Sunday, November 12, 2023

Books (Stan, Ava and C.I.)



As we did in 2021, we're attempting to again increase book coverage in the community. After a review posts, we try to do a discussion with the reviewer.  This go round, we're talking to Stan about  his "Sam Staggs' FINDING ZZA ZZA: THE GABORS BEHIND THE LEGEND."  And in a nice change from the last few book discussions, you liked this book.


Stan: I really did.  Sam Staggs is a talented writer.  It's not just that his research turns up interesting information, its also that he knows how to write and present it so that you care.  He makes it come alive.


And this was your first time reading about any Gabor?


Stan: Yeah.  Like everyone, I watched GREEN ACRES in syndication growing up so I knew Eva Gabor who played Lisa Douglas on GREEN ACRES.   I think most of us all know her through the DISNEY cartoon movie THE ARISTOCATS.  She was the youngest of three daughters.  Magda was the middle sister.  She was a celebrity in her time.  And the oldest was Zza Zza Gabor who acted on TV and in movies.  Zza Zza?  I know of her from WILL & GRACE.  Jack gets into trouble with the law and needs Will to represent him.  Why?  As Will says, "You Zza Zza-ed a meter maid."  He slapped a meter maid.  At the end of her life, Zza Zza was most famous for slapping a police officer who pulled her over.

So you learned more about Zza Zza and the other Gabors.

Stan: Yes, including about their mother Jolie.  Very interesting lives.  They are Hungarian and all end up in the US.  Zza Zza's married to a Turkish diplomat and that allows her to get to the US but she has to spend a month in Iraq first.  She was married to Conrad Hilton as well.  All of them had very interesting lives.  It's a wonderful  book.  And now I've got a question -- for C.I.  You know Sam Staggs?

I've spoken to him a handful of times.


Stan: Is he a nice person?

Yes.  Very smart.  He can debate film for hours.  We disagreed about archival footage.  I think it's historical and useful and he was of the opinion -- at that time -- that the film should be what the film was.  He also felt that Bette Davis or Gloria Swanson should have won for Best Actress and not Judy Holiday.  I think that dismisses comedy and what Judy did in the role.  That said, Bette Davis would have also been a strong choice.  Gloria Swanson was a cartoon in her film and, no, she didn't deserve the award.  She should have been thrilled just to be nominated, my opinion.  And one of his best traits is that he's not afraid to share his opinion or to make the case for it.  I really don't think most of us, when we're talking films, expect or want to hear 'I agree with you 100%' over and over.  Sam's very smart and has a well thought opinion when he offers it.  And he's a great writer.

Stan: He really is.  The book of his I knew before this was ALL ABOUT ALL ABOUT EVE.  If there's time, I might do a review of it this year.  If not, I'll do it next year.  He's a really strong writer. And I recommend this book on the Gabors 100%. 


Previous book discussions this year.


 "Books (Ty, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Elaine, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Ava and C.I.),"  "Books (Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Isaiah, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Ann, Mike, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Stan, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Mike, Ava and C.I.),"  "Books (Ann, Elaine, Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Stan, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ann and C.I.)," "Books (Ruth, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Mike, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Rebecca, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Isaiah, Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Stan, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Kat, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Ann, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Trina, Ava and C.I.)," "Books (Marcia, Ava and C.I.)" and "Books (Ava and C.I.)."




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