One of the most interesting things about the political season around the presidential elections has been watching the wavering and so-called readjustments.

We all learn -- Let's change that. We all have the opportunity to learn and some people actually are able to learn. For example, you have a peanut allergy and you learn not to eat peanuts. You adjust. Or you're a teenager and Taco Bell tastes delicious but you get closer to your thirties -- or consume less alcohol -- and it no longer tastes the same.
The point here is that support for a candidate is not fixed. It can change, people can make adjustments. And if there's a reason to do so, people should. Progressives who voted for John Fetterman, for instance, have every right to not support him based on his actions and statements since becoming a senator.
And readjustments have taken place in a presidential campaign over the last few months -- Joe Biden's campaign is struggling with this issue while pretending otherwise. He keeps losing support in key bases -- African-Americans, Arab Americans and the youth, for example -- due to his inability to defend innocent civilians who are being slaughtered in Gaza.
People who supported Joe a few months ago but no longer do?
They've readjusted based on new information and observations. That happens. It's part of growth.
That's not to call those still supporting Joe "stunted." They're not. They just are factoring other things in and that's fine.
What we're talking about is something completely different.
Cornel West.
All the White boyz loved them some "Brother Cornel" and "Doctor Cornel" -- or have we all forgotten that?
They'd tell you why they did -- more often, they'd pretend to tell you. They really didn't know his record. So were they just praising him so much early on because they wanted to look like The White Guy That Supports The Blacks?
It certainly appeared that way then and is only more the case today now that they've turned on him.
We went a reverse journey.
We weren't impressed by his decision to run for the presidency on The People's Party ticket because they stood against most of what he believed in. Less than a week later, Cornel announced he was no longer their candidate. He and his supporters on YOUTUBE were saying he was now the presidential nominee for The Green Party.
But he wasn't.
And we had to repeatedly clarify that.
The Green Party still doesn't have a nominee. The nominee will be selected this summer at their national convention.
But the usual liars (hey, Chris Hedges, we're waiving at you) kept insisting he was the party's nominee.
It took us awhile -- and to hear from people close to Cornel -- to grasp that Cornel wasn't lying, he was repeating what he was told.
And during all of this The White Boyz loved them some Cornel.
If you missed it, the YOUTUBERS are now behind Jill Stein.
You know Jill, don't you. Over 70 and has had two failed presidential runs for the Green Party already. If she wins the nomination at the convention (as many believe she will), that's the Green Party confessing to America that they are corrupt, running on fumes and incapable of growth.
Every one of the major and major-mini candidates is going to past retirement age with one exception. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both way over 70, Robert Kennedy Jr is 70, Cornel West will turn 71 in a few days. And the Green Party's answer -- to stand out and show that they are different -- is 74 year-old Jill Stein?
The strongest argument for term limits and enforced retirement was made in the fall of 2020 when the 87 year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg died while sitting on the Supreme Court. The need for term limits and enforced retirement only became clearer when Dianne Feinstein died three years later in the fall of 2023 after months of reports on how the 90 year-old idiot didn't even know how she voted or where she was. A total incompetent, she should have been removed from office. There is a very strong backlash against the elderly currently and those two women are strong reasons why.
Instead of addressing the need for change, the Green Party appears to be on the verge of making Jill their nominee. That's pathetic.
And if they do that, the only presidential nominee still with all their own teeth and whose pubes haven't turned gray will be Chase Oliver.
38 year-old Chase Oliver became the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee over the weekend at their convention. It's the same convention where Donald Trump got booed (repeatedly) and where Junior made an idiot of himself (he actually campaigned for the nomination and he lost).
Chase could end up being the threat to Biden and Trump that Junior so wants to be. But that's another story.
The story we're telling is about racism.
For us, Cornel was a so-so candidate until he did what would be his last appearance on THE JIMMY DORE SHOW (last so far, anyway). We're not Jimmy fans and we don't pretend that Jimmy gave him a nice interview. Jimmy pressed him and shoved him out of his comfort zone and that resulted in Cornel's most passionate. Cornel finally came off as a real candidate.
And part of him reaching that stage was realizing he had a lot of puppeteers around him.
When Cornel shook off the chains his White 'friends' had imposed upon him, he became a strong candidate, a very strong one.
And that coincided with White YOUTUBE losing interest in him.
