Boycott Barbra Streisand
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Last year REBEL VOICE reported on Zionist Barbra Streisand. They used the picture above of her kissing then prime minister of Israel Shimon Peres. And in June of 2013, she performed in concert in Israel. Kari Pickering wrote on FACEBOOK:
Barbra Streisand is set to perform in occupied Jerusalem for President Shimon Peres’ 90th birthday this summer. Reports from the Hebrew-language newspaper, “Yediot Acharonot,” confirm that she will be performing either June 15 or 16 in occupied Jerusalem.
The location of the performance has yet to be confirmed, but reports have surfaced that Streisand will be attending the opening night of the Israeli Presidential Conference on June 18 at Binyanei Ha’Uma (also referred to as the Jerusalem International Convention Center).
This won’t be Streisand’s first trip to the Holy Land. The extreme Zionist has help raised money for IDF soldiers and other apartheid Israel colonialist causes. This will be her first performance in Israel.
USA TODAY noted:
A movement under the name Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions (BDS) has been pressuring artists, entertainers and academics not to go to Israel or even attend conferences where Israelis are participating as a show if solidarity with Palestinians.
The movement was begun by Palestinians and joined by European leftists and academics to cripple Israel's economy and international standing to get it to bend to the position of Palestinians on political and security matters.
The writer Alice Walker recently banned an Israeli publisher from printing her novel, "The Color Purple," in Hebrew.
Barbra is a Zionist. She has nothing to offer the non-Zionist world and she loathes Arabs. She released a song "Don't Lie To Me" last week explaining she had to get 'political' because now -- NOW -- she was outraged.
We're outraged by her knee-jerk partisan, middle of the road sensibilities which she tries to market as 'brave.'
Israel killed 7 Palestinians, including two children, this week, two days shy of the anniversary of the #GreatMarchOfReturn launch. The two children were Nasir Azmi Musbah, 11, shot in the head, and Muhammad Nayif Yusif al-Hawm, 14, shot in the chest.
Nasir Azmi Musbah, 11, shot in the head, and Muhammad Nayif Yusif al-Hawm, 14, shot in the chest, were among 7 killed by Israeli snipers in Gaza on Friday — the bloodiest day since 14 May when Israel killed 60 people http://bit.ly/2NTc8Vy
Babs doesn't care about those deaths. We shouldn't care about her.
Use your money wisely. Don't buy her albums, don't support her films. That includes the remake of A STAR IS BORN. Jon Peters has a credit on the film. WARNER BROS has explained that he's been involved with the project since 1976 so he has earned it. 1976 is when the sexual predator was Barbra Streisand's boyfriend and she and Jon purchases the rights to the project. Point? Barbra has a financial interest in the property.
WARNER BROS thought it would be an easy product to promote. Then the women (and at least one man) who had filed complaints and lawsuits over Jon Peters' harassment over the years came forward (and Lady Gaga decided to put on Blackface and participate in a faux slave auction). There's not a lot they can do to promote the film. Bradley Cooper's still wounded material after AMERICAN SNIPER (his last hit film). And the gay rumors around him never vanished -- they started on ALIAS when he and Victor Garber were intensely close. And his attempt to play the role in A STAR IS BORN by 'butching it up' has only caused the rumors to fly again. So WARNER BROS needed someone dull and boring to promote the film -- haul Babs out and let her praise the remake endlessly. They just don't require her to explain that she's promoting a film that she has a financial stake in. And VARIETY, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER and others don't feel the duty to disclose that "Don't Lie To Me" Babs is lying to people by not explaining that she's out there promoting the remake because of the money she'll be making.
Use your money wisely.