This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.
"Iraq: protests, ISIS killings, and more" -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.
"Mediterranean Lima Bean in the Kitchen," and "Black Bean Hummus in the Kitchen" -- Trina serves up two new recipes.
"Comfort food" -- also covering food is Betty.
"Elaine's must read post -- stop shaming survivors!...," "David Sirota: Here's why I'm so hard on establishm…," "#IBelieveTara #JoeBidenResign Joe Biden says women...," "Krystal and Saagar REACT: Biden says if you believ…," "Steny Hoyer challenger blasts Dems for Tara Reade …," "Iraq snapshot," "Former Bernie Senior Advisor Nina Turner: We don't...," "Glenn Greenwald: How Crises Undermine Civil Libert…," "#HLM #HardLensMedia #DarioHunter Dario Hunter - Th...," "covid-related strikes hit washington's apple sheds...," "[prisonersolidarity] Puerto Rico Update with ProLi…," "We Need Your Vote!," "#TheJimmyDoreShow Obama’s Other Scandals Worse Tha…," "Krystal and Saagar: Reporting shows hypocrisy on B...," "Krystal Ball: Biden's pathetic sleepy strategy mig…," "Saagar Enjeti: BOMBSHELL reveals Biden at center o...," "Krystal and Saagar: Bernie SCREWS effort to curtai…," "Iraq snapshot," "#TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews Chuck Schumer's …," "Understanding Capitalism with Vivek Chibber (Stay …," "#TheJimmyDoreShow Pelosi Introduces Horrible $3 Tr...," "Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball respond to Biden vo...," "Trump's "war against society", with Joseph Kishore...," "Sorinne Ardeleanu, A POTUS Candidate With A Heart," "Building a socialist party: Gloria La Riva on the …," "Chris Hedges interviews Howie Hawkins, Green for P...," "Episode 181: Greed Drove Retail’s COVID-19 Collaps…," "#TheJimmyDoreShow Chuck Todd CAUGHT Deceptively Ed...," "Krystal and Saagar: Trump, Biden, drop DEVASTATING...," "#TheJimmyDoreShow Final Nail In Russiagate Coffin:...,"
"Krystal and Saagar react: AOC promotes 'Dem unity'...," "Krystal and Saagar: Biden campaign gets TESTY at '...," "Krystal Ball: Pelosi rolls the left, they meekly p...," "Iraq snapshot," "Cast Your Vote!," "Talk Nation Radio: Saving a Native American Capita...," "COVID WORKERS ON THE WALL," "Do Not Meet With Mike Pence, Go to Jail, or Join t...," "Antiwar Congressional Candidates 2020," "Let’s heal, share, and build. Join us Wednesday.," "#Nightline #AhmaudArbery #GregoryMcMichael Questio…," "Security video appears to show Ahmaud Arbery befor…," "Saagar Enjeti: Obamagate is real and the media can...," "#MOATS: He had his hand up her skirt | #JoeBiden s...," "Krystal and Saagar: Media gives Biden a PASS AGAIN...," "Iraq snapshot," "Over 6 in 10 voters who are following the allegati…," "We Need Your Vote!." "#TheJimmyDoreShow Ilhan Omar ALMOST Calls Out Pelo…," "Krystal and Saagar: Polls show voters believe Tara...," "this staffer of another senator being accosted by...," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq -- protests continue," "#Georgia #Shooting #AhmaudArbery New video emerges...," "Bill Van Auken on Trump's "Bay of Pigs" in Venezue…," "#TheJimmyDoreShow Biden Pretends To Not Hear Tara …," "1996 Court Documents Corroborate Tara Reade's Stor…," "Prominent Democrats Scrambling to Silence Tara Rea...," "This is your chance to rein in the PATRIOT Act," "Bernie seems to think we stupid," "Congress and corporations work against us," "We need a new Speaker of the House," "He crawls out from under his rock," "Michael Tracey's a human turd and other thoughts on proponents of rape culture,"
"Creepy Joe Biden is also Criminal Joe," "Bye Chuck," "Betty Wright has passed," "What I can say,"
"Howie," "Worthless Democrats in Congress can't stand up for...," "Alyssa Milano is an idiot," "The grifters attacking Tara Reade," "they're trying to intimidate people into silence," "oh, if only 'common dreams' was actually independent," "worthless bernie sanders and f**k you too patty murray," "who asked chuck schumer?," "It must hurt to be as stupid as Michael Tracey," "The unmasking," "The conspirators are getting exposed," "They should all be in prison," "Alice Evans is one ugly bitch who owes survivors an apology," "I believe Tara," "OMG you mean assault might cause someone to have issues!!!!!," "Congress' hush money scandal," "I agree with Bobby Braddock," "THE NEW YORKER struggles to cover serious issues," "The people know who to believe" "The hypocrites got exposed" and "Does anyone really need to hear from a bitch named Barack?" -- political coverage in the community.
"Odetta" -- Kat covers music.
"Science post - the final frontier" -- Betty covers science.
"The perfect ending to HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER," "what i'd like to see next season on 'dynasty'," "THE BLACKLIST - one more episode left for the season," "Batwoman "A Secret Kept from All the Rest"," "Batwoman "If You Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You"," "When Brooke Shields and three other gals were stars," "BLINDSPOT season five episode two," "BLINDSPOT returns," "The upcoming fall TV shows" and "Again with the stupid table-reads?" -- TV coverage in the community.