Journalist Bonnie Faulkner hosts Guns & Butter which airs on KPFA (1:00 pm PST, Wednesday afternoons) and on WBAI (9:00 am EST, Friday mornings).
It's also one of the few Pacifica Radio programs that offers real archives (click here).
How did Bonnie do the Fourth right?
With a rebroadcast of her 2007 discussion with the Center for Constitutional Rights' Michael Ratner (also a co-host of Law and Disorder Radio) about the war on civil liberties in the United States. The program was an important one in 2007.
It was even more important in 2011, after the party ruling from the White House changed and the war on liberties remained.
In 2008, Guns & Butter was targeted online (usually it's just KPFA attacked -- by the likes of David Corn and Norman Solomon -- for airing the immensely popular program). As a result, it's online presence outside of Pacifica has shrunk and is in still in the process of rebuilding.
Guns & Butter has consistently explored topics others refused to. And that remains true today. A current film Bonnie is noting has showings this week in California:
ANNOUNCEMENT: The West Coast Premiere of the new film, "9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out" will take place this coming week in two different venues in the Bay Area: Monday, July 9th in Alameda and Wednesday, July 11th, in San Francisco, both screenings at 7PM. Monday, July 9th, at Michaan's Auctions Theatre, 2700 Saratoga Street in Alameda, and Wednesday, July 11th, at the Victoria Theatre at 2961 16th Street in San Francisco. More information at www.911expertsspeakout.org or www.ae911truth.org. This event is free to the public. Suggested donation ten dollars.