"@TheDemocrats now are assuming the role once played by @GOP" (...) "who denounced everyone opposed to the War on Terror as 'Saddam-lovers.'"
Four Pillars Youth T-Shirt - We belong to the party for the future let's share the 4 pillars that unite Greens around the world.
Super soft from recycled materials made w/ our Green values in mind. 100% Cotton, union printed in the US.
How can Greens help Greens? w/ GreenCents RoundUps
Donate your spare change to create the change we need.
This free download has instructions to participate in building our party & a Greener world. Print in color or grayscale for your event.
YOUR disastrous policies lead us closer to planetary catastrophe every day. The Green's ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal is the ONLY thing that can right the damage caused by @TheDemocrats and @GOP
.@DrJillStein slams Clinton for Gabbard attack: 'You can't just slander people' https://bit.ly/33P6o2x
.@DrJillStein "In light of the latest slanderous allegations from #HillaryClinton I challenge her to a debate" https://bit.ly/32v1gQH
Green Party US Retweeted
.@DrJillStein Challenges @HillaryClinton to Debate After 'Russian Asset' Smear - https://go.shr.lc/2o2DRY0 via @commondreams
...@HillaryClinton's salty neo-McCarthyism will prove to be ROCKET FUEL
for the motivation of #Greens EVERYWHERE in 2020 and beyond. We will run, we will fight, we will break this spoiled electoral system and we WILL win 

.@realDonaldTrump , fascism, environmental catastrophe and rampant wealth inequality are the inevitable result of a 2-party cartel controlled by capitalism’s 1%. While @HillaryClinton would love to intimidate Green Party candidates and voters with baseless smears...
Even now, @DrJillStein is fighting for more secure and trustworthy voting machines for Americans as the state of Pennsylvania (controlled by the duopoly cartel) attempts to renege on the settlement reached by the Stein campaign’s recount lawsuits.
As our '16 Prez and VP Nominees, @DrJillStein and @ajamubaraka ran courageous, trailblazing campaigns for a #GreenNewDeal and Peace, People and Planet over Profit. Much of our 2016 platform — from the GND to Medicare-For-All — has since been adopted by the mainstream!
...to the point where a crooked, white supremacist, misogynist, fame-obsessed huckster like @realDonaldTrump could connive his way into the White House.
.@HillaryClinton says “they can’t win again without a 3rd party candidate” when the reality is @TheDemocrats and @GOP's cartel-like suppression of 3rd parties & democratic reforms like #RankedChoiceVoting & proportional representation corroded this country's politics...
Full response to @HillaryClinton's attack on third parties and Grassroots Democracy: She has attempted to demonize @DrJillStein as a “Russian asset” when in fact Clinton has spent her entire career as an asset of Wall Street, the police state and war...
Our response to @HillaryClinton's vile smear against @DrJillStein in @RollingStone https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/green-party-hillary-clinton-jill-stein-russian-asset-901008/ …
NEVER let the duopoly get you down. 

Green Party US Retweeted
Next time Dems call Greens "spoilers", remember this: CA Gov. just vetoed bill to expand #RankedChoiceVoting which makes it impossible to "spoil" the vote. It's not confusing. People rank their choices every day. Dem leaders fight RCV b/c they're afraid to give you a real choice!
Help promote the real Green New Deal - this Green New Deal poster can be printed on to very large print board and paper.
It prints in large format as well as on standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper
Download it for free in our store