A lot of stupid has happened since November 5th. The chatting bobble heads have told us one thing and then rushed to tell us some thing different. The left media -- let's be clear -- is an embarrassment. That's THE NATION, COMMON DREAMS, DEMOCRACY NOW!, THE PROGRESSIVE, IN THESE TIMES and so, so many more -- including YOUTUBE programs.
Now those outlets? Yes, they did work to attack Kamala Harris over and over for three months solid and their actions were harmful to the campaign and suppressed turnout. Enough weeks have passed to make clear that they're never going to take accountability. They're going to lie and they're going to look the other way. Taking accountability for their own sexism and racism will not happen. They'll instead pretend like it never happened.

Just like they pretend that they are providing real help and real reporting. The bulk provide nothing and don't even act as an accurate amplifier of basic facts. But aren't they out there begging for more money and aren't they pretending that they work?
They don't work. They don't work for you and they don't work for us. They type and pretend or they speak and pretend but work -- actual work -- requires, get this, work.
They are uniformed and they spread their stupidity wide and far.
We're going to look at three examples of media malpractice.
First, there's an upcoming election on April 1st. What's going on? Accused sex trafficker Matt Gaetz was in the House of Republicans last month. He and Trump expected that he was going to be in the Trump administration next year. Satan Trump had declared his plans to nominate Gaetz to be the Attorney General of the United States on November 13th. Gaetz immediately resigned his House seat.
Rather strange for a number of reasons including he didn't yet have the office. It had not gone to the Senate for approval and it can't. Let's stop there because when we read a portion of this back to smart and educated people we know, they told us we were wrong about something: recess appointments.
We weren't wrong. It's your crap ass left media -- especially on YOUTUBE -- that has promoted a lie because yet again these uneducated lazy talking heads didn't do the actual work.
Matt could not been a recess appointment in November or December or even, pay attention, for the bulk of next month. Why is that?
Satan is not the president. That's not talking recounts or anything else spewing across the internet. That's merely fact. Learn your Constitution, it is your friend. Much more so that the bulk of the idiots on YOUTUBE.
Until he's sworn in, Satan is not president.
He can jawbone all he wants -- like a YOUTUBER -- but he's not president.
Joe Biden is president. Until Trump is sworn in, he can't do anything and that would include recess appoint Gaetz or anyone else to a post requiring Senate confirmation.
So why did Gaetz resign if he wasn't about to become Attorney General? Most pointed out that, had he not resigned, two days later, November 15th, the House Ethics Committee report on their investigations into the multiple charges and claims of Gaetz drugging women, assaulting women -- under age and of age -- and so much more was going to be released. By resigning, he stopped the release of the report or hope to.
He didn't stop the chatter and outraged America -- an outraged America that included Republican in the US Senate. As details began leaking about what was in the House Ethics Committee's investigation report, Gaetz had to bow out before the flesh wound he created on Satan Trump grew deeper.
So Gaetz is gone from Congress and the idiot governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis announced that, to fill Gaetz's empty seat, a special election will take place. The primary will be on January 28th and the general election will be on April 1st -- known statewide as Ron DeFailure's Day.
And here's where the wheels fall off the cart. A Florida state senator. Randy Fine, wants Gaetz's old House seat and Satan Trump has endorsed him -- repeating state primaries are scheduled for January 28th. But Satan's already pimping Fine.
And here's where COMMON DREAMS comes in with yet another stupid and uninformed report.
Is Fine a threat? Satan's endorsement alone is enough to prove to us that he is.
But Fine Tweets:
The “Hebrew Hammer” is coming. @RashidaTlaib
and @IlhanMN
might consider leaving before I get there. #BombsAway
CAIR really compromised its integrity in 2024. And they jumped all over the Tweet as a physical threat to Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. It's not. Any sane brain can grasp that. It's the sort of trashy boast a Dwayne Johnson might have made when he was a TV 'wrestler.'
But there's COMMON DREAMS and Julia Conley rushing in to sport their stupidity.
How do we count their stupidity?
First, it's not a threat. It's an ignorant boast from an idiot. They look ridiculous presenting it as a threat of violence. Second, see what we did above when we pasted in the Tweet? There's no link you can click on. As leftists who saw the interference of the racist from South Africa Elon Musk? We're not helping to popularize TWITTER. (See our "I-I-I-I-I-I Ain't Gonna Tweet on TWITTER (Ava and C.I.).") But if you pull up Julia's "Muslim Rights Group Calls for Probe Into GOP Lawmaker's Threat to Omar, Tlaib " at COMMON DREAMS -- published November 28th -- you'll see that they're not bothered by it. Elon has muscled himself into Satan's administration. He is pure evil and a racist -- with Nazi grandparents, a Nazi mother, a South African father and that father's South African parents. So not a threat of physical violence (leaving the left looking like alarmist fools -- a trap that the left fell into over and over from 2017 through 2020) and the article also promotes Elon Musk and his social media. But that's not all. A full feature on Randy Fine, someone who wants to be in the US Congress. COMMON DREAMS uses its name to build him up, to say to the right-wing, this tiny player is a big deal, vote for him.
