- Former VP Joe Biden has been treated unfairly. Comparing smelling hair to the #Metoo
movement is preposterous. I’m not personally for Biden winning the Democratic primary, but seriously? Biden is a good person. #EnoughAlready
- The funny thing is that I agree he IS a good person. I truly believe he is. He's however disconnected from the actual point of the personal space conversation. He does not GET IT
- I think he gets it now.
- If he did, he wouldn't have made that joke.
- I don’t see the joke as others do. This whole debate is ridiculous.
- I know, how do people think it's acceptable to creep on people like this that you don't even know?
- What?
- Why does he feel the need to touch'em in the first place? It's the question that I still can't find a simple answer to
- Some people connect on a deeper level with touch. It's a shame we have become so touchy about being touched. It's just a case of him adjusting to the new social norms since the pumpkin ruined it for everyone
- The thing is, no one cares how Biden connects. His behavior over decades would get him fired in literally any other professional setting.
- The following article *is* about sexual harassment on a job for a woman employed by Sen Biden in early 90s. Guess what? It was SH then too. "Mores" were NOT different. Women weren't treated like this by decent supervisors in healthy work cultures.
- What does CIA fake feminist @GloriaSteinem hafta say about this, as attached? How come this isn't in major news articles like the other stories? How come #NancyPelosi made excuses4 Biden 1 day before this story broke? Oh, I get it>he's a wealthy white privileged male pol4WallSt
- Gloria Steinem - have mores changed that much since Joe Biden's good ol' days? What about the 70s? Did decent men in healthy work cultures in the 70s paw women like Joe Biden? This kind of behavior was never considered appropriate. Including the other instances described by women
- What has changed is that people are no longer willing to put up with it - or give it a pass - even for wealthy white privileged male pols who work for Wall St. Even for the corporate wing of @TheDemocrats who pretend that they stand up on this issue when they're actually #FOS.
- We can go back further than the 70s, can't we, Gloria Steinem. I know women who have always worked before you and your friends at the CIA came along and decided to appoint yourselves "liberators." It's NEVER been ok to treat women like this - in civil society or work.
- P.S. Let us know when you're 'ready' to support health care for ALL women, Gloria Steinem, not just SOME. (psst #MedicareForALL) Hope it doesn't take as long as you've been taking in giving #JoeBiden a pass on sexual harassment & disrespectfully treating SOME women as unequals.