Part 2 of the 2019 #EcoSocialism conference live now: …
The "real" Green New Deal w/ @GreenPartyUS
Provide green jobs by enacting the Full-Employment Program. It will directly provide 16 million jobs. Mass transit, safe bike & pedestrian traffic, regional food systems, sustainable organic agriculture +
The "real" Green New Deal w/ @GreenPartyUS
Transition to 100% clean energy by 2030, invest in green business by providing grants and low-interest loans to grow green businesses and cooperatives, with an emphasis on small, locally based companies.
Livestreaming from the 2019 #EcoSocialism conference! …
The Santa Clara County (CA) Greens marched last Friday to support the #ClimateStrike. Great signs! @SCCGreens #WeAreGreen #GreenNewDeal #VoteGreen
The Obama-era FBI violated internal agency guidelines by investigating activists who were trying to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Trump admin has called for harsher punishments for non-violent direct action targeting fossil fuel infrastructure
It's National Voter Registration Day, the perfect time to make sure you're #VoteReady
Learn what your options are for registering in the #GreenParty in each state!

Congrats to @ajamubaraka on being awarded the U.S. Peace Prize(!!!) for “bold antiwar actions, writings, speeches, and leadership" as an "inspiring voice against militarism.”

Green Party US Retweeted
How embarrassing for @wvdemocrats ... It speaks volumes when their highest officeholder is backed by Trump. Not to mention their 2016 gubernatorial nominee, who defected to the @WVGOP once elected, is the Trump of Appalachia.
#pathetic #DemandBetter #VoteMountain
Green Party US Retweeted
That's a great start for the #ClimateActionSummit. But by far not enough! What will you do to step up #ClimateActionNow? @vonderleyen @EmmanuelMacron @AngelaMerkeICDU @Xijinping @realDonaldTrump @JustinTrudeau @jokowi @jairbolsonaro @KremlinRussia_E @mauriciomacri @AbeShinzo