Monday, October 28, 2024

What losing in November will mean for Miss Sassy JD Vance (Mike)


 What losing in November will mean for Miss Sassy JD Vance

 Here's a Tweet that reminds how many days left to vote and what this election is about.

We've got to make this happen.  We need Kamala, we need a real leader.

Donald Trump is a crook, a convicted felon who has already harmed out country and will destroy it if given the chance.

He and his mini-me are disgusting.

Miss Sassy, he's good for jokes, if nothing else.  Tom Boggioni (RAW STORY) reports:

Appearing on MSNBC's "Way Too Early," former Republican National Committee spokesperson Tim Miller took a shot at Donald Trump's running mate for claiming to a rally crowd that the 78-year old GOP presidential nominee is "healthier" than him.
Speaking with host Jonathan Lemire, Miller, of the conservative Bulwark, quickly slapped down the spin and ridiculed the Ohio Republican for engaging in the type of propaganda that would not be out of place in North Korea.
Speaking in Reno, Vance proclaimed, "I try to be a humble guy. I think the presidency is, of course, such a big job but I feel extremely confident. I mean, hell, Donald Trump is healthier than I am, so I feel extremely confident that Donald Trump is going to serve and serve well for four years for the American people."

After sharing the Reno rally clip, host Lemire called Vance's remarks "shameless" and dryly added, "J.D. Vance is almost 40 years younger than Donald Trump, but that won't stop him from saying that Donald Trump is healthier, smarter, more handsome than he is. There really isn't anything they won't say to flatter the boss, will they?"

"Yeah," Miller agreed. "The North Korea-type spin remains uncomfortable, even though we've been dealing with this for whatever, nine years now, Jonathan."

I think Miss Sassy asked his grandmother the wrong question years ago.  Instead of asking her if he was gay, he should have asked her, "Why am I so turned on by elderly men?"

He's certainly turned on by Donald Trump.

Does he realize what a career breaker that can be?

If Donald loses -- I hope he does -- JD loses as well.  There's no 2028 run for JD.  He's a loser.  And Donald's most fanatical fans?  They're going to be suck ups like JD is now.  They're going to lie about how great Trump is.  Does Miss Sassy not get that?  He is the fall guy.  They will lie about him just like he lies about Trump.  That means JD will be seen as the one who cost Trump the election.  MAGA will not blame their god, they will blame JD.  Josephine Harvey (TPM) adds:

Trump has rebuffed calls to share his medical history after Vice President Kamala Harris released hers earlier this month. Hundreds of health professionals have called on the Republican nominee to disclose the information, citing concerns about his acuity and fitness to serve based on his erratic behavior on the campaign trail.

“It is very telling how defensive they are,” Harris campaign director of rapid response Ammar Moussa said of Vance’s praise on X, formerly Twitter.

“Authoritarian personality cult alert. We must praise the leader’s vitality, especially if he has been falling asleep in public!” wrote Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an authoritarianism expert.

Trump's a Nazi lover.  Anyone who claims they are MAGA and support him now are full of s**t.  There's nothing patriotic about Hitler.  David Hudson (INTO) notes:

The subject of Donald Trump’s apparent admiration for dictators came into sharp focus this week.

Although the question of Trump’s authoritarian tendencies is not new, they’ve exploded again following remarks made by his former Chief of Staff, John Kelly. In a new interview with the New York Times, Kelly said Trump, “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist”.

[. . .]

Yesterday, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg responded to the question as to whether Trump is a fascist.

“It’s one thing for some leftist group to call you a fascist,” Buttigieg tweeted. “Quite another when it’s a fellow Republican. And absolutely astonishing when it’s your own chief of staff.”

Good for Pete.  Solid point.  And, again, you're not a patriot if you're defending an American who praises Hitler.  A lot of Americans lost their lives in WWII.  Not Trump, he never served in any war.  He had 'bone spurs,' remember?    David Gilmour (MEDIAITE) notes:

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough slammed ranking supporters of former President Donald Trump attacking the credibility of retired Gen. John Kelly for his claims the Republican nominee privately praised Nazi German dictator Adolf Hitler as “pathetic people.”

Kelly, who served as Trump’s White House chief of staff, told The New York Times on Tuesday that the former president once told him Hitler “did some good things.” The Trump campaign denied the claims. In a further article in The Atlantic, it was claimed that Trump remarked when in office that he wished he had “the kind of generals that Hitler had.”

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