Which is why they've wasted so much time trying to destroy him with the vapid soft-ball interviews they do with Jill Stein. And Jill will explain that she just can't understand why Cornel went after her like that.
Sorry, Miss Jill, did the Black man wink at you?
THE VANGUARD BOYZ had the biggest racial panic. They're so heavy drama, Zac and Gavin probably have to sleep in overnight absorbency pads. Last week, the two White Boyz were again pimping the notion that Cornel picking Melina Abdullah as his running mate was wrong: "someone just like him," they sneered (they mean "Black"). Melina is not just like Cornel. She's a woman. She's Muslim. She's approximately 18 years younger than him. She's got a family with a long history of Marxism.
But it really just boils down to skin color for THE VANGUARD BOYZ.
And their repeated efforts to uplift Jill Stein while burying Cornel make it clear.
Cornel and Jill Stein are not friends. Some in the Black community -- some in the Black community who sell out to the White community and boast that they can keep the Black community "in line" -- realize the problems that have been created by the racism and fear the public might start vocalizing it and then it's bye-bye Jill. So they rushed in for a joint-Jill and Cornel appearance. He would be smart to avoid those and to allow her to sink in the s**t hole she not only deserves but the one that she dug for herself.
Why is Cornel so mane to her!!!!
That's what we've had to endure from White YOUTUBERS for weeks now.
Dennis Kucinich is running for Congress (again). Before that? He was part of Junior's presidential campaign team. Had Dennis announced he was running for the presidency instead of Congress, people would have been right to ask why. And they would have been right to ask what this says about Junior's campaign.
But White YOUTUBE wants you to forget that not only did Jill Stein endorse Cornel West for president, she was his campaign manager. And yet now she's running for the Green Party's presidential nomination. Not four years after she was Cornel's campaign manager -- months after.
She wants to act as though she was assaulted by Cornel and maybe an African-American male refusing to do what Jill says constitutes an assault in her dainty mind.
After stabbing him in the back -- in public at that -- she wants to pretend she has no idea why the two are no longer close.
She claims she's seeking the Green Party nomination because Cornel stopped seeking the Green Party's presidential nomination.
That's the hypocrisy she wants to hide behind? If she truly believed he was worth her public endorsement, his party i.d. should not matter. And she certainly shouldn't have turned on him for it.
Zac and Cody of THE VANGUARD keep insisting lately that Cornel has no shot at winning the nomination. We, honestly, don't see a path to victory either. Doesn't mean he won't win, just means we don't see how he does at this point.
But Cornel probably wouldn't have won if he was the Green Party's presidential nominee either.
Yet back then, Zac and Cody were all over Cornel and insisting this was about a future and doing the right thing (they've apparently seen a Spike Lee movie or two -- probably stoned at the time, but they've seen at least one).
Cornel is the same person he was. He still believes in and stands for the same things. The only real change is he's become a stronger candidate.
If you've paid attention in the last six or so weeks, you've learned a very important lesson about how racism works with some of the left. When Cornel was happy to be led by the White 'thinkers,' he was applauded but when he resorted to self-determination, he got kicked to the curb. Basically, it translates as: Cornel, we'll let you drive Miss Daisy's car but it's her car and we'll pull you out of it anytime we want.
1) Yes, we know it's Zac and Gavin -- legally; however, spiritually, THE VANGUARD Boyz are Zac and Cody with all that entails.
2) If you want to see consistent coverage on Cornel's campaign, you can start with Marc Lamont Hill's coverage.
3) We feel very badly for Chase Oliver that his weekend victory has largely been reduced to -- "The convention was about Junior competing for The Libertarian Party's presidential nomination and Donald getting booed." Chase Oliver would check off a lot of boxes for a number of voters -- his calls to stop the militarization of the police, his pro-choice stance (against government money going for them), his anti-war position, his being openly gay at a time when the fright-wing is attempting to destroy LGBTQ+ rights (we're not saying Chase is pro any rights other than gay rights and he might be one of those who identifies as LGB only -- yes, they do exist). He's an interesting candidate. His winning the nomination should have resulted in major feature stories in the corporate press. Maybe those are on backlog due to the Memorial Day weekend?
4) We're not endorsing Cornel. We're on record stating for over a year now that we will be voting for the Democratic Party's nominee whomever that ends up being. We're are, however, analyzing how a man of color was a media hero to some leftists . . . as long as he followed the 'suggestions' (orders) of the White people around him.