Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Media: The Talking Pig From Dallas

Miss Piggy made talking pigs looked so cute.  Then again, she was a puppet.  Allie Stuckey?  What's an Allie Stuckey? Imagine Miss Piggy without the charm, without the feminine wiles, without the brains and without the humor. without the talent but with the smell of corn chips and piss cloaking her and you've got Allie Stuckey.


Last week, like most Americans, we learned of Allie's existence.  Prior to THE MAJORITY REPORT WITH SAM SEDER, Allie Stuckey had been confined to her sty. 

Every child deserves a mother and a father, Allie oinks.  But before you think she's trying to help children get adopted or bemoaning the reality of children whose parents pass away when they're young, grasp that she's just an ugly bigot.  Well . . . ugly and stupid.

Sam and the crew dissect some of her stupidity.  Stream the video for that.  


Portly Pig Allie Stuckey rages about the Supreme Court decision OBERGEFELL V HODGES because if other people have rights, she's not pleased with what she has.  


"Only God," piggie snorts can define marriage.  Whose God?  The Hindu God?  The Muslim God?  The Christian God?  The Hebrew God?  There are a lot of gods worshiped in the US.  


She can't live and let live because she's too pig headed, too ugly and too anti-democracy.  Maybe it is time to kick people out of the United States -- you know, the ones who don't actually believe and practice democracy.  

If you don't support basic freedoms, then you really don't belong in this country.  Let's kick Allie out and let her resettle in Afghanistan where they also believe that a god trumps democratic rights.  

She keeps invoking THE BIBLE and God and it's mainly to remind you of just how stupid she is.

Marriage, she insists, citing her God and BIBLE, is between a man and a woman.  She specifically cites Genesis, for example.  Okay.  What about Genesis 26:34 and 28: 6 -9?  Does she want to explain how Esau fits with her 'knowledge'?  Or maybe she wants to flip over to Genesis 29:15 - 28?  That would bring her to the Biblical figure of Jacob.  What do Esau and Jacob have in common?  The same thing that they have in common with Elkanab, David, Samuel and Solomon -- among other Biblical figures.  Not one of them is in a relationship with one man and one woman -- no, all those men have multiple wives and it's in THE BIBLE so, according to the 'logic' of the Talking Pig, it must be what God wants and what God has ordered.

Carrollton trash -- we understand she was a big 'party' gal but that just might be a mean rumor -- born in Dallas and inflicting her garbage education on the rest of us.

She's one of those people Maria McKee sang about in "Why Wasn't I More Grateful?"

Some people want and want and want what they don't have 
'Til it keeps ‘em awake at night in their bed just twitchin'
Some people like to complain about ev'ry little thing
Some folks just never stop bitchin'

Why wasn't she more grateful?  Because she couldn't stop bitching.  Among the 'causes' she's taken up in the last seven days?  Protesting a calendar geared to dads -- featuring attractive women -- fully clothed.  Yes, that's how pathetic she is and how empty her life is.

This is not an activist.  This is a busybody.  A meddler.  Someone whose own life is so pathetic and empty that she can only find satisfaction in attempting to destroy others.

On BEWITCHED, her name was Gladys Kravitz.  On LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRARIE, she was called Harriet Oleson.   On ROSEANN, it was Kathy Bowman. 

Worthless people who have nothing better to do than be a busybody.  

Allie Beth, believe there's this thing called The Golden Rule.  Why don't you look into it sometime -- and why don't you learn THE BIBLE that you pretend to know.

As Whitney Houston rightly told MTV all those years ago, "We're all God's children."  Maybe find some meaning in your currently pathetic life and stop picking on others.  Otherwise why don't you just go wee-wee-wee all the way home and then stay there.

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