Joe Biden the front runner? In what world. Nevada just voted. The good news for Joe? He came in second. The bad news? The winner, Bernie Sanders, got nearly three times as many votes as Joe did. At what point, after his iffy showings in Iowa, New Hampshire and now Nevada, are we going to face reality that Joe just isn't the candidate American wants or needs?
Joe's big claim is that he will turn the clock back to 2016 back when everything was perfect -- in his mind. It wasn't perfect. There were drone killings. There was the ongoing Iraq War. There was illegal spying on the part of the government. There was no serious effort to address climate change.
But Joe wants to return us to, well, ignorance.
And some are on board with it. The comfort of stupidity is grasped by some.

A better world is possible. It will not come via reactionaries who are in the pocket of big business.
We need dreamers and visionaries who can carry us forward.
Thus far, four states have made their preference known. Joe wasn't the first choice in any of the four states. At what point does that sink in? Some fools continue to insist that Joe and only Joe can win. Really? Four times at bat and he's struck out every time. Joe's the Tim Tebow of politics. At what point do we get how very little South Carolina matters -- win or no win?
There has never been any enthusiasm for Joe. His events are half-full at best. To beat Donald Trump in November, the Democratic Party will need a candidate who can rally the people. who can inspire, who can draw crowds. That's not Joe Biden. That has never been Joe Biden. That will never be Joe Biden.

Our choice is Bernie Sanders. But an argument can be made that others can inspire as well. On that list, you might find Mayor Pete (whom we do not care for) but you would never find Joe Biden. On that list, you would find Elizabeth Warren, but you would never find Joe Biden. There's no reason to elevate a so-so candidate.
If Joe had any self-respect, he'd drop out. The least the rest of us can do is not enable him.
Illustrations are Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Joe Biden discovers his voting record" "Joe's gaffes" and "Joe Being Joe."