That's Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "He Eats Dog" about Robert Kennedy Jr and the claims that he ate a dog and then bragged about it. THE NEW YORK POST has a photo of Junior with the dog he supposedly ate. VANITY FAIR has the report on his dog eating here.
If you missed it, yesterday morning, Team Kennedy
The DNC smear attack machine is back with a nasty hit piece against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Vanity Fair. This article, filled with distortions and misleading information, is yet another tactic by the DNC political machine to undermine our campaign. |
One of the most egregious claims in the article is a baseless reference to a rumor that RFK Jr. once ate a dog. This ridiculous and unfounded accusation is an apparent attempt to distract from his policies and achievements. |
You're being called out because you've earned it.
But what's especially telling? That VANITY FAIR article also reported Junior assaulted a woman. In fact, Maroosha Muzaffar (INDEPENDENT) notes Junior's response to the allegation that he assaulted Eliza Cooney:
Independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has defended himself against allegations of sexual assault by a former babysitter saying, "I am not a church boy."
There's a reason Junior would rather talk about eating dog.