Above is a frightening photo of Michelle Obama as she and others applaud her husband's latest do-nothing pretense. It was the White House. Barry wanted to pretend he was doing something amazing and different.
The White House Council on Women and Girls was being created!!!!!
Praise be Barry!
As Josh Gerstein (Politico) explained, it was a council "with no full-time staff, no Cabinet-level leader and no set meeting schedule." Martha Burk told Gerstein, "I think it falls far short of what's needed. With all respect to Valerie Jarret and Tina Tchen, both of whom are excellent folks . . . I think both are going to find this is one of many things they're responsible for and I think they'll be stretched to give it proper attention. We have told them that."
Despite writing Ms. magazine's only must-read each issue, Burk was strangely not quoted in the feel-good write-up Feminist Wire Daily issued. (Like Ms., Feminist Wire Daily is owned and operated by the Feminst Majority Foundation.) After an embarrassing, Kim Gandy-like blog post at The New Agenda, they offered a better one at the end of the week. Let's stay with the first one though. Amy Siskind (the face of TNA) shows up in the comments to insist of the embarrassing post that, "we didn't 'praise' her" meaning Valerie Jarrett. Your bad post is entitled "Why Valerie Jarrett is good for women" -- you don't get how you just praised her? You really don't get that, Amy? Really?
Sheryl Robinson has written nothing but an ass-kiss, one that includes this:
Valerie Jarrett is a woman, and she gets some support from me for that fact alone. She's a woman in power. We need more women in power -- Yay, Valerie! It's not fair to say that she's anti-woman. She’s been a friend and advisor to Obama since long before he entered politics. I wouldn't say Michelle Obama is anti-woman for supporting Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin, and I can’t make that accusation of Valerie Jarrett or Rahm Emanuel, either. They're loyal to Obama, and I see loyalty and longevity as virtues.
TCI community member Keesha called this garbage out and the response was a snippy little snit-fit by TNA's Anna Belle who insisted, "I appreciate you expressing yourself honestly and openly, so thank you. That said, I don’t think anyone is asking anyone else to be a cheerleader. I think the point is to maybe wait and see what happens before we criticize and object. " Wait and see? "Yay, Valerie!" wrote Sheryl Robinson in the post entitled "Why Valerie Jarrett is Good for Women" and Anna Belle wants to claim no one's being asked to cheerlead? Does the stupid moron AB have any idea what "Yay, Valerie!" is? That would be a cheer you stupid, stupid idiot.
While AB and Amy act insultingly to women who disagree with their cheerleading, they're perfectly fine with male pig Kevin. Here's part of what Kevin says:
This crack within TNA supporters - whether or not Obama is a sexist and whether or not he purposefully fostered sexism against HRC and Mrs. Palin and whether or not to despise all those close to Obama - should somehow be discussed and resolved for the purpose of a greater cause, advancing women’s rights.
Here is Amy's response to Kevin in full:
I don’t think folks are ready to put aside the misogyny in that campaign against Sarah and Hillary. I for one am not. But I want to put it into something useful so in 2010 and 2012 and in the future, we can do things to change our national dialogue and make this behavior unacceptable.
Here's Karen's response in full:
Kevin, there is no crack, but we do discuss our disagreements and work them out.
Wow. Kind of strange isn't it that the face of TNA and little Karen both respond to Kevin and neither call him out on belittling Governor Sarah Palin by referring to her as "Mrs. Palin." If you're going to use a title for Palin, the title would be "Governor." It sure is strange that a feminist organization would fail to catch that snark.
But it's strange that the face of a feminist organization would insist -- in comments of the same post -- that " IMO, being new to the women's movement myself, I think some fresh faces are needed." Really? You left that out when you were going on TV to talk feminism. You left it out in a lot of things and, from where we sit, we're feeling burned by you. We defended you against many attacks and did so assuming you were a feminist. Now you're telling us you're "new to the women's movement"? Where were you?
We might be far less suspicious had we not been informed that the author of that bad post, Sheryl Robinson is a Barack supporter and was a Barack supporter. Is that true? If it is, it makes all her comments in that awful blog post suspect.