For more information, contact:
John A. La Pietra, Elections Coordinator for the Green Party of
Michigan (269)781-9478 or by email
For immediate
Green Party
Presumptive Presidential Candidate Qualifies for Matching Funds
In a statement released this weekend, the committee to elect Dr. Jill Stein
announced the campaign's
achievement. This marks the
first time a Green Party Presidential candidate has met this standard.
In order to qualify to
receive federal matching funds, a candidate must earn donations of at least
from at least 20 states with each donation limited to $250 from
each donor. Because Green Party candidates
refuse corporate donations, this funding will prove crucial to
the campaign.

Now that the funding has
been secured, all donations to the Jill Stein campaign will be matched
for dollar up to the $250 individual donor limit. A rigorous
push from Michigan Green Party members resulted in
the state’s inclusion as one of the 20 which helped Dr. Stein
reach her goal.
Michigan Green Party
Co-Chair Fred Vitale emphasizes the deeper meaning of obtaining matching
funds: “Reaching this landmark underlines that the political
conversation in this country, and in Michigan, is
opening up to include Green solutions to the economic and
environmental crisis”.
The achievement of this
benchmark can be attributed to several factors, not the least of which is
Stein’s own enthusiasm and common sense strategies for
overhauling our broken political system. In her Green
New Deal, Dr. Stein outlines a revolutionary approach to the
office of President of the United States. This
summary of the Green New Deal comes directly from her
The Green New Deal is an emergency four part program of specific solutions for moving America quicklyout of crisis into the secure green future.We call these solutions a Green “New Deal” because they are inspired by the New Deal programs thathelped us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. And these solutions are “Green” because theycreate an economy that makes our communities sustainable and healthy.First, we will guarantee the economic rights of all Americans, beginning with the right to a job at a livingwage for every American willing and able to work.Second, we will transition to a sustainable, green economy for the 21st century, by adopting greentechnologies and sustainable production.Third, we will reboot and reprogram the financial sector so that it serves everyday people and ourcommunities, and not the other way around.Fourth, we will protect these gains by expanding and strengthening our democracy so that ourgovernment and our economy finally serve We the People.Take courage. Because of the urgency of these times, I am asking you personally to take courage andto be willing to believe that these major changes to our economy and politics are within our reach.
It was with this
strategy in hand that Dr. Stein travelled throughout the country giving
interviews, meeting
Green Party members, sitting in solidarity with the Occupy
movement and reinforcing her commitment to underserved,
underrepresented groups such as minorities and the poor. She has
made several appearances in
Michigan over the past few months, in person and recently on
Skype to the Green Party nominating convention
last month. Wherever she has met with Green Party members as
well as the general public, Dr. Stein has
proven a dynamic, intelligent and inspiring voice.
The political climate of
the United States, as well as that in countries throughout the world, cannot
ignored. The voices of the previously voiceless 99% of the
population has proven that only government truly of,
by and for the people can survive and prosper. It is the hunger
of the people for this change and the
dissatisfaction with the two twin major parties which has also
propelled Dr. Stein’s campaign.
As November draws
closer, excitement continues to build for this, the election year in which the
of Americans have the greatest chance to make the most dynamic
“The Green Party is no
longer the alternative,” one Stein advertisement explains, “it is the
The Jill Stein website: