Monday, November 18, 2024

I-I-I-I-I-I Ain't Gonna Tweet on TWITTER (Ava and C.I.)

It's really something to watch the parade of endless Anglo White people across corporate media and on YOUTUBE pretending that the election was not impacted by racism and that we need to do this or that -- usually stop supporting minorities -- in order to win.

Democratic 'strategist' (nut job) James Carville spent last week lamenting that, unlike Bill Clinton with his Sister Souljah moment, Democratic Party presidential candidate Kamala Harris hadn't found a Black person to put down and go off on during the campaign.  

Back in 2021, Adam Johnson (THE COLUMN) noted:

Over the past couple of years, political and corporate consultant James Carville has been on PBS, MSNBC, CNN, Vox, and an assortment of other outlets with the same message: Democrats have gotten “too woke,” “normal people” “don’t like them,” and they need to “learn how to talk to Middle America.” They have to drop the “far-left nonsense” and appeal to “everyday” people. It’s a message Carville, a Simple Country Political Consultant, has spouted for years, and it frequently leads to viral moments picked up by other outlets, namely right-wing media, complete with centrist and liberal pundits nodding along in agreement. It seems so simple, so folksy, so authentic!

It's racism, that's all it is.  And all it's ever been.  Woke, old man Carville insists, lost the election.  Defund The Police, he insisted, lost the election.  Who the hell was running on Defund The Police in 2024?  That was in the lead up to the 2019 and 2020.  Did the old racist's mind finally collapse. 

As noted on Roland S. Martin's show Sunday, losers like Jon Tester weren't running on 'woke.'  It doesn't fit analysis for this election.  But, again as note on Roland S. Martin's show Sunday (see below), it does fit with Carville's private conversations that always preach racism for a campaign and insist that Black people be knocked around by the candidate.

We watched in horror as another media week passed where White people held media conversations with other White people and the token trained to repeat lies while avoiding the growing Black anger over what the White left did. 

They will go to any lengths to avoid this topic.  THE BITUATION ROOM, for example, brought on a Latina joke who piddled in the litter box, like a well trained house pet.  She and the host Francie Pants talked about how Kamala's campaign -- and Democrats -- failed the immigrant community with deportations and no path to citizenship.  What a load of garbage.  First off, that puts the onus on Kamala and, second off, it pretends that Donald Trump wasn't calling immigrants killers and talking about mass deportations.  

Reality: Latinas and especially Latinas voted against their own interest and did so due to racism.  

Their racism and hostility towards a Black woman president was more important to them than the very real danger that Donald Trump represented.  Instead of addressing that, they embraced racism while lying to themselves that this wouldn't apply to them.

As we've noted repeatedly for months now, a round up of, for example, Latinos to toss immigrants out of this country is not only targeting 'peaceful' Latinos, it's targeting all of them.  

People will be pulled in, American citizens who are Latinos.  Because when you racially profile, that's what happens.  It happens over and over.

Racism fueled the voters and and 'independent' media encouraged it with their attacks on Kamala daily --at THE PROGRESSIVE, at IN THESE TIMES, at DEMOCRACY NOW!, at THE NATION, at THE MAJORITY REPORT, at . . . 

But James Carville wants to attack 'woke' and policies proposed before the last election cycle.

Chloe Berger (FORTUNE) reports:

Musk set up $1 million sweepstakes for those who signed a petition by American PAC, though he was later sued by misled voters who found out the winners were allegedly not randomly selected. His super PAC backing Trump spent about $200 million in supporting the candidate, a source told the Associated Press. Musk alone is said to have spent more than $130 million bolstering Trump.

US House Rep Seth Moulton used that high, squeaky voice of his last week repeatedly to attack trans people. When people rightly objected to Seth scapegoating trans people, he declared that the criticism of him demonstrated the Democratic Party had lost its common sense.

No, it proved that we call out craven politicians who lie -- the sort of craven people who go there entire adult lives unmarried until they want to run for president and don't want voters to think that they are gay.

Grasp that.  He was nearing forty and unmarried and apparently happy -- dare we say "gay" -- over that decision.  To see the happy couple today is to see the sort of sparks and chemistry one last encountered when Jodie Foster starred opposite Richard Gere in SOMERSBY.  

The quickie marriage didn't result in his winning the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 2020 and attacking trans people won't help Democrats win in 2026 or 2028. 

Dan Merica (AP) notes of Elon Musk's attempt to busy the US election:

The billionaire Tesla and SpaceX CEO provided the vast majority of the money to America PAC, which focused on low-propensity and first-time voters, according to the person, who was not authorized to disclose the figure publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

America PAC’s work was aided by a March ruling from the Federal Election Commission that paved the way for super PACs to coordinate their canvassing efforts with campaigns, allowing the Trump campaign to rely on the near-unlimited money of the nation’s most high-profile billionaire to boost turnout in deep-red parts of the country. That allowed the campaign to spend the money they saved on everything from national ad campaigns to targeted outreach toward demographics Democrats once dominated.


Garbage media -- THE NATION, et al that begs for your money to stay afloat -- elected to spend day after day attacking Kamala Harris and depressing turnout.  Black women were repeatedly attacked on social media for openly supporting Kamala Harris.  But the problem is trans people?


And the week before?  We got old man racist Bernie Sanders telling us it was working class people.

You know what connects this nonsense, all of this nonsense?


Some of the racists are asking what they can do now?  In the face of Black women saying no to free labor, no to showing up at your protests, no to all you nonsense, some have asked: What can we do -- with the "now" implied.

Golly gee, what could you do?

Isn't it kind of obvious?

Get the hell off of TWITTER.

And why do you have to be told that.  

TWITTER is the home of racism, sexism and homophobia.

It is owned by Elon Musk who used all three and the money you help him make to destroy Democratic Party chances in the election.

Why is it that, except for Jamie Lee Curtis, this is a conversation taking place only among Black Americans?

White Americans, you shouldn't have to ask others what you can do.  You should just be getting off TWITTER.  Do THREADS, do BLUESKY, do whatever, but get the hl off of TWITTER.

Can Bernie do that?  Can racist Katrina vanden Heuvel?  In fact, how dare you purchase a magazine started by abolitionists and then take to a racist platform like TWITTER.

The best thing the Democratic Party can immediately do to save itself is to get off TWITTER.  And it doesn't cost them a damn cent to do this and stand against racism, sexism and homophobia.

But note that we have to make like Little Steven begging people not to play Sun City.  



At least those perpetuating racism by playing Sun City got paid for their actions.  TWITTER's not paying you crap.  And you can't walk away?  

Danielle walked away.  BLUESKY works just as well as TWITTER and it comes without the racism, sexism and homophobia.  Also you're not putting money into South African racist Elon Musk's pocket.

I-I-I-I-I-I ain't gonna Tweet on TWITTER?  Until you can say that, just accept that we all see you as the racist that you truly are. 

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