"Iraq and the American electorate" -- most requested highlight of the week by readers of this site.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Man-on-Man" and Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Selfie" -- not one but two new Isaiah comics last week.
"Kat's Korner: Beyonce -- the fake ass feminist who..." -- Kat's amazing album review.
"Iraq snapshot" -- Congressional reporting from C.I.
"He has more product" and "THIS JUST IN! THE DELAY OF THE OBREEZY DOUCHE!" -- Cedric and Wally on Barack's new hygiene spray.
"Nikita -- 2nd to last episode," "revenge (the good)" and "revenge's mini-finale (the bad)" -- Mike and Rebecca cover TV.
"Wolverine," "Movie thoughts," "Thoughts on Hepburn and Desk Set," "The Butler got shut out" and "Worst film of 2013" -- Stan, Marcia and Betty go to the movies.
"For those who saw the bulls**t at Ms. . . .," "Missing FSRN, not feeling it for Beyonce," "A few thoughts," "F**k you bitches of Jezebel (NSFW)," "Janell Hobson is a Gender Traitor," "Promote violence against women? You're a whore," "Ms. magazine needs to close shop," "Beyonce," "the sad ms. magazine," "Yeah, Beyonce's a whore" and "Ms. magazine endorses violence against women" -- community response to the selling of pro-violence against women Beyonce as a feminist.
"The Out of Touch President" -- Isaiah dips into the arvhices.
"They still itch for war with Syria" -- Elaine on the government's desire for war with Syria.
"Isaiah, spying, the Clarkson TV 'special'" and "Setback for illegal spying" -- Elaine and Mike on the illegal spying.
"He gets another award" and "THIS JUST IN! THE AWARDS SEASON IS UNDERWAY!" -- Cedric and Wally on another 'honor' for Barack.