On the pandemic, we talked about this in real time but we're going to do a paragraph or two right now.
pandemic was not a happy time. There were many things done wrong. We
need to learn from it. If illegal actions took place, we need to know
that and people should be punished. That includes if people used the
pandemic to get rich.
At present?
present, we've got a lot of accusations and a lot of crazy. If you
want to present what you think happened as your opinion, by all means do
so. But a number of people need to stop with their claims of this
happened or that happened. We're not talking about some average person on
the street. We're talking about con artists and grifters in the media.
We did not worship, praise or celebrate Anthony Fauci.
We thought he was inept and said that he'd lost the
public's trust and so he should go. We said that when Donald Trump was
president. We said that when Joe Biden became president. We especially said when
Joe became president that he needed to ditch Fauci, he didn't need a
carry over from the previous administration.
terms of his experiments on dogs, for example, we think Fauci's
garbage. If hell exists, we hope dogs are in charge of a lab there and
experiment on him.
Is he evil, is he mean, is he this, is he that?
We don't know. We don't know the man and we wouldn't want to.
he said one thing and then he said another. The public lost trust in
him. He was no longer effective in his role. Joe should have asked for
his resignation immediately.
Could mistakes be made with no intent to harm and no intent to deceive?
Yes, absolutely.
was a scramble and everyone was learning as they went along. So, yes,
Fauci was learning to. Guess what? The position he was in? That's not
a gift. That's a public role and if you cannot be effective in that
role, you need to step down. Fauci is clearly an idiot because he
refused to step down -- which also makes him a very poor doctor.
Masks? If your biggest whine after the pandemic has -- what? leveled off in the US? -- is masks? Stop your damn whining.
died. We'll never forget early on learning of the poor woman in
Louisiana who was a nurse and they found her with her baby who,
fortunately, lived. People died. Some were left with longterm
C.I. notes, "I'm one of those. My lungs are scarred from COVID. It's
apparently not going to heal. Among people who know me, I'm famous for
my memory. There are days when I have to really stop and go through a
mental rewind to get a name that I know. It's frustrating. And guess
what? I know -- with no rewind -- I'm damn lucky because some people
have worse symptoms and, of course, some people died from COVID. So I'm
very lucky."
A public
event like the pandemic is going to be managed by government officials. So sorry if that's news to you. ARMAGEDDON wasn't a reflective movie.
DEEP IMPACT was. We're not talking about the special effects. We are
talking about the government controlling the information, controlling
when and how it is revealed, trying to manage the public.
We don't believe in that. We don't support that approach. No, we say people
have a right to know and let them know. Give them all the
But we're often alone in saying that. C.I. and Ava argued and argued with ______ over a
piece Ava and C.I. wrote about _____'s show because the episode revolved
around some unknown historic letters being discovered and the message
was? Ignore them. Burn them. Burn history. No one needs to know what
a president in the 19th century did. That's garbage and _____ and Ava and C.I.
went round and round about that. We stand by what Ava and I wrote and we
stand by the opinion that you do not hide history -- especially when
everyone's dead and gone.
if you saw the way information was managed and you didn't like it?
Stop complaining about what took place and start demanding changes.
This is not the last pandemic the world will see -- unless climate
change deniers kill us with their stupidity. So make your thoughts
known and demand change.
Unless you do, stop whining. They always do messaging and try to control the flow of information.
masks were irritating. If you had a real condition, most people worked
with you. If you struggled to breathe, for example, most people worked
with you. If you struggled because wearing the mask gave you stress,
most people worked with you. Someone will no doubt bring up some petty person
who had taken too much control somewhere -- a grocery store -- and tried
to bully people. We know that existed as well. We have caring people
on this planet and we have stupid people on this planet.
the end of the day, however, you having to wear a mask was not the end of
the world. Were the masks really necessary? We have no idea. We do not have
a problem with someone saying, "No, they weren't!" If they weren't necessary, they were part of
public management in a crisis: Find something everyone can do for a
placebo effect. Give them something to believe they are being helped
and it will relieve stress. We're not saying that's masks were there or
were not that. We are saying mass hysteria is the first concern during a
pandemic and you want to calm everyone.
The idiot Casey DeSantis put out an ad about her hateful husband and their hateful hopes for the country. That advertisement launched this week. In it? People were forced to wear masks! The horror. Grow the hell up,
you stupid woman. It was a pandemic and that mask really did not
infringe on anyone's rights. Not that Casey tries to avoid infringing
on people's rights -- she's a book burning bigot.
But the whole world went through a lot during the pandemic.
It's really not over but we're told by the media it is. And, over or not, thus far most people survived it.
That's a good thing.
Quit being such butt hurt babies spewing conspiracy theories or acting like wearing a mask was the equivalent of being placed in interment camps during WWII.
Ask as many as you need to. We'll support you. But stop with the crazy where you take your opinions -- often dubious ones -- and insist that they are facts. They are not facts. They don't even qualify as informed hunches.