Sunday, May 03, 2015

Most disgraceful member of Congress: Lois Frankel

And we thought she couldn't top herself after calling the American people stupid.

Thursday, she managed to insist that she wanted to focus on the present in Iraq and that a former US general was blaming America for the problems in the Middle East and then wanted to screech about the 2003 invasion.

See, that's not America to Lois Frankel.

To Lois, a US-supported war by Congress and by the White House in 2003 isn't "America."

But if someone dares to criticize Barack Obama's policies in the Middle East, they're "blaming" the United States.

". . . and of course I want to thank you, General,  for your service to our country," she started out with an insincere smile making it clear that she didn't.

"I deeply appreciate that. So with that said, I just want to say," Lois begin to clutch her bosom -- out of horniness of who knows what, we don't know, "General,  I am, I will try to say this as kindly as possible,   I am  perplexed of you laying the blame on this administration, first of all, for what's going on in the Middle East, first of all, without even commenting on another administration, took up, military action into Iraq in the first place, but I want to get past that."

Poor lying Lois.

She wants to get past it?

But she interrupts the general in less than two minutes to bring it up.

Deceitful Lois Frankel:  Because I-I-I think to-to-to blame the United States of America on what's going on in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran and Yemen and every other place in the world is ridiculous. And I think it's unfair. And-uh-uh -- so -- I do have a question though.  And my question is what role does a corruption of these governments and oppression of these governments the poverty in the country uh-uh and the lack of-of human infrastructure to replace these governments.  How does that effect what's-what's going on?  And this is for all of you?

General Jack Keane: Well first of all, I didn't blame the United States, for everything that's wrong with the Middle East. I quite frankly said that our policy deicisons enabled these activities and I think that's an important distinction to make.  We are -- we are contributors to our problems. I mean, it's conventional wisdom to say that the underlying factors in the Middle East is the real cause of all these problems and we should absolve the United States of any responsibility -- and those underlying factors are the ones that you're reaching out to.  And I certainly understand that.  The region by and large is run by repressive regimes -- almost every one of them has some degree of repression in it. The fact is the Arab Spring was about people seeking political and social injustice -- reform of political and social injustice and economic opportunity. There's political incompetence in the region and a lack of moral courage to make change.  There's historical sectarianism that's in the region.  But I'm also suggesting that something has fundamentally changed about the United States' role in that region in the last several years compared to what it has historically been. And I tried to point out to you those mistakes, those policy mistakes --

Deceitful Lois Frankel:  How-how-how -- excuse me! How-how-how 'bout going into Iraq in the first place?  Do you think that was a good decision?

Have you no shame, Lois?

Some people lack the maturity to serve in Congress.

We have no idea how she managed to get into Congress -- certainly wasn't due to her looks -- but it's really time she left.

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