Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Jim's World


If you missed it, candy-ass old man Norman Solomon is back at it again.  He's rooting for Jill Stein.  It'll be interesting to watch IPA lose funding.  Interesting and fitting.  

Remember when Norman attacked Lt. Ehren Watada.  
I won't be nice like C.I.  No, I'll name the garbage involved in that attack.  It would be IN THESE TIMES' Sarah Lazare.  

For those who've forgotten, Ehren was ordered to go to Iraq.  He had to refuse.  He would be commanding people under him.  Responsible for them.  And the Iraq War was an illegal war so he would be giving them orders that were illegal.  Ehren took a brave stand.

At one point, bimbo Sarah -- presenting as a journalist -- interviews Ehren.

And then the military court hearing his Article 32 demands she testifies.

Now grasp that Ehren's fighting for his life.  And Sarah apparently didn't understand that a journalist doesn't reveal her sources.

She and Norman Solomon played crybaby and insisted Ehren needed to save Sarah.  He needed to testify to what she didn't want to.

Wah! Wah!  Wah!

That's not journalism.

Bimbo Sarah, was she putting out like a candy machine for Norman?

Who knows?

But they thought they could screw over Ehren -- and this while Sarah was a part of Courage To Resist (Sarah, "bimbo" is what that group's members called you -- take it up with them) -- and they tried to.

Norman is garbage and will always be garbage.  The left needs to grasp that.  Sean Penn didn't and it ended up destroying his second marriage.

Poor Norman, with the passage of each year, he looks more and more like Sophia on GOLDEN GIRLS.   

Oh, and if you need another reason to loathe Norman, he wrote this week,"Personally, as a resident of solid-blue California, I have no intention of voting for Harris."
 In 2008, he was a pledged delegate for Barack Obama -- a detail he 'forgot' to disclose in his radio appearances.  Let's all remember that he's not voting for Kamala.  Let's remember that and make damn sure he's never a pledged delegate to the DNC ever again.


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