Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Media: Some returns work better than others


Is there such a thing in the US these days?


On TV, there is.  NBC on Fridays has been where to find it, Reba McEntire's third attempt at a sitcom. First up was REBA which lasted six seasons and 127 episodes and still plays daily on CMT and other channels.  Next came MALIBU BEACH which only lasted one season and 18 episodes.  Now HAPPY'S PLACE and, with a second season renewal, it's already doing better than her second sitcom.

Reba and her character Bobbie were strong and steady from the start of this series but other elements took a bit and, around episode three, the show found its stride.  Teaming up Reba and Melissa Peterman again was a smart move.  Peterman played Barbara Jean on REBA and was a source of angst and tension on that show.  They've got a Christine and Barb chemistry (THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE) and that's not easy to create.  Joining them is Belissa Escobedo as Bobbie's half-sister Isabella, Reba's real life husband Rex Linn (the two previously worked together on the TV series BIG SKY), Pablo Castelblanco as accountant Steve and Tokala Black Elk as Takoda who works at the bar.

The bar was left to Bobbie and Isabella by their late father and it's HAPPY'S PLACE.

Maybe, in The Age of Chump, the only place Americans can find happiness -- or some approximation -- is at a bar?

Makes sense to us. 

Mainly because putting up with Convicted Felon Donald Chump's attacks on our country and our way of life requires that you hit the hard stuff.  A lot.

For some that may be booze, for others it might be sweets.  Everyone's got their own thing and we're all in need of a fix.

It's really the only way to stomach all the lies.  

Such as?  How about JD Vance, Second Lady in Waiting, claiming he was chased over the weekend.  Chased?  Chased involves running.  Have people not seen Vance's ass?  He can't run with that thing.  And he didn't. Nor did have to.  As Vice President, he has a Secret Service detail with him where ever he goes.  But if Miss Sassy couldn't milk the drama with his own two hands, he'd have to use a breast pump.

Even more out of touch are the Republicans in Congress who were given the advice -- and so far have wrongly taken it -- to stop doing townhalls and encounters with their constituents.  

Their constituents are their bosses.  It's not smart to avoid them.  Avoidance makes it clear that you don't respect them, makes it clear that you aren't connected to them and most likely will make it clear to them that they shouldn't vote for you.

Infected with a toxic case of MAGA, the members of Congress believe this to be good advice.

After Roger Marshall, a senator from Kansas, was hounded out of his own town hall event last week, Republican party leaders had had enough. Mike Johnson, the Republican House speaker, and Richard Hudson, the chair of the GOP’s fundraising body, decided the embarrassment had to end, and they told Republicans to stop holding the public events.

But while that might save some Republican politicians from public humiliation, it could also deprive Americans of opportunities to interact with their elected officials, experts said, and prevent people from letting their representatives they are not happy with the increasingly divisive direction of the Trump administration.

“It’s certainly a unique view of representation that representatives should hear only from constituents who agree with them,” said Marjorie Hershey, professor emeritus of political science at Indiana University Bloomington.

“But it’s entirely in keeping with the recent direction of the Republican party: to become more and more extreme because they listen only to their far-right base.”

Johnson and Hudson’s edict came after several Republican town halls were interrupted in recent weeks. Scott Fitzgerald, a four-year congressman, faced an angry crowd at an event in West Bend, Wisconsin, in late February. Fitzgerald was repeatedly booed as he defended the role of Elon Musk, in particular.

Apparently misjudging his audience, Fitzgerald said Musk is “getting rid of the DEI”, to loud jeers, before receiving a similar reaction when he praised “the fraud and abuse that has been discovered” by the department of government efficiency.

A video from TMJ4 showed attendees carrying signs including “Presidents are not kings” and “No cuts to Medicaid”. Glenn Grothman, also from Wisconsin, received similar treatment at a town hall a couple of days later, being loudly booed as he claimed that “across the board [Trump] has done some very good things”, including birthright citizenship and – using the same phrasing as Fitzgerald – “getting rid of the DEI”.

Now maybe we overindulged -- or maybe having not been infected with MAGA, we're not suffering from swamp fever -- but we're having a really difficult time seeing how a member of Congress avoiding their constituents does anything but piss them off.  However, those suffering from the scourge of the West, insist that it won't and believe that avoiding the voters and the issues they raise will pacify the voters and make them forget.

Amnesia is the Donald Chump strategy when it comes to voters.  And he's convinced that, if everyone will stop talking about the high costs of eggs, people will stop noticing the huge increase in the cost of eggs and other groceries.  JD Wolf (MTN) explains:

As Americans continue to grapple with soaring grocery prices, Trump shared an article that downplays concerns over the rising cost of eggs. In a Truth Social post, Trump reposted an opinion piece by right-wing commentator Charlie Kirk, titled "Shut Up About Egg Prices — Trump Is Saving Consumers," which dismisses the outrage over the price hikes.
The article acknowledges that “a dozen currently costs around $7, up from just $2 in October,” but argues that inflation under Trump is not as bad as critics claim. Telling voters to shut up about high prices in the Trump economy may not be a winning strategy. 

Charlie Kirk, noted racist and evil doer, thinks ignoring inflation is "a winning strategy"?  That tracks. Mainly because Charlie Kirk is just stupid enough to believe that.  The brain's been warped by MAGA and he no longer remembers that his first act of activism was in high school when they went up on the price of a cookie and the hissy fit he threw.  If he only had a brain, he'd remember how angry that increased cost made him and grasped that trying to bottle that anger is not going to work -- not for him or his pin up and man crush Donald Chump.

It wouldn't for Charlie in high school and it's not going to work for Chump.  Prices do not just remain high, they've gotten higher and they are continuing to climb.  Not talking about inflation will not erase it from our minds.  Ed Mazza (HUFFINGTON POST) makes an important point:

However, Trump campaigned heavily on not just cutting prices, but doing so on his very first day in office

“I will immediately bring prices down starting on Day 1,” he said on Aug. 15, for example. “Starting the day I take the oath of office, I will rapidly drive prices down,” he promised later that some month. 

He backed away from that last month. 

He promised it.

There's another point that needs to be made there.  

It's true that many politicians break promises.  It's also true that those running for president often make very big promises and then fail to deliver.  But while you might cut slack for a first time nominee, Chump occupied the office of president from January 2017 through January 2021.  Meaning?  He was no starry eyed first timer.  He knew from experience what was possible and what was not.  He also knew what he had to say -- which lie to tell -- in order to garner votes.

He lied knowingly and willingly.  He got back into the White House and he no longer cares about the needs of the people.  

HAPPY'S PLACE finds Reba back on TV and she's a crowd pleaser, yes,  but, more than that, she's also a better actress now and can offer more than personality.  Chump?  He never had personality to coast on to begin with.  And he's got nothing to offer -- nothing that any sane person wants at any rate.

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