Tuesday, October 22, 2024

C.I. explains how the 'left' media covers Kamala Harris

Reposting this from C.I.'s "The only thing crazier than Donald Trump? Leftists or 'leftists' trying to re-elect him:"


Sadly, the corporate media does a better job than our so-called 'independent' media does.  I spent time writing eight paragraphs calling out a dumb bitch at MOTHER JONES.  Then I realized it's our topic -- Ava and my topic -- at THIRD where we'll also be noting Sasha's nonsense.  

I am so sick of it.  I am so sick of supposed left sites working overtime to depress turnout in this election so that Trump ends up with four more years.  You are all pathetic -- THE NATION, DEMOCRACY NOW!, et al -- and you will find out what it's like to exist on a real budget because funding dreams and goals are not going to be met in 2025.  Not after all the crap you have pulled in 2024.  No, a lot of you are going to have to get real jobs and do actual work for a change.

The typical piece of garbage they write goes like this:

Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today in Georgia and explained that Americans love and need M&Ms and one of the first thing she'll be doing as president, if elected, is funding M&Ms for all Americans.

However, as everyone knows, we don't all eat M&MS and she was silent on Snickers! Junior Mints, Hershey bars were all omitted!  In her four minutes on M&Ms in her speech, she never once mentioned the 150 year Chocolate War or how the British took over the chocolate industry early on in the 19th century.  She seemed to think that her paltry offer of M&Ms for all wiped the slate clean.

That's the kind of garbage our 'left' and 'independent' media keeps serving up.  For now.  I mean they're not independent.  They count on donations and it's not the five or ten dollars you give each month.  They need the big money and that's going to be denied to them after their performance this year.  So they'll find out what it truly is like to be "independent."  They won't be able to count on big donors because we've all seen the crap they did with our money this year. 

In the past, John Kerry on M&Ms would have resulted in, "John Kerry today in California spoke about the need for M&Ms for all Americans and that's long overdue.  The plan includes . . . "

Instead, we're getting little bitches who are really bad online cash master that can't understand why people won't give them money after the little bitches have insulted and degraded their audience.


(Cash masters are men -- and women -- who insult followers into humiliation and make their money that way.  They're all over TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and ONLY FANS.  If you need more information about that, DM Glennyth Greenwald who is big time into being humiliated and degraded.)

There are very real issues at stake here.  And it's appalling to watch the so-called left work so hard to elect Donald Trump.  Because that is what they're doing.


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