Sunday, March 26, 2006

The 2008 Democratic primary is already over

The 2008 Democratic primary is already over.

What? We haven't even had the 2006 Democratic elections!

A reader sent in a laughable "The Case For Even Blah" (we call him "Blah"). The Case for Even?
"Electibility!" He's electable! Not as president. There's no proof of that. And the fact that he's so-so on choice shouldn't bother any of us because we should think "electability!"

Now he's got a "mixed record" on Civil Rights as well, "The Case" tells us, but he's "electable!"

"The Case" also includes comments making the case for Mark Warner. That would be the Democratic governor who looks too much like Richard Nixon. But hey, it's "electable," right? Nixon was "electable" twice!

Now Nixon lost to JKF. Was he "electable" when he lost?

We love All God's Gasbags Big and Small. We love how they're out there flaunting their ignorance so willing. Cokie Roberts and others with microphones shouldn't be the only gasbags. All you need to be a gasbag is to repeat media hype as fact.

For instance, Dems can't win in the "red states." Dems can't win, it's those 'vangical voters! Dems just can't win.

Now reality, as opposed to myth, is that the Democratic Party has allowed their candidates in those states to run from the Democratic label (Martin Frost, anyone?) . Reality is that the many of the candidates weren't interested in meeting the people in the "red states." The reality is that the final ticket was more concerned about "swing-states" than they were about "red states" so it's silly to make claims about races in states they didn't even make their presence felt in. Reality is that the Democratic Party has allowed the infrastructure to fall apart in the so-called "red states" for many years.

"Electability"? We think Dennis Kucinich said it best, "I'm electable if people vote for me.''

The party has enough bean counters and some of them have moonlighted as gasbags. So we think it's great that a new emerging crop of gasbags wants to moonlight as bean counters. Now they've got no hard data to point to, the way the bean counters do, but then the bean counter's data didn't really help all that much to begin with.

It's not just the Evan Blah crowd. We've seen endorsements for John Edwards for president since 2005. It must be nice, when no one's declared, to know who you would support in 2008. It must be nice to be so fixated on a person that you don't believe any issue could arise between now and 2008 (or 2005 and 2008), that might make you alter your opinion. One of us has a parent who will not do early voting under any circumstance. She waits until the day of the election. She will not vote before because who knows what might come out between then and election day.

But the gasbags are so certain, so sure of themselves (it's hard to believe they're sure of candidates because, after all, no one even has a campagin platform to run on yet), that no issue can deter them from cheerleading their choice.

It sure is interesting that Evan Blah's a sure thing, that John Edwards is a sure thing, that Hillary Clinton is a sure thing, that . . . Do gasbags ever attack each other?

That's a reality show we'd like to see. Online or offline gasbags (or a team of both) in an MTV style Gasbags Grudge Match.



Hope we didn't pop anyone's (gas) bubble.
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