This moron is going to be running for elected office in an election to be held April 1st and Julia and COMMON DREAMS are writing about him. About him.
Not about Gay Valimont and Stanley Gray. They aren't mentioned in the long, long, too long article -- way too long to go over and over one damn Tweet. But Gay and Stanley are both planning to run for that seat in Congress and they are both Democrats.
If Randy Fine is a problem -- and we agree he is -- and you're a left site that doesn't want him elected, you name the two planning to run against him. And if that number continues to grow, you name every one of them. The primaries next month. And COMMON DREAMS is publicizing the MAGA creep but can't even name the Democrats who have announced or filed to run?
That's journalistic malpractice.
What are you doing with all the money people send you? It doesn't look like you're practicing journalism. The problems we just noted, a high school senior on a student newspaper would know those basics.
Let's move to another example.
Sam Seder is a comic. Not a particularly funny one. He's never had a stand-up career that really paid off. The DSA is the Democratic Socialists of America. They aren't Democrats. They're from a fringe group that, if you go back far enough, were spending the early seventies defending the US war on Vietnam. DSA comes from that rancid ground.
Today, JACOBIN is the bible of the DSA. That would be the same JACOBIN that allowed a podcaster doing a podcast for them to attack Katie Halper. Katie's got 101 problems and we won't pretend she doesn't. However, there was no reason for her to be attacked in that segment. And rational people grasped that. JACOBIN did not. They went with the host attacking Katie. A host who is no longer with JACOBIN and is now known as the grifter she actually always was. Anahit Misak Kasparian is this century's Jeane Kirkpatrick -- the woman raised Socialist who turned on the Democratic Party to become a neocon and advise Ronald Reagan. Ana Kasparian's right-wing grift was evident long before she began attacking transgender people, trafficking in racism and become a defender (and member) of MAGA.
Last week, idiot met idiot on THE MAJORITY REPORT's segment "Harris Campaign Had Volunteers 'Knocking On Republican Doors' During Wisconsin Campaign." What happens when a self-identified DSA idiot calls in?
Journalstic malpractice.
Sam -- and Emma -- let the idiot spout his crazy. He had been block walking -- he didn't use the term and we're pretty sure he's never heard of it -- in Wisconsin ahead of the election. Kamala Harris' campaign, he whined, sent him to Republican areas!!!!
Emma and Sam tried to console him.
With no adults in the room, the viewers were left with the impression something awful had happened -- that this was proof of bad campaign tactics on the part of Kamala's campaign.
You're a stupid idiot if you bought that crap.
Block walking. A campaign and/or political party depends upon volunteers to block walk. We have both done that many times over the years. Has Sam? Emma?
Sometimes, unions will transport people to block walk and actually pay them for it. (We have never been paid for block walking and one of us, C.I., back in college refused the payment the union was attempting to offer at the end of the day.)
With block walking, you're going through a neighborhood. It takes several hours. You go door to door, you explain you're canvasing for whatever candidate or candidates or party. You ask if the person has a few minutes to talk? Some people will say no. Some people will slam their doors in your face. Some will want to talk. Some who do support your candidate, some who do are not supporters of your candidate but are interested in politics and want to have an exchange.
That's block walking.
DSA moron couldn't believe that Kamala's team 'wasted' time and money on this effort.
It's one of the more effective tools, first off. Second, it was a general election. Not every Democrat is going to vote for the Democrat in the race (Jeane Kirkpatrick never voted for a Democrat again after Jimmy Carter beat Scoop Jackson in the 1976 Democratic Party primary) not every Republican is going to vote for a Republican candidate and a lot of people are undecided ahead of an election.
Block walking is a means to try to connect with voters face to face, one-on-one.
You need to down every street in every state.
But even more to the point, Wisconsin? It's an open primary state.
We doubt the DSA idiot or Sam or Emma grasps what that means since they all refused to mention -- let alone address -- that reality.
An open primary state? Anyone can vote in the Democratic Party primary or the Republican Party primary. States with closed primaries? You have to be a registered Democrat to vote in the Democratic primary. you have to be a registered Republican to vote in the Republican primary.
Meaning? Ohio political parties have no concrete information on who is what.
There's no "We have 98% registered Republicans in this neighborhood."
