Monday, October 28, 2024

Jill Stein will destroy us all (Jess)



That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS  "Jill FrankenStein." And she is a monster.  She is a monster who will destroy us all.

In 2012, I voted for Jill.  I voted for her in 2016 as well.  I'm a Green.  I will not be voting for her this year.

And that's for a number of reasons including my party needed to pick a better nominee but instead wanted to run a two-time failure for the third time.  

She had nothing to offer in 2016.  And I blindly put party ahead of country and voted for her so that we could have ballot access.  Ballot access is supposedly so important to us in the Green Party.  But look at the races for Congress and count the handful of actual Green Party candidates that we are running.  

Jill's not helping the party and she's not helping the country.

Gaza?  I care about Palestinians.  I want a cease-fire and I want so much more.  But Jill's not helping with that either.

Donald Trump?  He's on the phone with Netanyahu all the time.  THE WASHINGTON POST reported last week that he told Netanyahu -- of the killing of Palestinians, "Do what you have to do."  

Jill's not calling that out because Jill Stein isn't interested in helping the Palestinians.  She's interested in tanking Kamala Harris's campaign.

And that means handing the White House over to Netanyahu's buddy Donald Trump.


 I applaud Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for putting country above party.  But when I hear whiners on the left attack Liz and Adam and others?  I just remember that we're out there too.  Green Party voters are out here.  And we're putting country above party as well and saying no to Jill Stein's vanity campaign.

We're all pulling together to try to save the country. And only by saving the country will we really be able to help the Palestinian people.



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