Tuesday, October 15, 2024

She was born an idiot



Remember back in the day when THE VANGUARD couldn't stop slobbering over Briahna Joy Gray and her alleged intellect?  It took Ava and C.I. to tell you that the emperor had no clothes on -- a reality that Bri-Bri only makes ever more clear every day.  Her feel glory hole whore Glynneth Greenwald felt the need to reTweet this non-wisdom from Bri-Bri:

So not the point, but it's kinda funny that Democrats go out of their way to call Biden's wife "Dr. Jill" bc feminism, but not Dr. Jill Stein, who is a Harvard trained medical doctor who also taught internal medicine at Harvard med school.

It's not funny because it's not accurate.  There were no feminists insisting Jill Biden be called "Dr Jill" and Ava and C.I. have never called her "Dr Jill."  But it's the sort of whiny bitch comment the jealous child makes when they feel like their brother or sister gets to stay up an hour later.  

Someone put Bri-Bri and Glynneth to bed -- but first make sure that they're wearing adult diapers.  Both of them are really full of s**t.


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