WHITE HOUSE IN CRISIS claimed the 'report' on MSNBC Saturday. Crisis?
Really? Because it didn't feel like it.
Which may go to many things but maybe chief among them is that the holiday period is not a time to push an impeachment. Good will toward men and all that, you know?
Didn't vote for Donald Trump. That doesn't mean I support impeachment. I don't support it. Money may or may not have been threatened to be withheld from Ukraine? That's the country that we installed Nazis in, remember? And whether or not that country -- or any other -- receives money from the US isn't really an issue for me. It certainly doesn't rise to impeachment level action. It seems small and petty to try to impeach someone over something like that.
And, again, the season.
MSNBC is selling "CRISIS!" in the season but I'm not seeing it. Are you? It's like any other month since Trump has been president. That translates often as, "We got nuts in complaining about something he's doing that Barack and others were doing before him." Barack Obama earned the name Deporter In Chief and Donald Trump still hasn't broken Barack's records on deportations. Remember when people were outraged and posting those photos of children in cages . . . until they found out that the photos were taken when Barack Obama was president? A lot of the ginned up outrage is rather selective.
So, no, I'm not really seeing "CRISIS!" right now. I wish I was seeing snow but I doubt that happens in California, right? Maybe once every fifty years.
It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They putting up reindeer
Singing songs of joy and peace
That's where I'm at right now, with Joni Mitchell and her song "River." And thinking about the gifts we got for our kids. And wishing we could have peace on earth. I don't have a lot of time for MSNBC or creative and selective outrage. I don't have a lot of time for nonsense and I don't believe anyone does this time of year. Whomever thought that impeachment was a Christmas gift for America thought wrong.