Monday, April 29, 2024

Media: The failure of left media leads to horrors like Thursday's THE DAILY SHOW

Friday night, Amna Nawaz declared on PBS' THE NEWSHOUR, "One of the biggest developments of this week has been the expansion of college protests and encampments. Encampments continue to pop up, including today at the University of North Carolina."  A very matter of fact and non-controversial statement.  CNN had already noted, "A wave of pro-Palestinian campus protests is rippling across the US, with hundreds of people arrested at universities throughout the country this week."  Dan Rosenzweig-Ziff, Jennifer Hassan,  Richard Morgan and Karin Brulliard (WASHINGTON POST) had pointed out, "Arrests at pro-Palestinian protests that expanded Thursday to colleges across the country brought the total number of people detained in a week of demonstrations to more than 500, with officials struggling to quell the unrest by clearing encampments and closing buildings."  A lot of coverage from the media.


But a lot of silence too -- especially from the official left or 'left' media.  As noted in Friday's "Iraq snapshot:"

These protests are huge news.  We've covered them every day this week, for example.  And some e-mails wonder why I'm ignoring progressive outlets?  

I'm not.  We're noted many.  We're posting YOUTUBE videos throughout the day from Marc Lamont Hill, ELECTRONIC INTIFADA, THE MAJORITY REPORT, SECULAR TALK, MIDDLE EAST EYE, DEMOCRACY NOW!, etc and the snapshots have included those and COMMON DREAMS and COUNTERPUNCH articles.  

But the people e-mailing me are actually wondering why I'm not noting coverage from THE PROGRESSIVE?  That's the US magazine and website that bills itself as "A voice for peace and social justice since 1909."  Why am I ignoring their coverage?  

I'm not.

They've offered no coverage.  

This is week two.  This all started last week at Columbia University.

And THE PROGRESSIVE can't say one damn word about it.

That's very telling.

We may call out a show -- Ava and I -- at THIRD.  As it stands, we just turned it off last night.  But the reason that adults who think they're on the left could misrepresent the protests so easily is because 'power outlets,' 'prestige outlets' on the left are silent.

Hey, IN THESE TIMES, don't sneak out of the room.  We're talking about you and your lazy ass too. I see you've published articles this week, just not any on the brave students taking action.  Trying to wait and see where public opinion lands?  Too scared so you want to play it safe?

You should be ashamed of yourself.  You're adults and your cowards.  Students are putting their futures on their line and you're too scared to even publish a piece on the biggest US news story of the week.  Shame on you.


Honestly, I don't ever note THE NATION unless a friend with the magazine asks me to.  Why? It's one of those paywall sites and so people -- readers as well as community members -- don't feel it should be noted.

But I went there this morning (I do subscribe to the periodical) and nothing.  Story after story published this week.  They had time to wonder if Trump was on drugs (I think Ruth's "Is Donald Trump on a public drunken bender?" is better -- and she certainly pulled her theme together better and closed with a better ending), for example, but no time for the students.  And this is an election year.  If you're unaware, that's when THE NATION pretends to pay attention to students -- in order to turn them out at the polls for the Democratic Party.

THE NATION doesn't care about the protesters.

Nothing changed over the weekend. In terms of coverage, nothing changed.

You know who hasn't been silent?  FOX "NEWS," THE NATIONAL REVIEW, all the right wing websites.  But the cowards at THE NATION, THE PROGRESSIVE and IN THESE TIMES have been silent.

Which is why, for example, we got the liar last week, a Jewish student, claiming to have been attacked on campus, at Yale -- why, she was poked in the eye!!!!!

Here's THE MAJORITY REPORT taking on the lie.

Where were THE NATION, THE PROGRESSIVE and IN THESE TIMES?  Cowering in the shadows?

That would explain how, for multiple days, this liar was allowed to broadcast her lies.  And they covered it -- FOX "NEWS" on "AMERICA'S" "NEWS"ROOM, THE NEW YORK POST, PIERS MORGAN UNCENSORED, CBS NEWS, on and on and on.


None of whom, by the way, has issued a correction.

We turn on MSNBC and find ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt lying about the student protesters and notice that the host doesn't correct his lies and that there's no guest brought on to offer a different viewpoint -- or even just the truth.  The students are lied about and distorted and this is supposed to pass for news or for fairness?


We flip over to  CNN and find a roundtable and find Dana Bash participating as an objective CNN journalist -- when we clearly know that Dana is Jewish and pro-Israel but most viewers probably don't know that since it wasn't disclosed -- about her or about the other Jewish pro-Israel participant.  If they'd disclosed those realities, they might have had people asking why there was no seat  at the table for anyone Arab -- let alone Palestinian.  After that, people might want to ask why a roundtable on student protests featured . . . no students.


The whole discussion is rigged before anything is broadcast or printed.  And to make it worse, you've got THE NATION, IN THESE TIMES and THE PROGRESSIVE too scared, too whorish to speak out.  

"Ava and C.I.," you say, "those rags have never led on Palestinian issues."

True.  But equally true, this is a story about American students, about activism in the US.

And it was the biggest story of last week.  

Thursday night, we were trying to watch THE DAILY SHOW.  Even though the hideous Jordan Klepper was on.  After failing at both of his own shows at COMEDY CENTRAL, Klepper returned to THE DAILY SHOW where he's done little of value other than demonstrate that a receding hairline paired with a very high forehead is truly a frightening thing to see. 

There he was at the desk with Ronny Chieng and we weren't supposed to notice that Ronny was reduced to a stereotype for the 'jokes'?  That Jordan was glorified as informed?  We kept waiting for the pay off in this clearly racist bit.  But we had to bail because suddenly Jordan was talking about the student protests and declaring, "Loud and even disruptive protests are a cherished tradition on campuses. And college investments in Israel are a legitimate issue for students. But, at the same time, there’s a real element of antisemitism among some protests, and Jewish students have the right to feel safe at their own schools."


That's Jordan Klepper, trash who spent forever doing a podcast with an LGBTQ+ hating Republican politician.  Jordan gets to play left on TV.  


There's a real element of antisemitism at some protests?  Really, Klapper, which ones?  If they exist surely you can cite them, right?  And do Palestinian students on US campuses not have a right to feel safe at their own schools?  Do students protesting not have a right to feel safe?


What may be most frightening about the segment is that the left or 'left' outlet THE GUARDIAN actually praised it.  Time and again, those outlets the left counts on have repeatedly failed. 


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