Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Silly Junior, the truth always comes out



Last week, it was news for some that Robert Kennedy Junior was cheating on his wife Cheryl Hines.  To some.  Madeline Berg (BUSINESS INSIDER) reports:

It turns out that the relationship between journalist Olivia Nuzzi and former presidential candidate, whale decapitator, and her one-time subject and source, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., wasn't exactly kept as quiet as the pair — or at least Nuzzi — likely hoped.

Since news of the affair and Nuzzi's suspension from New York Magazine came out on Thursday night, it's spawned dozens of reports and countless tweets. But apparently, it had already been a topic of conversation among certain circles.

Following the initial news, The Daily Beast reported that the relationship between the star reporter, 31, and the Kennedy scion, 70, had been somewhat of an open secret. On Sunday night, Semafor's Ben Smith wrote that the outlet had also gotten a tip about the scandal, one which the outlet chose to ignore, given it came from an anonymous sender who did not provide any other detail.

Kennedy's bragging to friends about having a romantic affair with and receiving NSFW — but "demure" — photos from the journalist nearly 40 years his younger is what tipped off her boss, New York Magazine's editor in chief David Haskell, to the relationship, the Daily Beast reported. Nuzzi initially denied the affair, the Daily Beast added, though that clearly didn't hold up with whatever evidence Haskell had.


Illustration is Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "He Eats Dog"
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