I got in trouble for observing that while we can elect progressives
from time to time we cannot compel them to remain that way. Until we
figure out how to build institutions that can, we are at the mercy of
their individual moral and political compasses. The need to develop left
institutions to which progressive candidates can be held responsible is
an acute one, which the Nation in its slavish devotion to the
Democratic party predictably ignores. Noting this truth got me accused
of being a petty, lazy purist and ultraleftist. Oh well. Sober analysis
may not be what some people wanna hear at a victory party where
everybody’s popping champagne corks, dancing the electric slide and
toasting the universal lessons of the Ocasio-Cortez victory without the
bother of real analysis.
Being the sober guy at a victory party kinda sucks that way. But real
talk, we’re all gonna have to sober up eventually and figure out which
parts of the Ocasio-Cortez playbook are peculiar to and which ones are
applicable outside a majority Latino New York City district, and we have
yet to devise any means of holding progressive politicians truly
accountable. Those who think we don’t need critical analysis or
institutions to enforce accountability are the magical thinkers.
-- Bruce A. Dixon, "On Magical Thinking VS Sober Analysis of the Ocasio-Cortez Victory in NY" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).