Monday, August 06, 2018

From The TESR Test Kitchen

Pizza rolls?

Who doesn't love them?

And it's hard to screw them up.  Even if you make them in the microwave and they're damp, they're still good.  (But a toaster oven set or a set cooked in the regular oven will always taste better.)

It's really hard to screw that up.

But somehow Totino's found a way.

pizza rolls

The flavor?  Macaroni and cheese.  Wait, there's more.  Macroni and cheese with bacon.

Now maybe bacon alone would have worked in a pizza roll.  Or maybe mac and cheese by itself.  But together, it just doesn't work.  The taste is awful.  The bacon canels out the mac and cheese and just makes it taste like slimey bacon.

We rate this as epic fail and the worst offering of the year.

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