wah! Wah!  Wah!

That's not journalism.

Bimbo Sarah, was she putting out like a candy machine for Norman?

Who knows?

But they thought they could screw over Ehren -- and this while Sarah was a part of Courage To Resist (Sarah, "bimbo" is what that group's members called you -- take it up with them) -- and they tried to.

Norman is garbage and will always be garbage.  The left needs to grasp that.  Sean Penn didn't and it ended up destroying his second marriage.

Poor Norman, with the passage of each year, he looks more and more like Sophia on GOLDEN GIRLS.   

Oh, and if you need another reason to loathe Norman, he wrote this week,"Personally, as a resident of solid-blue California, I have no intention of voting for Harris."
 In 2008, he was a pledged delegate for Barack Obama -- a detail he 'forgot' to disclose in his radio appearances.  Let's all remember that he's not voting for Kamala.  Let's remember that and make damn sure he's never a pledged delegate to the DNC ever again.


WTF journalism?



In "Meghan McCain Tears Into Her Ex-ABC Colleague Martha Raddatz Over Viral JD Vance Interview: She Sounds ‘Completely Psychotic’," Isaac Schorr types, "Meghan McCain tore into her former ABC colleague Martha Raddatz on Sunday after Raddatz seemed to downplay the influence of a Venezuelan gang in Aurora, Colorado."

They are not "colleagues" anymore than Martha is a colleague of Sheryl Lee Ralph or Ramón Rodríguez.  Sheryl and Ramon are talented actors.  Meghan McCain is a fat cry baby who was on a talk show and cried a lot even then.  But she was never Martha's colleague.  Martha has been a journalist at ABC for over three decades and has done serious journalism and done it around the world -- including Iraq.

No, they aren't "ABC colleague[s]."  Isaac Schorr needs someone to hook him up with reality on a blind date and see how that goes over.

She was born an idiot



Remember back in the day when THE VANGUARD couldn't stop slobbering over Briahna Joy Gray and her alleged intellect?  It took Ava and C.I. to tell you that the emperor had no clothes on -- a reality that Bri-Bri only makes ever more clear every day.  Her feel glory hole whore Glynneth Greenwald felt the need to reTweet this non-wisdom from Bri-Bri:

So not the point, but it's kinda funny that Democrats go out of their way to call Biden's wife "Dr. Jill" bc feminism, but not Dr. Jill Stein, who is a Harvard trained medical doctor who also taught internal medicine at Harvard med school.

It's not funny because it's not accurate.  There were no feminists insisting Jill Biden be called "Dr Jill" and Ava and C.I. have never called her "Dr Jill."  But it's the sort of whiny bitch comment the jealous child makes when they feel like their brother or sister gets to stay up an hour later.  

Someone put Bri-Bri and Glynneth to bed -- but first make sure that they're wearing adult diapers.  Both of them are really full of s**t.


2024 passings





1) "bad news (settlers shot a child in the back and adan canto has died)" -- Rebecca covers the passing of THE CLEANING LADY and DESIGNATED SURVIVOR star.


 2 and 3) "David Soul and Glynis Johns have passed" -- two passings -- one you knew from STARSKY & HUTCH, the other you knew from MARY POPPINS.

4) "Mary Weiss, The Leader of the Genre?" -- Elaine notes the passing of the leader of The Shangri-Las. 

5) "The death of Norman Jewison and the death of Taraji P. Henson's career" -- Stan notes the passing of film director Norman Jewison.


 6) "Melanie: Queen of the Music festivals ," "Thank you to Melanie (Jess)," "Jon Stewart to return to the desk," "Melanie, REACHER, young voters," "When are they going to arrest Kari Lake?," "We lose Melanie and Dexter King but are still stuck with Jonathan Turley?," "my top five melanie albums," "Ugly Chaya Chachi Ratchik," "Where's Florida's "Don't Say Southern Baptist" law?," and "Melanie, Mary Weiss, Green Day" -- remembering singer-songwriter Melanie.

7) "Norman Jewison and Melanie" -- Ruth notes Melanie and director Norman Jewison's passing. 

8) "Chita Rivera" -- a trailblazer's life is noted by Elaine.  

9) "Carl Weathers" -- Stan covers the actor and the athlete's passing.


10) "Richard Lewis" --  Ruth notes the passing of a stand up comic and actor.


11)  "Eric Carmen" -- Kat notes the passing of a singer-songwriter.


12)  "Louis Gossett Jr." -- Stan notes a passing of a breakthrough and Academy Award winning actor.


13) "I do Barbara Rush" -- Betty notes a passing of a golden age actress.


14) "Joe Flaherty" -- Stan notes a passing of a comic actor. 

15) "Robert MacNeil" -- Ruth notes a passing of a news anchor.


 16)  "meg bennett" -- Rebecca notes that passing of an actress and writer.


17) "David Sanborn" -- Kat notes the passing of a saxophone legend.


18) "Dabney Coleman" -- Stan notes a character actor who became a star.


19) "Charlie Colin" -- Kat notes the passing of an alternative rocker.


20)  "morgan spurlock, demi moore" -- Rebecca notes the passing of a filmmaker.


 21) "Rev. James Lawson" -- Ann notes the passing of a pioneer.


22) "Donald Sutherland" -- Stan notes the passing of a true original. 

23) "The media is full of liars" -- Ann notes the passing of Martin Mull and how the media had to fudge the truth.

24) "Robert Towne" -- Stan notes a passing.


25) "Media: Reality versus the lies the media loves to spread" -- Ava and C.I. note Dr Ruth's passing -- and the reality of her so-called 'ally' status.


