Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Some Tweets about Dario Hunter

Dario Hunter is seeking the Green Party's presidential nomination.

So... Green Party candidates for 2020; *Ian Schlakman *Dario Hunter *Howie Hawkins *Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry To my knowledge, none of them are or have happily worked with segregationists.

  • On Monday, June 24 Green Party presidential candidate Dario Hunter will be coming to Carbondale, following St. Louis campaign appearances on June 23, according to a press release from Shawnee Green Party.

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    Marianne Williamson (D) Donald Trump (R) Bill Weld (L) Dario Hunter (G)

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    Also, parties and politicians weren’t allowed so we had to secretly show Green Party Pride somehow lol.

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    Suit your fancy?

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    Dario Hunter is an environmental lawyer and current school board director in Ohio. He's been an eco-socialist activist and recently announced a new "People of Color Bill of Rights" that is very interesting.

    Augustson recently dropped out for health reasons and has endorsed Dario Hunter .

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