This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.
"More killings as Iraqi officials fail to do their …" -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.
"Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "Joe Makes The …" and "Isaiah's THE WORLD TODAY JUST NUTS "I Like Being A..." -- Isaiah's latest two comics.
"Iraq snapshot," "The protests continue," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "When will self-described Iraq 'expert' Joe Biden b...," "Idiot of the week," "We need Bernie," "Susan Hennessey is ugly," "America needs (and deserves) Bernie,"
"Truth drips out slowly," "Glen Ford, Kimberley Strassel and Ian56," "Barack knew," "The realities of the corruption behind the push for impeachment," "Americans are either bored or angry with the nonsense from the House," "Time for John Brennan to go behind bars," "Meyer trashes her own reputation," "Yes, there was wrongdoing on the part of the FBI," "Keep your hand near the panic button in case we ne...," "Hunter Biden, the joke that is Joe and more," "I'm backing Dario," "Such a tiny world, so many pervs on it," "Always remember Victoria Nuland is a damn liar (to...," "Oh, it's not just Prince Edward," "Prince Andrew and his fellow pedophile Jeffrey Eps...," "Cenk and Farron -- two toxic pukes," "Julian and the latest episode of Emergence," "Bernie's leading but the press ignores it and Bloomberg disses Joe Biden," "Afghanistan," "New NAFTA is going to be horrendous," "Dollar Tree, a recipe and indoor gardening," "is this bitch for real?," "we got the jokes (we got the jokes, yeah, we got it!)," "bernie!," "stank ass eric Boehlert," "Good for THE NEW YORK POST," "The press continues its distortion of democracy," "Am I really agreeing with Donald Trump Jr." and "Joe's Irish remark" -- political coverage in the community.
"Pointing Podesta" -- Isaiah dips into the archives
"Baked Macaroni with Red Sauce in the Kitchen" and "Soft Tacos with Southwestern Vegetables and the FBI needs more oversight and accountability" -- Trina serves up two new recipes.
"Books and music" and "Books and coming up with the best albums of the la..." -- Kat and Elaine.
"RICHARD JEWELL," "Do we all look alike to ABC?," "Clint Eastwood's new film and the controversy," "MARVEL TV is over (for now)," "Weekend box office thoughts," "The Globes and the ridiculous ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION," "The Golden Globes," "'the flash'," "Chrissie Hynde, MODERN FAMILY," "Batwoman again," "Julian and the latest episode of Emergence" and "Batwoman" -- TV and movie coverage in the community.
"Curiosity" and "Water, ice and cross-breeding pigs and monkeys -- science post" -- Betty covers science.