You may have noticed that some normally calm voices have gone ridiculous. We've noticed that too.
We were asked about that and Debra Messing sprang to mind.
It's like in 2016 when Debra crossed the last line, she was insulting all Republicans, she was trashing all Greens and she was trashing Bernie Sanders' supporters. Exactly who fit into Little Debbie's world? Only the people who supported Hillary in the 2016 Democratic Party primary. She ended up at that spot because she couldn't own her actions, she couldn't apologize and she couldn't reset.
She had painted herself into a corner. That's what these people have done.
A lot of voices who used to share insight and common sense? They don't right now.
Right now, they rush around with their justifications for the Iranian government shooting down an airplane. And of their critics, they insist that their critics are trying to do a 'victory lap' about being right. We don't know about that -- we're just checking them to see if they ever note the two journalists killed in Iraq on Friday (Ahmed Abdul Samad and Safaa Ghali) or the ongoing protests in Iraq.
But what we do know is that saying it was an accident is a bit much.
An accident is someone hit a button by mistake.
'We could not establish communication with the plane so we shot it down'? That's not really an accident. You couldn't establish communication and you made the decision to shoot it down.
The Iranian government thought they had to protect their air space.We can understand that. They regret the shooting. We can understand that. But it's not an 'accident' when you intentionally shot it down. It's a mistake. Certainly, it's a tragedy.
We're not calling it a crime. We are stating, however, that when you make the decision to shoot it down, you can't later say it was an accident.
The Maxes and Michaels and Margarets -- all of them -- have painted themselves into a corner.