Our e-mail is thethirdestatesundayreview@yahoo.com or common_ills@yahoo.com.
Time to dip into the mailbag. First up, Gretchen wonders if "you all hate GREASE. You've noted many films over the years but GREASE really didn't get a single kind word."
Dona is a GREASE fanatic. When she and Ava roomed together in college, Ava had to watch it with her "at least thirty times." Though not as big a fan as Dona, Ava states she enjoys the musical as well and that her favorite character is Stockard Channing's Rizzo. Dona's favorite is, of course, Sandy. Dona married Jim and chose well because he's as passionate about GREASE as she is. No one really dislikes the film but Gretchen is right that it's really not been noted here although we have frequently noted GREASE II.
Bradford wonders if we will ever go back to covering comic books?
We might. We don't like to repeat ourselves. Why did we stop? It seemed like we were writing the same article over and over, for one thing. For another, we covered WONDER WOMAN and were tired of idiots (Gloria Steinem being one) who didn't read the comic book getting their panties in a wad over the new creation myth that they'd come up with. We miss covering BATWOMAN and we're glad that we covered her -- and got that copy autographed by Greg Rucka. We do watch the show and hope you do as well. The comic book's strong visuals were made for a TV show or movie.
Streaming, wonders Josh, is it something we do on any of the disallowed streams? Speaking only for me, Ty, I have seen the one that is being cracked down on right now. iStreamItAll played at my barbershop regularly. So I did see some of the content on that. Myself, I don't stream the illegal. I remember Napstar and how that hideous Hillary Rosen was cracking down on everyone and fining people -- including Grandmas -- thousands of dollars over music. With that as a formative moment in my young life, I have avoided anything I don't pay for with the exception of playing music videos on YOUTUBE.
Mel wonders if we are done doing periodical reviews? Yes, we are. Print is largely dead and certainly should be for the political periodicals we used to cover. We also used to cover music periodicals. Many of them have ceased publication. We might need to start doing music sites reviews. I don't know.
Carter wants to know who we're supporting? Well we support Martin Scorsese in his battle for better films. But I assume Carter means in terms of the Democratic Party primary. Not everyone who participates in these would be classified as a Democrat. For example, Jess and Ann were raised by Green parents and are Greens. In terms of support in the Democratic Party primary, a number of us supported Tulsi Gabbard initially. However, when she failed to challenge Joe Biden at the debate at the end of July, we were done with her. Right now, if we're pulling for someone in the Democratic Party primary, we're pretty much willing to support either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. In terms of the Green Party, those planning to vote in that primary are supporting Dario Hunter. We're also noting Adam Kokesh's run for the Libertarian Party nomination. We often note that party. Equally true, we all have nothing but kind thoughts for Adam Kokesh. We think he's a good guy and that he's stood strong. I should also point out that we don't tell you who to vote for here. We assume that you are smart enough to figure out who to vote for and don't need us to order you around.
Ginger e-mails to ask what's "the biggest lesson you've learned after 15 years online?" We hit fifteen years next month. I guess I'd say the biggest lesson is that you never know anything so don't kid yourself. You're constantly learning. C.I. has said something that always blows me away because she's so smart and informed. She says she always approaches any discussion with the working principle that she's the least informed in the room. I think that's a pretty smart attitude to have