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Fed up with the rigged political system? Want real democracy? Stand w/ me for #OpenDebates! …
Democrats smearing critics as agents of Russia is the mirror image of how Putin smears his critics as US agents. …
We must honor Jill Stein's call for a new 9/11 investigation @HuffPostBlog … via @HuffPostPol @DrJillStein
Here's why FBI whistleblower @ColeenRowley supports our call for a new 9/11 investigation: …
The LIU professor lockout has set a dangerous precedent for higher education. #LIUWalkout
Happy birthday, Leonard Peltier. If Obama doesn't pardon you, I will as president.
I'm on enough ballots to win the electoral majority. We should hear from all candidates, not just establishment picks. #OpenDebates
Bin Laden's assassination broke international law and made him a martyr. I would have brought him to trial. #Sept11
Students deserve to be taught by qualified professors who are fully compensated. Locking out profs at LIU-Brooklyn doesn't help. #LIULockout
LIU-Brooklyn set a terrible precedent in higher ed. I demand justice for 400+ profs + 1000s of students. #LIUWalkout
It's time to have an honest discussion of racism, so we can end it for good. #ItsInOurHands #BlackLivesMatter

My fundamental concern w/the health of the planet + every person who lives on it of course includes my political opponents, @HillaryClinton.
It is easy to forget candidates are human beings, too. I sincerely extend my best wishes to @HillaryClinton for a full + speedy recovery.
@WWEDanielBryan endorsed @DrJillStein on smack talk! Get the yes movement behind her!
We stand w/ 400+ professors who are locked out of LIU Brooklyn in an unprecedented move + students walking out of class at noon. #liuwalkout
.@realDonaldTrump's response to @Kaepernick7 et. al. who are resisting an anthem celebrating black murders is "leave the country." #empathy
Let's remember the hundreds of thousands who have died as a result of the U.S. response to #Sept11. #NeverForget
We're kicking off a campaign to #OpenDebates. Call Janet H. Brown at or call her at 202.872.1020!
Let's recognize the government's pattern of suppressing indigenous people. @ajamubaraka + I #StandWithStandingRock. …