26)   "shannen doherty" -- Rebecca notes the passing of the TV actress.


27) "Bob Newhart" -- Marcia notes the passing of the TV sitcom star.


28) "Richard Simmons" -- Ruth notes the passing of the fitness guru.


29)  "Obituaries -- thoughts on Sheila Jackson Lee and others" -- Elaine notes the passing of Sheila Jackson Lee -- exposed as a crook in Greg Palast's THE BEST DEMOCRACY MONEY CAN BUY -- and why we cover the deaths we cover.


30) ''Gena Rowlands" -- Stan notes the passing of a legendary actress.


31)  "Taco Spaghetti in the Kitchen" -- Trina notes the passing of game show host Peter Marshall. 


32) "Donahue" -- Kat notes a passing of a daytime TV pioneer.


33) "James Darren" -- Kat notes the passing of an actor and singer. 

34) "Weekend Box Office and James Earl Jones has passed" -- Stan notes James Earl Jones' passing.


35)  "Martha Stewart, Taylor Swift, Tito Jackson" -- Kat notes Tito Jackson's passing.


36) "Maggie Smith" -- Stan notes the passing of the British actress.

37)  "John Amos" -- Stan notes the passing of the American actor.

38)  "Kris Kristofferson" -- Kat notes the passing of an actor, songwriter and singer.

39) "Ethel Kennedy" -- Ruth notes the passing of an activist. 




Book List


  Books reviewed in the community this year.

1) "J Randy Taraborrelli's awful Beyonce book" -- Ann reviews a book on Beyonce.


2)  "Sheila Weller's Carrie Fisher: A Life On The Edge" -- Marcia reviews a puff piece bio.


3)   "Sheet Pan Fajita Shrimp in the Kitchen" -- Trina reviews a cookbook.


4) "Container Gardening (book review), Idiot of the Week, and Kylie Minogue performed at the Brit Awards" -- Mike covers a book on container gardening. 

5) "Type II Diabetes (books)" -- Stan reviews four books on diabetes.

6) "faye dunaway" -- Rebecca reviews a biography of Faye Dunaway.  


7)  "THE FIVE-INGREDIENT COOKBOOK FOR MEN" -- Mike reviews a cookbook. 





9) "THE LESSONS OF MAMA TEMBO (Dona)" -- Dona reviews a children's book.


10) "Michael Schulman's OSCAR WARS: A HISTORY OF HOLLYWOOD IN GOLD, SWEAT AND TEARS" -- Stan's book review. 


11) "Not Your China Doll: The Wild and Shimmering Life ..." -- Ann reviews a bad book about an early film star. 

12) "MY MAMA, CASS" -- Kat reviews a book by the daughter of Cass Elliot.  

13) "Media: The stupid return to target Target and a man writes a really dull, boring book" -- Ava and C.I. review A. Ashley Hoff's  WITH LOVE, MOMMIE DEAREST: THE MAKING OF AN UNINTENTIONAL CAMP CLASSIC.


14)  "THE DARK SIDE OF HOLLYWOOD (Ty)" -- Ty reviews a book about Charlie Chaplin, Lupe Velez and Jean Harlow.


15) "LADIES WHO PUNCH: THE EXPLOSIVE INSIDE STORY OF THE VIEW" -- Ruth reviews a book about ABC's long running gasbaggery. 


16)  "HOLLYWOOD CELEBRITIES: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? (Jim)" -- Jim covers a book that fails to deliver. 


17) "Andrew McCarthy's BRAT" -- Kat reviews Andrew's bio.


18) "A really bad book gets reviewed -- plus Paul Rudnick, Diana Ross, Chase Rice, Sam Smith " -- Elaine reviews Tina Brown's  THE VANITY FAIR DIARIES.


19)  "Boze Hadleigh's Hollywood Lesbians: from Garbo to Foster" and "'hollywood lesbians: from garbo to foster' by boze hadleigh" -- Marcia and Rebecca do their annual summer read.


20) "C'MON, GET HAPPY is the worst book of 2024 " -- Kat reviews a book supposedly covering the film SUMMER STOCK.


21) "Diet Clam Chowder in the Kitchen"  -- Trina reviews a book on the history of chowder. 


22) "CINEMA SPECULATION" -- Stan reviews Quentin Tarantino's book. 


23) "carrie courogen's elaine may book" -- Rebecca reviews MISS MAY DOES NOT EXIST.


24) CARRIE FISHER & DEBBIE REYNOLDS: PRINCESS LEIA & UNSINKABLE TAMMY IN HELL (Ty) -- Ty reviews a book about Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher.  


25) "SAL MINEO: A BIOGRAPHY (Dona)"  -- Donna reviews a biography about Sal Mineo. 


26) "THE FRIEDKIN CONNECTION (Jess)"  -- Jess' reviews a director's memoir.  

21) "California Dreamin': The True Story of the Mamas and the Papas" -- Marcia reviews a book about one of the great bands of the sixties. 

22) "Help! My Apartment Has A Kitchen" -- Trina covers a cookbook she recommends highly.

This edition's playlist



1) Joni Mitchell's JONI MITCHELL ARCHIVES -- VOL. 3: THE ASYLUM YEARS (1972 - 1975).


 2) Cher's FOREVER.

3) Diana Ross' THANK YOU


4) Beyonce's COWBOY CARTER.




6) The Pointer Sisters' BREAK OUT.


7)  Pretenders' RESTLESS.


8) Ben Harper's BOTH SIDES OF THE GUN.


9)  Ashford & Simpson's STREET OPERA.



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