Monday, April 29, 2024

Books (Ann, Ava and C.I.)



As we did in 2021 and 2023, we're attempting to again increase book coverage in the community. After a review posts, we try to do a discussion with the reviewer.  This go round, we're talking to Ann about her "Not Your China Doll: The Wild and Shimmering Life ..." Ann?


 Ann: Anna May Wong was a film actress who came to prominence during the silent picture era.  There have been some very good books written about her.  This year saw the publication of Katie Gee Salsbury's NOT YOUR CHINA DOLL: THE WILD AND SHIMMERING LIFE OF ANNA MAY WONG. The bad book isn't bound by facts or reality.  Katie Gee reads a story about how Douglas Fairbanks was on the set of a film and she just fan-fictions a scene similar on the set of THE THIEF OF BAGDAD -- no "H" in the title of that film, by the way.  She doesn't really know about Anna May's family laundry but has read of others from that period so she just creates stories.  It's fan fiction and written as though the intended audience was eight years old.  It's just a really bad book.

What's the worst section?

Ann: When she spends forever on THE GOOD EARTH.  Anna May Wong was not in that film.  Luis Rainer was.  She quotes a lot of press but doesn't write the obvious: Anna May screwed herself out of that role.  The film was made in 1936 and released in January 1937.  Around this time, David Selznick is attempting to cast GONE WITH THE WIND.  Anna May has been mentioned by the press often for THE GOOD EARTH and she is asked outright if she will test for the role.  She says "No" and adds that she looks Chinese and everyone knows it.  That wasn't the issue.  The issue was how she looked on film.  Katharine Hepburn wanted the role of Scarlet in GONE WITH THE WIND and was asked to test for it.  She refused and told Selznick he knew what she looked like and he replied that indeed he did and he couldn't imagine any man carrying a torch for her for years.  She didn't get the role. Anna May was 31 years old -- considered old for a leading role.  She came to prominence in B-movies. A screen test might have convinced people that she looked good and that she had the charisma for the role.  The film cost a fortune for the time period and she wouldn't test for the role.  By offering just some of the information I just did regarding Hepburn and GONE WITH THE WIND, the bad author could have written of how Anna May outsmarted herself and lost a role.  But that reality wouldn't fit with the fan fiction. Sadly, after she lost the lead role, to Luise Rainer who won her second Academy Award for the film, she was asked to test for a secondary supporting role and did.  Anna May did two screen tests for that role but was judged not attractive enough and wasn't cast.

Anna May Wong became the first Asian-American woman to star in a TV series.  How is that handled?

Ann: Very poorly.  As we all know, none of the 13 episodes survive.  That is the lazy author's excuse to basically write nothing.  The show as promoted, the show was reviewed and other authors have managed to cover it. Not so, Katie Gee.  It's just a very bad book.  In the end, we can be happy that Anna May Wong has another book about her but this book is pointless and for non-thinking readers.



Previous book discussions:


"Book Talk (Stan, Ava and C.I.)"

"Book Talk (Dona, Ava and C.I.)"

"Book Talk (Ty, Ava and C.I.)

 "Book Talk (Mike, Ava and C.I.)"


"Book Talk (Stan, Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)"

"Book Talk (Mike, Ava and C.I.)"

"Book Talk (Ann, Marcia, Trina, Ava and C.I.)"










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