In case you missed it, 2024 is a presidential election year.
Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS comics have been covering the race for president this year.
That's his THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "The GOP Debate" noting how even Nikki Haley outperformed Ron DeSantis in the GOP primaries. When his campaign failed, the world felt a little better.
For the bulk of 2024, no presidential candidate was as embarrassing and laughable as Robert Kennedy Jr.
"He Eats Dog" addressed the rumors that Junior did just that -- poor Snoopy!
For most of 2024, President Joe Biden was the Democratic Party's presidential nominee.
"He Sees The Death Angels" came right before Joe stepped aside and noted how his voice was unsure and hesitant.
No presidential nominee was as awful as Donald Trump.
"Donald Trump On The Wings Of A Maxi" addressed how stupid Donald looked while trying to milk the shooting by wearing a large, unneeded 'bandage' that looked like a Maxi-Pad over his ear. He did that at the GOP convention. Many years into the future, people will still be laughing about it.
As bad as Donald is, it came as a surprise that he could pick a running mate who was equally awful.
But JD Vance was as creepy and as evil and, most of all, as stupid as Donald. That's "JD Vance Doesn't Understand The Church."
Poor cry baby JD.

"Crowd Envy"
dealt with JD and Donald's dwindling audience which came as crows were
turning out for Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and vice presidential
nominee Tim Walz.
JD ended up with a new name -- Miss Sassy. Miss Sassy emerged when the country learned that 29-year-old JD Vance put on a blond wig and dressed like a woman when in law school. Not college, law school. He was 29-years-old. And this from a man who has called out drag queens for political gain.
Miss Sassy has proven to be very popular with community members and Isaiah admits he has a blast drawing Miss Sassy. It's JD's id exposed. So when Robert Kennedy Jr. was flirting with endorsing Donald, we got "Miss Sassy Puts Junior On Blast."
And then spineless, cowardly whore Junior endorsed Donald leading to "Junior Explains His Trump Endorsement."
As summer was winding down, the Green Party made the hideous Jill Stein their presidential nominee for the third time. She is a monster, she is "Jill FrankenStein."
And then tonight came "The Convicted Felon and Miss Sassy Variety Hour" allowing Miss Sassy to celebrate the grifter that is Donald.