This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.
"The Dem race for president: Iraq, amends and fake …" -- most requested by readers of this site.
"Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Cat Dancing Jo..." -- Isaiah's latest comic takes on Joe's repeated lies..
"Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Joe's Gaffes"" -- the gaffes aren't funny when you're the victim.
"Kat's Korner: Tanya and Taylor" -- Kat reviews albums by Tanya Tucker and Taylor Swift.
"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Oh, NPR, stop fake assing," "I agree with John Stauber," "The fake Joe versus the real Bernie and Elizabeth," "Joe Biden and his lies," "I agree with Adam Smith," "Is Joe really electable?," "Barbara Boxer is so disappointing," "Joe Biden is nuts," "Joe Biden's mind has gone an extended trip and might not return," "Joe Biden can't stop lying," "Joe is a racist," "About Green coverage," "Does Rob Reiner get how stupid he always sounds?," "Some Tweets about Dario Hunter," "All of Joe's lies -- they never end," "Comey should be in prison," "Does BLOOMBERG not do corrections?," "Dance, Joe Biden, Andrew McCabe, and more," "fire him, retire him, just get rid of him," "i'd say we have a climate emergency in brazil" and "bette davis and bernie sanders" -- political coverage in the community.
"Stand Up Hillary" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Taylor Swift and Diana Ross," "Taylor Swift and Tanya Tucker," "Harry Styles," "5 great PJ Harvey tracks," "Money and music," "Money corruption in political campaigns and The Fifth Dimension," "Once more on the Fifth" and "bon jovi needs to pack it in." -- music coverage in the community.
"What does it take for these talk show hosts to get fired?," "Valerie Harper," "Dave Chappelle, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Marlon Brando," "BH90210," and "Dave Chappelle" -- TV coverage in the community.