Monday, October 28, 2024

We're safe and sound (Marcia)


We're safe and sound

Stupidity.  Nine days away from the election and all the idiots won't shut the hell up.  I'm voting for Kamala.  I'm a grown up.  I want to save the nation.  And I was thinking of a Carly Simon song yesterday afternoon when C.I. called me.  There was a senior citizens home 90 minutes from me and she'd heard from a local Democratic Party leader that they were really wanting someone to speak there but they were spread thin.  So I said, absolutely and my wife and I went spoke there last night.  But while we were on the phone, I said, "I'm tired of all the people pressuring Kamala to do this and to do that and it's like a Carly Simon song I can't think of the name of . . ."  C.I. responded, "New York women wanting me sounding off like a suffragette?"  Yes!  "Safe And Sound."  So let me note the video and the lyrics for that song from Carly's HOT CAKES album.

Marahaj wants you to lead a pilgrimage to Tibet
New York women want me sounding off like a Suffragette
I know that each of us is alone in the end
But the trip still feels less dangerous when you've got a friend
If we stick together
You and me forever
We're safe and sound
The world's just turned inside out and upside down
The world's just turned inside out and upside down

We just need to stick together.  Kamala's got this and we just have to do our part.  And there is heavy reachout to the seniors.  We needed that.  And I see that for all the reasons C.I. outlined to me back in August.  I see it face to face when I'm speaking with them. And the first thing I ask is, "Have any of you been called for a poll about who you're voting for."  Not a single hand.  And I'm speaking some Friday nights, multiple times on Saturdays and Sundays.  And been doing that for weeks.  So it does make a difference when you're seeing people face to face as opposed to hearing from this small polling service that tends to ignore entire groups of people -- especially those in assisted living.  

So while those of us who support Kamala are working to get out the vote, Michael Moore's going on TV saying Kamala's got to "break with Biden."  The election is nine days away.  If she does that, it really won't help her because so many people have voted.  It could greatly hurt her.  It would feed in to the what the right wing's been trying to do: Paint her as an ingrate who stepped over Joe to get the nomination.  I'm finding it hard to believe that Michael Moore couldn't see that.  But he is a moron.  Then there's this fool:

While some Democrats in close races have cozied up to Khan to churn out the base, Harris has, so far, avoided appearing publicly with Khan.

That, warned economist Hal Singer of the University of Utah, is a mistake.

“When she won’t defend Biden’s record on antitrust, or defend Khan against the attacks by the billionaire donors — guys like Reid Hoffman, who’ve basically been calling for Khan’s head — it kind of zaps the life out of the progressive base,” Singer told Politico.

Let me tell you something about voters, I don't care if the voter is 65 or 92, every one of them brings up their vote sites Lina Khan.  Every one.  Every.  One.

Are you laughing yet?

Good because not one damn person has mentioned her or her position.

You're so far in the weeks, Hal Singer, that they're up your ass.  Voters aren't sitting around obsessing over the FTC.  But, notice, it's always men -- and women who identify with male norms -- who think, "I know the election is only days away but it's a woman so let me tell her how she should be running her campaign because I'm a man and have a lot of time to reflect on politics while standing as I pee."

It's amazing how they refuse to read the room.  Griffin Eckstein (Salon) reports:

The list of Republican elected officials pulling the lever for Kamala Harris in November keeps growing.

Wisconsin lawmaker Rob Cowles, the longest-serving member of the state’s Senate, told local radio station Civic Media that he plans to cast a ballot for Harris following reports that Trump previously praised Hitler and his generals.

“I probably should have done this sooner, but there was concern about blowback, you know, and public safety,” Cowles admitted. “This is one of the most important things I’ve done.”

For Cowles, the decision to endorse ultimately came down to Trump’s reported support of the Nazi leader and what Cowles sees as his disdain for the Constitution.

Now the Nazi wasn't an issue until last night.  That's the first time I've spoken to a group since Sunday.  And the news broke mid-week.  But on Friday I heard it and all day today I heard about it when I spoke to voters.  I'm really tired of these losers who aren't out there speaking to voters telling the rest of us -- the people who actually are going out and talking to voters -- what's on the mind of voters.

We got this.  We're going to turn out.  We're going vote.  Kamala's going to be our next president.

Here's C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

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