No, not the Agency connections to Yes! magazine. A tired whore for the Agency can't spread for her country anymore so now she fronts a bad magazine. We get that. We really do. In fact, we got it before anyone did. In fact, Elaine and C.I. were in London when the old whore was outed by a British parliamentarian years ago. And, no, we're not at all surprised that she's friends with Amy Goodman. After all, not even outing being outed as a paid employee of the CIA has stopped Juan Cole from appearing on Goodman's bad program.
So it wasn't the Agency taint of New Economy Working Group that bothered us.
It was this novel idea that they pimped. Or 'novel.'
The problem with the economy, they told us over and over, was that Barack Obama, as US president, hadn't been bold enough.
That's been said since 2009. Yes! and the Institute for Policy Studies really needed to form yet another 'think tank' (of non-thinkers) to repeat what was already widely known?
Regardless, their 'answer' was that Barack needed to be pressured -- after the election, of course, and they insist that you vote for him -- and that when he was pressured, he would do something.
Pressure Barack?
Oh, how the fauxgressives make us laugh. In fact, it's almost as funny as that ugly woman sleeping with all those international officials to spy for the CIA years and years ago.
Weren't they going to pressure Barack in 2009? 'After he was elected'?
And did they?
They've never pressured Barack.
And, guess what else, Rahm's gone.

Remember Rahm?
The current mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, was White House Chief of Staff from January 20, 2009 to October 1, 2010. [Disclosure, C.I. knows and likes Rahm Emanuel.]
Rahm's gone.
He's been gone for almost two years.
He was the scapegoat, remember?
Barack, we were told, wanted to be 'progressive' and even 'democratic,' but that darn Rahm Emanuel just wouldn't let him.
Bad, Rahm! Bad, bad, bad!
Rahm's been gone for almost two years.
What's the excuse now?
They better find one quick because without one the New Economy Working Group looks even more like a fraud.