You could try extrapolating from who they voted into office in a district. But that would be a lot of guess work. And many, many streets make up a district.
The DSA idiot is a moron whining about a problem that he basically invented. Learn politics, you damn fool.
And that goes double for Emma and Sam.
They presented misinformation and signed off on it. Because they're idiots.
Stop talking and/or writing about things you are ignorant of.
Your bad media is not helping the left. You advancing lies are actually harming us all.
Before we move to our third example, let's note a COMMON DREAMS article already covered in Friday's "Iraq snapshot," where Jake Johnson wanted to interview know-nothing Ralph Nader -- a man who has refused to apologize for the over one million Iraqis who died because of Ralph's vanity campaign. Jake Johnson wanted to talk to him instead about the Democratic Party -- Ralph is not a Democrat and he's a joke, a tired and old joke. We mention that to note Mike's "Idiot(s) of the Week:"
This week's dishonor goes to an outlet and to a person.
So the winners are COMMON DREAMS and Ralph Nader.
In Friday's snapshot (in full at the end of my post), C.I. notes the various levels of stupidity to this nonsense and how Ralph needs to apologize to the Iraqi people I agree he does. He's partly responsible.
What I will add to what C.I. details in the snapshot is that, Ralph's bad column is entitled "The Energy Gap: Why Democrats Keep Losing to GOP Plutocrats."
What election did Ralph Nader ever win?
He's run. In 1996, in 2000, in 2004 and in 2008 -- every time for president. And he never won. He never even came close.
But he's going to tell us why Democrats lose?
He is a War Criminal as much as Bully Boy Bush. He needs to just shut up, find a nursing home and leave the rest of us alone.
Very good point. COMMON DREAMS is burying us with one example of journalistic malpractice after another.
But let's wait one more moment to note Katrina vanden Heuvel.
Part owner of THE NATION and full time ugly, Katty van van presents herself as left. She's not. She was rightly dubbed the peace resister in the '00s because she wouldn't allow her writers to cover War Resisters. She insisted that doing so could result in the government going after their discounted postal rates.
She's always been a fake ass, a White woman living in Harlem in a mansion as a result of her grandfather ripping off Black artists such as Lena Horne. She's always been a fake ass presenting herself as an intellectual while most who went to college with her were busy noting that, while they did research, she slept with the professor. She's always been a fake ass declaring herself a feminist while refusing to publish women in THE NATION -- see our study of who THE NATION published in 2007 under Katty's leadership "The Nation featured 491 male bylines in 2007 -- how many female ones?"
Last week, Katty managed to reach a new low, even for her.
Let's note Trina, "In the snapshot for yesterday (which I'll end this post with in a minute), C.I. rightly calls out the awful Katrina vanden Heuvel for her posting an anti-abortion Tweet. We now know exactly who she is. Kat and Betty also call Katrina out. I think the three women -- C.I., Betty and Kat -- have said it all and nailed it down but I will say I support them and I agree with them."
Katrina remains on Twitter and has not moved to BLUESKY -- note THE GUARDIAN has, NPR has, many people and outlets have. But Katty van van's all about racism and sexism -- as she made clear with the non-stop assaults on Kamala THE NATION published day after day in August, September and October.
And it was from Twitter that she posted this.
No woman needs "forgiveness" from a man for how she decides to handle her own health issues. Right there, you've got Katty van van signing off men control women's bodies. She should be ashamed. But grasp that was the least of it.
This man she reTweeted? He's a Trump supporter. (Didn't vote for him, doesn't live in the country.) He's also a raging homophobe. Read Betty, Kat and the snapshot for more.
This is journalistic malpractice on every level. A supposed left woman from a supposed left outlet is reposting a man who thinks he is in charge of a woman's body, and this man reposted is a Trump supporting homophobe.
She should be sued.
Now let's wind down with, you guessed it, COMMON DREAMS. Yes, them again. Yes, Jake Johnson again. The article is entitled "." One thing you have to understand about COMMON DREAMS is that they have no common sense when it comes to Senator Bernie Sanders. They lust after him so, we're surprised that they have yet to feature Bernie in a tasteful nude pictorial.
There's never a moment of Bernie that COMMON DREAMS doesn't rush to celebrate -- not a single moment in Bernie's long list of one non-accomplishment after another. He's on the verge of serving his 34th year in Congress and yet there are current members of the Congress who will be starting their third year next month and can point to actual accomplishments.
That some idiot thought an 83-year-old man was going to start a new political party was bad enough but that they thought it would be do-nothing Bernie is much, much worse.
And while it would be great if COMMON DREAMS could stop acting like TMZ and also stop pretending Bernie was Drake, that's not the worst of it.
