Monday, August 07, 2023


a park painting 11

This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.



"Iraq: Al-Shorta advances in the King Salman Cup, a..." -- most requested highlight of the week.


THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Pride of the Boomers, Pride of the Senate," THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Alito Does Not Work For Ma Bell," THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Junior Topless, Nips To The Wind," THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Trump Charges Result In A GOP Slap Fight"  and THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Country Soft and Squishy" -- Isaiah's five comics for THE COMMON ILLS last week.


 "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq's government ignores climate change," "Iraq snapshot,"  "Crooked Clarence and a funder of SOUND OF FREEDOM facing child kidnapping charges," "Could we send the hate merchants off to their own island?," "NEW COMIC BOOKS RELEASING AUGUST 9th 2023 MARVEL COMICS & DC COMICS PREVIEWS COMING OUT THIS WEEK," "Hate merchants," "Bad economic news and those who betray faith," "Doo-Doo DeSantis is destroying Florida's economy," "Doo-Doo DeSantis remains a Nazi," "The turd becomes a sinking ship," "Crazy Marjorie Taylor Greene is screaming "Communist!"," "Lily Tomlin," "Isaiah on the boomers and RFK Jr. lies so more,"  "O'Shae Sibley's killer remains at large," "Sorry, I'm ok with the death penality for this one," "Yea Kamala! Boo Tuberville!," "Kamala," "Pee-Wee's Big Holiday," "Tara Reade's credibility problems," "The con artists exhausted themselves this weekend," "the continued decline of greenwald's mind," "tulsi garbage," "Alito and the corrupt Court," "One more time on Pee-Wee Herman," "Paul Reubens," "Why does FOX "NEWS" hate parents?,"  "Idiot of the week,"  "How badly will he destroy Florida?,"  "Trial junkies,"  "What is going on with audiences?," "O'Shae Sibley's murder," "Can we charge DeSantis too?," "The lousy and evil (Lorie Smith and the corrupt Court) and the good (Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith)," "Trump and his disgusting co-conspirators," "the awful ana kasparian, katie halper and dianne feinstein,"  "they're miserable so they want to destroy all of our rights,"  "The corruption and stupidity of Samuel Alito,"  "Doo-Doo Ron Ron becomes a sadder figure," "That crazy GOP," "THIS JUST IN! TRUMP TALKS DOO-DOO RON RON AND ENTERS NOT GUILTY PLEA!," "Casey is a work in progress as a female," "How much make up does it take to make Casey DeSantis look like a woman?," "He married a woman, he swears he did" and "THIS JUST IN! CASEY'S ALMOST READY FOR REAL TV!" -- news coverage in the community.

 "Elizabeth Taylor -- two books" -- book coverage in the community. 

"Flamy Grant,""Collecting vinyl," "Hideous Jason Aldean," and "THE BLUE ALBUM: 1967 - 1970" -- music coverage in the community.



"MEG 2: THE TRENCH," "Julian McMahon does a guest spot on JUST JACK & WILL," "Hasan Minhaj is the best we can do?," "Dumb Stephen Amell and Joe Rogan's crazies attack Jim Gaffifan" "Weekend box office" and  "minx" -- TV and movie coverage in the community.



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