Dario was invited to speak at a Green Party of Quebec event. Did you know Dario was a lawyer in Canada? His bilingual speech, emphasizing the Green value of seeking justice, begins at 18:03.
#GreenPathForward #WomensRights
https://www.facebook.com/partivert/videos/1212463102272363/ …
Dario stated, "We have to have strict laws and enforcement for liability to hold law enforcement accountable for their abuses, no more of these nonsense show trials and acquittals.”
https://www.ballstatedaily.com/article/2019/09/news-green-party-hosts-forum-at-ball-state …
Help #Hunter2020 reach matching funds:
#Hunter2020 will be in Muncie, Indiana for the GPUS Black Caucus Presidential Candidate Forum on Friday, September 20, 6pm EST/3pm PST. Please tune in for a discussion on redlining, livable wage, the housing crisis, and police brutality.
Event info:
https://www.facebook.com/events/2496194140410056/?ti=as …
#Hunter2020 congratulates Greens in Norway on their recent gains in local elections. The Green Party also gained more seats in local elections in England and in the European Parliament earlier this year.
#Hunter2020 wishes to congratulate @CzechStefania For Toledo & Czech Mates for their hardwork & dedication on a race well fought. They didn't make it past the primaries yesterday, yet they inspired many community activists. Thank you for your exemplary leadership. 

On October 26, the Patriot Act will become older than any child in the U.S. #Hunter2020 supports its repeal & the end of all forms of warrantless mass surveillance that have turned our country, especially its Muslim citizens, into a nation of suspects.
Dario Hunter Retweeted
Presidential Candidates Forum! Hosted by the GPUS Black Caucus in Muncie, Indiana and LIVE on Facebook! Details and RSVP
https://www.facebook.com/events/2496194140410056/ …

#Hunter2020 supports global reforestation initiatives as part of the Green New Deal. While it is vital we stop burning fossil fuels, planting trees can have a powerful effect on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the next 50 to 100 years.
#Hunter2020 supports Green candidate Stefania Czech in her race for Toledo City Council. She supports the Lake Erie Bill of Rights and a Green New Deal for Toledo. Please vote for her today in the primary!
#BuildingBridges #CzechforToledo
https://www.facebook.com/czech4toledo/videos/977119502680423/ …
Dario Hunter Retweeted
Dario Hunter Retweeted

Dario Hunter Retweeted
Saturday, September 21st from 18h to 21h, don't miss the opportunity to meet our dynamic team as well as our special guest @dario4america, a candidate for the Green Party Presidential Nomination 2020!
https://www.facebook.com/events/2078567402451825/ …

Dario Hunter Retweeted
Samedi 21 septembre, de 18h à 21h, ne manquez pas l’opportunité de rencontrer notre équipe dynamique ainsi que notre invité spécial @dario4america, candidat à l’investiture du Parti Vert des États-Unis pour les élections présidentielles 2020!
https://www.facebook.com/events/2078567402451825/ …

#Hunter2020 congratulates Maine! In 2018, Maine became the first state to use Ranked Choice Voting in a Congressional election. Now, it's expanding to the presidential. We look forward to an election based on a competition of ideas instead of lesser evilism.
Not only is the high cost of college causing many students to drop out, but even graduates are finding it harder to afford home ownership.
#Hunter2020 stands for free college and forgiving all student debt.
#Hunter2020's opposition to racism does not stop at our borders. We stand in solidarity with the indigenous people of Brazil who are in the struggle of their lives to save their homelands from Bolsanaro's racist and fascist government.
Dario Hunter and the Green Party are getting news coverage!
Dario Hunter's Green Party presidential campaign qualified by receiving small donations from 30 states and the District of Columbia.
https://www.vindy.com/news/2019/aug/27/hunter-qualifies-recognition-green-party-president/ …
http://www.wfmj.com/story/40971287/youngstown-school-board-member-recognized-as-green-party-presidential-candidate …