Sunday, December 11, 2011

Latkes, Kugel, Sufganiyot or Brisket Recipes

Dear Friend,
Chanukah is just two weeks away, and I can almost taste the latkes and brisket.
If your family is like mine, your Chanukah recipes have been passed down from generation to generation (even though my jelly-filled doughnuts still don't taste as good as my bubbe's).
Speaking of recipes, do you have one for latkes, kugel, sufganiyot or brisket that you can share with our community? Send in it in now, and we'll feature it in our Online Recipe Guide:

Since this is our second year of the Federation Chanukah Online Recipe Guide, we're not starting from scratch. We've already posted some of the best recipes we received last year. But we're always looking for more!
Based on last year's response, these recipes will be enjoyed by people who have never grated a potato and are looking for help and by seasoned cooks who are always interested in perfecting their techniques. Happy Chanukah -- and thanks for sharing your recipe for a happy and meaningful holiday, Jay Sanderson President & CEO The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
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