This is:
The senator said the upstart campaign of Independent Dan Osborn—a union steamfitter who launched an unexpectedly close challenge to two-term Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) while shunning the state's Democratic establishment—"should be looked at as a model for the future."
"He took on both political parties," Sanders said of Osborn, who outperformed Vice President Kamala Harris by 14 percentage points in Nebraska and is now launching a PAC aimed at helping working-class candidates run for office.
"He took on the corporate world," Sanders continued. "He ran as a strong trade unionist. Without party support, getting heavily outspent, he got through to working-class people all over Nebraska. It was an extraordinary campaign, and it tells me that the American people are sick and tired of seeing the rich getting richer. They think billionaires dominate both political parties. They want real change, and Dan's campaign raised those issues in a very significant way."
Wow. At last, a path forward for the party! At last, no faux nonsense that's really an attempt to push the Dems to the right.
That's exactly what Bernie's doing (yet again) and what COMMON DREAMS is enabling them.
Who's the moron from Nebraska? We don't know. We're not Bernie groupies. So we looked him up. And found one unimpressive detail after another as well as the fact that Bernie's yet again lying. We could provide multiple examples but we think Jacob Crosse, at WSWS, did it better than we ever could:
Sanders presents Osborn as a champion of the working class in opposition to both the Democrats and Republicans, when the reality is the opposite. Prior to running for Senate, Osborn was the president of Local 50G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) in Omaha, Nebraska. Throughout his Senate campaign, Osborn touted his stint as a union bureaucrat to posture as a friend of the working class.
However, Osborn used his role not to fight for the workers against the corporation, but to strangle their struggle and impose a pro-company sellout. During the 2021 Kellogg’s strike, Osborn waged a national chauvinist campaign to keep striking workers in the US isolated from their class brothers and sisters internationally.
In a broadside against Mexican workers, Osborn said in an interview at the time:
A lot of Americans probably don’t have too much issue with the Nike or Under Armor hats being made elsewhere, or even our vehicles, but when they start manufacturing our food down where they are out of the FDA control and OSHA control, I have a huge problem with that.
In a preview of his anti-immigrant Senate run, he campaigned for a boycott of “made-in-Mexico Nabisco products.”
the workers had struck for 77 days, Osborn helped Kellogg’s push
through a contract betrayal that expanded the hated “two-tier” wage and
benefits system and led to the closure of the Omaha plant and destruction of 550 jobs.
Democrats failed to field a candidate and Osborn only narrowly lost his
Senate race against incumbent Republican Deb Fischer. In the course of
his campaign, Osborn never once pointed out Trump’s fascist politics or
condemned him for having tried to overturn the 2020 election. Instead,
Osborn solidarized himself with Trump and claimed “Fischer stabbed Donald Trump in the back” for calling on Trump to drop out of the presidential race in 2016.
and following his campaign, Osborn pledged to work with Trump to
“secure the border,” including through the completion of Trump’s border
[. . .]
In addition to Sanders, those endorsing Osborn’s anti-communist, anti-immigrant, pro-bureaucracy campaign include Jacobin founder Bhaskar Sunkara and elements of the trade union bureaucracy, such as United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain and Dustin Guastella, director of operations for Teamsters Local 623.
In a November 22 article published in the Guardian, Sunkara and Guastella praised “Osborn’s ideas” and his “class background,” which, they wrote, “was key to his being able to deliver a credible populist appeal.”
Sunkara and Guastella called on the nationalist labor bureaucracies to recruit “talented candidates” and work with “organizations like Osborn’s to get these candidates the funds they need to win elections.”
The “organization” to which Sunkara and Guastella were referring is Osborn’s political action committee (PAC), known as the “Working Class Heroes Fund.” The PAC, which allows anonymous donors, raised nearly $8 million by mid-October, according to the Nebraska Examiner, which noted that Osborn “benefited from roughly $20 million in outside spending on his behalf” during the campaign.The “about” section on the Working Class Heroes Fund website explains that the purpose of the PAC is provide money for politicians to get elected and unite “the working class across party lines.” In other words, to forge pro-imperialist “national unity.”
Get it?
We're being tricked and lied to over and over by a left media that wants our money, that wants us to donate to them. A left media that rightly calls out Mika and Joe but we'll never, ever own up to their own mistakes. Congratulations to MEDIASTOUCH NEWS which is setting new streaming records and to other YOUTUBERS such as TABITHA SPEAKS, COACH D and Danielle Moodie who are increasing their subscribers due to strong and important work. But the bulk of left media is being produced by idiots who, forget actual research, can't even carry out a basic GOOGLE search. It has to stop and, if it doesn't, maybe it's time for Americans to join together in a class action lawsuit against this continued journalistic malpractice.