Tuesday, March 04, 2025

It's not needed (Ava and C.I.)

 It's not needed.

Too often, that's our feeling as we look around -- at TV, at the political scene.


MARVEL live action TV shows in this century largely aired on NETFLIX.  And they did very well; DAREDEVIL, JESSICA JONES, LUKE CAGE, IRON FIST and THE DEFENDERS did very well.  THE PUNISHER really was where the quality seriously declined.  And then MARVEL decided that they were going to make the content instead for DISNEY+.  

They did a lot of damage as did girl fannies -- 'critics' who were both male and female and bought into sexism despite many proclaiming themselves to be feminists.

MS. MARVEL, for example, was Little Miss Weakingly.  Not only was she a never ending embarrassment, she was also too pudgy to be a super hero.  Worst of all, she was a secondary character to the man at the show.  Then they took her over to the film and she helped tank that because she was a fat little roly poly there to provide laughs.  No one gave a damn about that weakling except for the girl fannies.

And it was the girl fannies who promoted WANDAVISION as a feminist statement.  It was not.  It was an attempt to ridicule and devalue Wanda. Now after this storyline was established over the nine episodes of that bad, bad series, the character pops up in the film DR. STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS and, all the sudden, girl fannies show up to weakly remake some of the points we'd made a year earlier.  Some even blamed the director Sam Raimi despite the fact that Raimi had nothing to do with setting up the degrading and trivializing storyline of WANDAVISION. 


It was 'cute' and it was 'funny' and it was mocking women.

Here's the thing, those three bad programs were presented as "woke."  Had Kamala Harris won the presidency -- as she should have -- our plan was to do a lengthy feature on all the ways in which bad things were marketed as "woke."  They weren't "woke."  But they were presented as that and when these bad things bombed, it let the fright wing giggle and chant: "Go woke, go broke."

There was nothing woke about DISNEY's MARVEL series.

They were nonsense and they were garbage.  

And they bombed as a result.

But having been falsely presented as feminist and woke, their failures were supposed to reflect upon the left and not upon the minds of idiots who thought weak and frivolous was the way to go.

People do not watch superhero programs to see weak.

Somehow MARVEL -- working for NETFLIX -- got that.  JESSICA JONES was about a strong woman.  She wasn't giggling.  She wasn't competing with the Hulk.  She was doing her job.  

The backlash to woke was about racism, to be sure.  But the reality is that a lot of airheads encouraged and fed the backlash with their pathetic portrayals of women.  

And when we should have all been calling the nonsense out.  There was never the need for action series for boys and STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE for girls.  That was nonsense and that was misgendering.

There are many other ways that certain cultural touchstones and politicians helped further the attacks on woke.  Again, had Harris become President, that was the first article we planned to write.  

The return of PUNISHER -- and not the actually popular JESSICA JONES -- goes things that are not needed so we're noting the above now.

Not needed also included  Karine Jean-Pierre last week.

She was the White House spokesperson from May 2022 until Chump was sworn in January 20th of this year.  Overall, she was good at her job.

She is lousy at her retirement. 

Last week, she was in the news whining and whining some more.

Bad Nancy Pelosi and bad other people caused Joe Biden to (finally) step aside in late July and announce he would not seek re-election.  They shouldn't have, insisted KJP, Biden would have won!

Crazy isn't needed nor is it required. 

And it helps no one.

Reality: Joe Biden did lousy in the debate with Chump.

That's why the calls began.

We don't think Joe was that awful in the debate.  Go back and check ("").  One week later, we did join the chorus calling for Joe to step aside.  We watched his interview with George Stephanopoulos.  He should have been prepared.  He wasn't.  He should have addressed the issue and then flipped it.  He was unable to.  He was unable to reassure the public.  That interview depended upon that.  He had to come off energized and in charge.  Instead, he looked tired and weak and the narrative coming out of the debate was now established: Joe is too weak to run.

Joe was so weak, he wasn't able to campaign effectively for Kamala and we need to remember that as well.  On a very small schedule, he still managed to make one misstep after another.  Karine wants to rewrite history and that's not helping anyone.

At the start of the year, the press started writing pieces about how out of it Joe was and how his staff worked to conceal that fact.

Some pundits tried to argue that they were lied to.  

Karine is aware of that, right?  She does get that and that she and others in the administration are the ones who lied, that they are the ones who should have informed the public but felt serving Joe was more important than serving the country?

He couldn't have run.  He would have collapsed on the road.  That's reality on how bad his health was.  

He shouldn't have run but if by some miracle he had, Karine, was your plan to lie to the American people for four more years and pretend Joe was on top of his game?

Instead of slamming Nancy Pelosi, Karine should be singing Nancy's praises.  Nancy did what was best for the country.  She stood up to a man in the Oval Office in clear cognitive decline.

We've got that again, Karine may not be aware of that.  Maybe Joe's cognitive decline rubbed off on her?

Karine's nonsense helped no one -- not when Joe was president, not now.

Now?  Now we are calling on Republicans to do their job.  And Karine's hypocrisy makes it a little harder since she willing lied and continues to lie for Joe Biden.

She is a hypocrite.  But for GOPers who want to accuse the Democratic Party of being hypocrites?  We're not.  The pushback Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer -- among others -- actively gave Joe Biden demonstrates that.  

So the real question for Republicans officials and office holders is whether they want to be the next Karine (looking the other way) or a Nancy or a Schumer actually serving their country.

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