Monday, November 27, 2017

Who is Vernon Jordan?

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Vernon Jordan is many things but, according to Robin Morgan, quite a few aren't praiseworthy:

When I was in my 50s and moving down a distinguished receiving line at an elegant fundraiser for a progressive cause, I was stunned to find a second tongue in my mouth. During a handshake, I’d been suddenly yanked forward into the embrace of a man who acted as if I were an old friend and who was evidently unable to keep a civil tongue in his mouth. This man is a former civil-rights leader, an investment banker, a member of the board of directors of multiple corporations, was counselor to President Bill Clinton and adviser to Senator John Kerry, former president of The Urban League, and is the only black person to attend more than a few meetings of the Bilderberg Conference (annual private meetings of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite). Only later did I learn from Washington women friends that the powerful Vernon Jordan is notorious, as they euphemistically described it, "for giving the wettest French kisses in town."

That's Vernon Jordan!

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