"This isn't about experience." No, because Barack doesn't have any.
"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country." We'll let you know when your country's proud of you. Tip, don't hold your breath waiting for that call.
America is "just downright mean." While Caroline schilled for your husband and compared him to her father, we're guessing this is part of the reason she didn't compare you to Jackie.
"Don't go into corporate America." Doesn't seem to have hurt her. The hospital she was working for paid her $115,889 the year before her husband entered the senate. They raised it to $317,000 as soon as he became a senator. She worked for The University of Chicago Medical Center where her job was to give the poor the heave-ho out of the hospital and send them to a charity ward elsewhere. (Warning to people of color, the hospital knew this was a "touchy" situation and bragged that because Michelle Obama was African-American, it mitgitated the criticism of the hospital's attacks on the poor.) But don't worry, the hospital can afford it, Barack worked on an earmark that got the hospital one million dollars in 2006.